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2.90. Wie schlimm ist das, wofür sie ihre Seelen verkauft haben: daß sie das verleugnen, was Allah herabgesandt hat, aus Mißgunst (darüber), daß Allah etwas von Seiner Huld offenbart, wem von Seinen Dienern Er will! So haben sie sich Zorn über Zorn zugezogen. Und für die Ungläubigen gibt es schmachvolle Strafe.

[ alBaqara:90 ]

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Medina-Musshaf Seite 107

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

5.3. Hurrimat AAalaykumu almaytatu waalddamuwalahmu alkhinziiri wama ohilla lighayri Allahibihi waalmunkhaniqatu waalmawquudhatu waalmutaraddiyatuwaalnnatiihatu wama akala alssabuAAuilla ma dhakkaytum wama dhubihaAAala alnnusubi waan tastaqsimuu bial-azlamidhalikum fisqun alyawma ya-isa alladhiina kafaruumin diinikum fala takhschawhum waikhschawni alyawmaakmaltu lakum diinakum waatmamtu AAalaykum niAAmatii waradiitulakumu al-islama diinan famani idturra fii makhmasatinghayra mutadschanifin li-ithmin fa-inna Allahaghafuurun rahiimun

5.3. Forbidden unto you (for food) are carrion and blood and swine flesh, and that which hath been dedicated unto any other than Allah, and the strangled, and the dead through beating, and the dead through falling from a height, and that which hath been killed by (the goring of) horns, and the devoured of wild beasts, saving that which ye make lawful (by the death stroke), and that which hath been immolated unto idols. And (forbidden is it) that ye swear by the divining arrows. This is an abomination. This day are those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear Me! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor unto you, and have chosen for you as religion AL- ISLAM. Whoso is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin: (for him) lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Pickthall)

5.3. Verboten ist für euch das Gestorbene und das Blut und das Fleisch des Schweines und das, wofür anderes als Allah angerufen wurde, und das Erstickte und das Erschlagene und das Heruntergestürzte und das durch Hörnerstoß Getötete und was das Raubtier angefressen hat, - außer was ihr regelrecht geschlachtet habt, - und was auf dem Götzenopferstein geschlachtet wurde, und daß ihr mit Lospfeilen orakelt, dies ist Frevel. Heute werden diejenigen hoffnungslos, die den Glauben verweigert haben, wegen eurer Religion, also fürchtet nicht sie, sondern fürchtet Mich. Heute habe Ich für euch eure Religion vollständig gemacht, und Ich habe Meine Gnade an euch erfüllt, und Ich habe für euch den Islam als Religion gewünscht, - und wer genötigt ist, aus Hunger, ohne Abgehen zu mutwilliger Sünde, so ist Allah ja verzeihend, barmherzig. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

5.3. Verboten ist euch (der Genuß von) Verendetem, Blut, Schweinefleisch und dem, worüber ein anderer (Name) als Allah(s) angerufen worden ist, und (der Genuß von) Ersticktem, Erschlagenem, zu Tode Gestürztem oder Gestoßenem, und was von einem wilden Tier gerissen worden ist - außer dem, was ihr schlachtet - und (verboten ist euch,) was auf einem Opferstein geschlachtet worden ist, und mit Pfeilen zu losen. Das ist Frevel. - Heute haben diejenigen, die ungläubig sind, hinsichtlich eurer Religion die Hoffnung aufgegeben. So fürchtet nicht sie, sondern fürchtet Mich! Heute habe Ich euch eure Religion vervollkommnet und Meine Gunst an euch vollendet, und Ich bin mit dem Islam als Religion für euch zufrieden. - Und wer sich aus Hunger in einer Zwangslage befindet, ohne zu einer Sünde hinzuneigen, so ist Allah Allvergebend und Barmherzig. (Bubenheim)

