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26.194. auf dein Herz, damit du zu den Überbringern von Warnung gehörst,

[ asSu'ara:194 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alBaqara (2)  Ayah: 40


Medina-Musshaf Seite 007

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

2.40. Ya banii isra-iila odhkuruuniAAmatiya allatii anAAamtu AAalaykum waawfuu biAAahdii uufibiAAahdikum wa-iyyaya fairhabuuni

2.40. O Children of Israel! Remember My favor wherewith I favored you, and fulfil your (part of the) covenant, I shall fulfil My (part of the) covenant and fear Me. (Pickthall)

2.40. Ihr Kinder Israils, erinnert euch Meiner Wohltat, mit der Ich euch wohlgetan habe, und haltet die Abmachung mit Mir ein, so halte Ich die Abmachung mit euch ein, und habt Ehrfurcht vor Mir. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

2.40. O Kinder lsra´ils, gedenkt Meiner Gunst, die Ich euch erwiesen habe! Und haltet euren Bund Mir gegenüber, so will Ich Meinen Bund euch gegenüber halten! Und vor Mir (allein) sollt ihr Ehrfurcht haben. (Bubenheim)

2.40. O ihr Kinder Israels! Gedenkt der Gaben, die Ich euch gewährt habe, und erfüllt euer Bündnis mit Mir, damit Ich Mein Bündnis mit euch erfülle. Mich allein sollt ihr fürchten. (Azhar)

2.40. Kinder Israils! Entsinnt euch Meiner Gaben, die ICH euch gewährt habe, und erfüllt das von Mir Auferlegte, dann erfülle ICH das euch von Mir Versprochene, und habt Ehrfurcht Mir gegenüber! (Zaidan)

2.40. Ihr Kinder Israel! Gedenket meiner Gnade, die ich euch erwiesen habe! Und erfüllt eure Verpflichtung gegen mich! Dann werde (auch) ich meine Verpflichtung gegen euch erfüllen. Und vor mir (allein) sollt ihr Angst haben. (Paret)

2.40. O ihr Kinder Israels! Gedenkt Meiner Gnade, die Ich euch erwiesen habe und erfüllt euer Versprechen Mir gegenüber, so erfülle Ich Mein Versprechen euch gegenüber. Und Mich allein sollt ihr fürchten. (Rasul)

2.40. O Kinder Israels, gedenkt Meiner Gunst, die Ich euch (einst) erwiesen hatte. Wenn ihr eure Verpflichtungen Mir gegenüber haltet, dürft ihr auf Mein Versprechen hoffen. Und Mich (allein) sollt ihr fürchten. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 40 bis 40

O children of Israel! ( 56 ) Just recall to mind My favour wherewith I blessed you fulfil your covenant with Me and I shall fulfil My covenant with you, and fear Me alone.

Desc No: 56
'Israel' means the servant of Allah. This was the title that Allah had bestowed upon Jacob, who was a son of Isaac, and a grandson of Abraham (Allah's peace be upon them all ). His descendents are called children of Israel. Up to verse 39, it was an introductory discourse meant for all mankind. From verse 40 to verse 121 is a new discourse in which the children of Israel have been especially and particularly addressed. In some places it has also been directed towards the Christians and the mushriks of Arabia and in between towards the people who believed in the Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings). In order to understand the full significance of this address, the following should be kept in view.
First, it aims to appeal to those few followers of the former Prophets, who were still capable of reforming themselves to believe in the Truth which the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) had brought and to cooperate with the mission which he had been appointed to perform. They are, therefore, told that the message of the Qur'an is the same as of the Scriptures of the former Prophets, and the mission of the Holy Prophet also was the same as theirs. It means to say: "At tirst this mission was entrusted to you so that you may put the Message into practice and then invite the world to accept it. But, not to speak of carrying out the mission, you discarded the Guidance and went on degenerating. The past history of your community and its present moral and religious degeneration are a standing witness against you. Now Allah has sent another Servant of His with the same Message and mission and there is nothing new or strange in this for you. You should not, therefore, oppose the Truth knowingly. The best thing for you is to accept it and cooperate with those who are doing the same work that was once entrusted to you."
Secondly, it aims to argue the Jews out of their wrong position and to expose their moral and religious degeneration thoroughly. Therefore, it proves conclusively that their attitude towards Islam was absolutely wrong; for they were opposing it, whereas they knew that its fundamentals were exactly the same as of their religion and that there was nothing in the teachings of the Qur'an that was different from or opposed to the teachings of the Torah in principle. It also shows that they had utterly failed to follow the Guidance which was given to them and fulfil the obligations of the leadership entrusted to them. As a proof thereof, such incidents have been cited as they could not deny. Moreover, this address unravelled the plots they were hatching, the doubts they were arousing, the crooked arguments they were advancing and the evil machinations they were contriving to defeat the mission of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings), though they knew it to be from Allah. This also exposed their "piety", for it lacked sincerity and righteousness and was motivated by obduracy, prejudice and self-worship. It also proved beyond any shadow of doubt that they did not really want virtue to thrive. This produced the desired effect: it opened the eyes of the righteous element among the Jews and put an end to the spiritual and moral superiority they enjoyed against the common and polytheistic Arabs of Madinah. Besides, when they themselves were once exposed, they were so dismayed that they dared not oppose Islam openly with the courage of conviction.
Thirdly, in the preceding verses, mankind had been invited to accept the Guidance of Allah. Now the example of the Israelites is being cited to show the consequences of discarding that Guidance. The reason why the Israelites have been held out as an example is that they are the only community whose history during the last four thousand years has been a living object lesson for all the nations of the world. In its history one can see all the ups and downs which result from following the Divine Guidance or from discarding it.
Fourthly, though the appeal is addressed to the Jews, it is also meant to forewarn the Muslims against the pitfalls of degeneration into which the followers of the former Prophets had fallen. That is why, on the one hand, the moral weaknesses of the Jews, their wrong notions about religion, their wrong ways of thinking and living, have been pointed out, one by one, while, on the other, the demands of the true faith have been stated so that the Muslims are able to see the Right Way clearly and avoid wrong. ways
The Holy Prophet knew by Divine inspiration that, by and by, the Muslims also would follow the same ways that had been pointed out in this discourse. Therefore, according to a Tradition, he forewarned that they would discard the Guidance and follow, step by step, the communities of the former Prophets, that is, the Jews and the Christians, in their wrong ways. It is a pity that they have not paid any heed to this warning and adopted the same ways of degeneration.   "

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