5.3. Verboten ist euch folgendes: Verendetes, Blut, Schweinefleisch, in einem anderen Namen als dem Gottes Geschlachtetes, Ersticktes, zu Tode Geschlagenes, zu Tode Gestürztes, zu Tode Gestoßenes, das durch ein wildes Tier Getötete; ausgenommen sind Tiere, die ihr noch lebend erreicht und schlachten könnt. Verboten ist euch auch das auf heidnischen Steinen Geschlachtete. Verboten ist euch, durch Lospfeile zu losen, was Frevel ist. Heute haben die Ungläubigen jegliche Hoffnung aufgegeben, eurer Religion Schaden zuzufügen, so fürchtet sie nicht! Mich allein sollt ihr fürchten. Heute habe Ich eure Religion vervollständigt, Meine Gnade an euch vollendet und euch den Islam als eure Religion vermittelt. Wer sich vor Hunger gezwungen findet, etwas Verbotenes zu essen, ohne vorsätzlich eine Sünde zu beabsichtigen, dem wird Gott verzeihen, ist Er doch voller Vergebung und Barmherzigkeit. (Azhar)

5.3. Für haram wurde euch erklärt das Verendete, das (vergoßene) Blut, Schweinefleisch, das, was für andere als ALLAH geschächtet wurde, das Erwürgte, das Erschlagene, das zu Tode Gestürzte, das tödlich (von anderen Tieren) Gestoßene, das von Raubtieren Angefressene, außer dem, was ihr (noch vor dem Verenden) durch Schächten gereinigt habt, das, was auf den Kultsteinen geschlachtet wurde, und dass ihr eure Entscheidungen durch Al-azlam trefft. Dies ist Fisq! An diesem Tag haben die Kafir (es) aufgegeben, (euch) von eurem Din (abzubringen), so fürchtet sie nicht, sondern (nur) Mich! An diesem Tag habe ICH euch (die Gebote) eures Din vervollständigt, euch Meine Gabe (Rechtleitung) vollendet und euch den Islam als Din zugestimmt. Wer jedoch durch Hungersnot, ohne dabei eine Verfehlung zu beabsichtigen, gezwungen wird, (dies zu übertreten), so ist ALLAH gewiss allvergebend, allgnädig. (Zaidan)

5.3. Verboten ist euch (der Genuß von) Fleisch von verendeten Tieren, Blut, Schweinefleisch und (von) Fleisch, worüber (beim Schlachten) ein anderes Wesen als Allah angerufen worden ist, und was erstickt, (zu Tod) geschlagen, (zu Tod) gestürzt oder (von einem anderen Tier zu Tod) gestoßen ist, und was ein wildes Tier angefressen hat - es sei denn, ihr schächtet es (indem ihr es nachträglich ausbluten laßt) -, und was auf einem (heidnischen) Opferstein (nusub) geschlachtet worden ist, und (ferner ist euch verboten) mit Pfeilen zu losen. So etwas (zu tun) ist Frevel. - Heute haben diejenigen, die ungläubig sind, hinsichtlich eurer Religion nichts mehr zu hoffen (da sie nichts mehr dagegen ausrichten können). Darum fürchtet nicht sie, sondern mich! Heute habe ich euch eure Religion vervollständigt (so daß nichts mehr daran fehlt) und meine Gnade an euch vollendet, und den Islam als Religion gutgeheißen. - Und wenn einer (von euch) aus Hunger sich in einer Zwangslage befindet (und aus diesem Grund gegen ein Speisegebot verstößt), ohne sich (bewußt) einer Sünde zuzuneigen, so ist Allah barmherzig und bereit zu vergeben. (Paret)

5.3. Verboten ist euch das Verendete sowie Blut und Schweinefleisch und das, worüber ein anderer als Allahs Name angerufen wurde; das Erdrosselte, das zu Tode Geschlagene, das zu Tode Gestürzte oder Gestoßene und das, was Raubtiere angefressen haben, außer dem, was ihr geschlachtet habt, ferner das, was auf einem heidnischen Opferstein geschlachtet worden ist, und ferner (ist euch verboten), daß ihr durch Lospfeile das Schicksal zu erkunden sucht. Das ist eine Freveltat. Heute haben die Ungläubigen vor eurem Glauben resigniert; also fürchtet nicht sie, sondern fürchtet Mich. Heute habe Ich euch eure Religion vervollkommnet und Meine Gnade an euch vollendet und euch den Islam zum Glauben erwählt. Wer aber durch Hungersnot gezwungen wird, ohne sündhafte Neigung - so ist Allah Allverzeihend, Barmherzig. (Rasul)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 3 bis 3

You are forbidden carrion ( 9 ) and blood, the flesh of swine and of that animal which has been slaughtered in any other name than that of Allah, ( 10 ) and of the strangled animal, and of that beaten to death or killed by a fall or gored to death or mangled by a beast of prey -save of that you duly slaughtered while it was still alive ( 11 ) -and of that which is slaughtered at (un-godly) shrines. ( 12 ) - ( 13 ) It is also unlawful for you to try to find your fortune by means of divining devices, ( 14 ) for all these things are sinful acts, Today the disbelievers have despaired of (vanquishing) your religion; therefore do not fear them but fear Me. ( 15 ) Today I have perfected your religion for you and completed My blessing on you and approved Islam as the way of life for you , ( 16 ) (Therefore observe the limits prescribed by the Law); if, however, one, dying of hunger, eats of any of these forbidden things, provided that he is not inclined towards sin, he will find Allah Forgiving and Compassionate. ( 17 )

Desc No: 9
That is, the flesh of the animal that dies a natural death.  

Desc No: 10
That is, the flesh of the animal which has been slaughtered in the name of another than Allah or has been slaughtered with the intention of dedicating. it to a saint or a god or a goddess etc. (Please also see E.N. 171 of Al-Baqarah). 

Desc No: 11
That is, "If an animal falls a victim to any of these accidents but is still alive and is duly slaughtered, it is lawful to eat its flesh". This also implies that the flesh of a clean animal becomes lawful only when it is slaughtered in the prescribed way and that there is no other way of making it lawful. In the prescribed way only that much of the throat is cut that enables the blood to flow out freely. This cannot happen if the whole of the neck is cut off or if the animal is strangled or killed in any other way because in that case most of the blood remains in the body and congeals at different places and sticks to the flesh. But when it is slaughtered in the prescribed way, the whole of the body remains connected with the brain for a sufficiently long time to allow the blood to flow totally out of the body and the flesh is cleansed of the blood which in itself is unlawful. Therefore it is essential that the flesh should be cleansed of blood in order to become lawful.  

Desc No: 12
The Arabic word nusub applies to all those places which have been specifically dedicated to any saint or god, etc., for making offerings to them or for any other kind of ungodly worship whether there is or is not any sort of stone or wooden idol therein.  

Desc No: 13
In this connection, it should be understood well that the limits prescribed by the Law for making eatables lawful or unlawful are not laid down from the point of view of physical health but from the moral and spiritual points of view. As regards the matters concerning physical health, these have been left to man's own judgement and discretion, It is his own business to find out what things are useful or harmful for his physical health and nourishment and the Law does not take any responsibility for his guidance in this respect. Had it done so, poison would have been the first thing to be made unlawful, but there is absolutely no mention of this or other deadly things in the Qur'an or the Traditions. The Law is only concerned about what is morally or spiritually harmful or beneficial and also about the right or wrong means for obtaining lawful things. It is obvious that man has no means of finding out these things by himself and is consequently liable to commit errors in this matter without the guidance of the law. For whatever has been prohibited, has been prohibited because it is harmful from the point of view of cleanliness or morality or belief. On the contrary, whatever has been made lawful, has been made so because it is free from all these evils.
One might ask why Allah has not explained the philosophy underlying the prohibition of certain things for the clear understanding of the people. This is because it is not possible for mankind to comprehend this. For instance, it is not possible for us to make a research into the nature of moral evils that are produced by eating carrion, blood or the flesh of swine, nor is it easy to find out how they are produced and to what extent, because we have no means of measuring or weighing morality, It is, therefore, obvious that, even if their evil effects had been explained, the position of the sceptic would have remained the same as before for the lack of means of testing their veracity.
This is why Allah has declared the observance of the limits prescribed for the lawful and the unlawful as a matter of belief. One, who believes in the Qur'an as the book of God and in the Holy Prophet as His Messenger and in Allah as AllKnowing and All-Wise, will observe the prescribed limits whether one understands their philosophy or not. On the other hand, if one does not believe in this basic creed, one will avoid only those things which are harmful according to human knowledge and will go on suffering from the consequences of those which man has not learnt to be harmful. 

Desc No: 14
This verse comprises three categories of prohibitions:
(1) It prohibits the pagan ways of taking omens from a god or a goddess and the like, about one's fortune or getting indications as to the future or deciding disputes. For instance, the pagan Quraish of Makkah had specified the idol of Hubal at the Ka`abh for this purpose and kept near it seven divining arrows. They would, after presenting the offering to the priest and performing certain ceremonies, pull out an arrow and regard the words engraved on it as the verdict of Hubal. (2) The second category consists of the superstitious ways and irrational methods of taking decisions about the daily problems of life for anything regarded as portending good or evil regardless of reason or knowledge, or of finding out future events blindly by the ominous signifcance of particular things, circumstances, occurrences or proceedings or the like. In short, it included all the so-called arts of prediction and prophetic significance.
(3) The third category includes all kinds of gambling in which the distribution of things etc., is based on mere chance and not on merit, right, service or other rational considerations. For instance, all the schemes of lottery which entitle a certain holder of a ticket to a prize merely on chance, and at the expense of a large number of other holders of such tickets, or the award of prizes for cross-word puzzles in which a certain answer out of a large number of correct ones corresponds, by mere chance, to the answer that has been ear-marked as correct for the purpose - all these things are unlawful.
However, one simple form of casting lots is lawful in Islam, when there are two equally lawful things or rights and there is no rational method of deciding between them. Supposing two persons have equal rights, in every respect, to something and the judge finds no rational justification to give preference to either of the disputants, neither of whom is willing to forgo his rights. In such a case, if they mutually agree, the matter may be decided by casting lots, or if one has to choose one of the two lawful things and is in difficulty in regard to the choice, one is allowed to cast lots for it. The Holy Prophet adopted this method on such occasions as required a choice to be made between two persons with equal rights, whenever he thought that if he himself decided in favour of one, the other might be grieved. 

Desc No: 15
"Today" does not mean a particular day or date but the time when this verse was revealed.
"The disbelievers have despaired of your religion" means: "After along systematic resistance and opposition, they have lost hope of defeating your religion. Now they do not expect that you wilt ever return to the former way of "ignorance" because your religion has become a permanent way of life and has been established on a firm footing. Therefore. "Do not fear them but fear Me." That is, there is no longer any danger of interference from the disbelievers that they will prevent you from the performance of your religious obligations. You should, therefore, fear God and observe His commands and instructions because no ground for fear has been left for you. Now your disobedience of the Law will mean that you do not intend to obey Allah." 

Desc No: 16
"I have perfected your religion" means: "I have provided it with all the essential elements of a permanent way of life which comprises a complete system of thought and practice and civilization and have laid down principles and given detailed instructions for the solution of all human problems. Hence there is no need for you to seek guidance and instructions from any other source."
The completion of "the blessing" is the completion of the blessing of guidance.
"I have approved Islam as the way of life for you" because you have practically proved by your obedience and devotion to it that you sincerely believe in Islam which you have accepted. As I have practically set you free from every kind of subjection and servitude there is no compulsion for you to submit to any other than Me in your practical life." It also implies, "As a gratitude for these blessings of Mine, you should show no negligence in the observance of the prescribed limits."
Authentic traditions show that this declaration was revealed on the occasion of the last Hajj performed by the Holy Prophet in A.H. 10. I am however of the opinion that it was at first revealed in A.H. 6 close after the treaty of Hudaibiyah as a part of this discourse, but was again sent down to the Holy Prophet for its declaration on that suitable occasion. This is because this verse is so well knit in this context that it would be incomplete without it, Therefore it cannot Be imagined that it was inserted here afterwards when it was revealed in A.H. 10. I believe (and the real knowledge is with Allah) that at the time of its revelation in this context its real significance was not realized, therefore in A.H. 10, when the whole of Arabia was subdued and the power of Islam reached its zenith, Allah again sent down these sentences to His Prophet for their declaration on the occasion of his last Hajj. 

Desc No: 17
Please refer to E.N. 172 of Al-Baqarah.  "

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