37.46. White, delicious to the drinkers, (Pickthall)
37.46. Weiß, köstlich für die Trinkenden, (Ahmad v. Denffer)
37.46. weiß, köstlich für diejenigen, die (daraus) trinken. (Bubenheim)
37.46. weiss und köstlich für die Trinkenden. (Azhar)
37.46. weiss und wohlschmeckend für die Trinkenden. (Zaidan)
37.46. einem weißen, aus dem zu trinken ein Genuß ist, (Paret)
37.46. (Er ist) weiß und wohlschmeckend für die Trinkenden. (Rasul)
37.46. er ist (blendend) weiss und (dessen Inhalt ist) köstlich für die Trinkenden –, (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 40 bis 46
But the chosen servants of Allah will remain safe (from this evil end). For them there is a known provision: ( 22 ) tasteful things of all kinds ( 23 ) and gardens of delight wherein they shall be lodged with honour. They will sit face to face on couches: cups filled from fountains ( 24 ) of wine ( 25 ) will be passed round to them ( 26 ) , of crystal white drink, delicious for those who drink it.....
Desc No: 22 "A known provision" : A provision All of whose characteristics have been made known to them, which they are sure to receive, about which they have also the full satisfaction that they will continue to receive it for ever, and about which there is no apprehension that they may or may not get it at some time.
Desc No: 23 In this there is a subtle allusion to this also that in Paradise food will be provided not to serve as food but for pleasure and delight. That is, the food there will not be meant to replenish the bodily deficiencies through diet, for no deficiency whatever will occur in the body in that eternal life, nor will man have appetite, for appetite is caused by the process of assimilation in the body, nor will the body demand food for its survival. That is why the word fawakih has been used for the different kinds of food in Paradise, which contains the sense of taste and pleasure more than that of nutrition.
Desc No: 24 That is, `It will not be the kind of wine that is extracted from rotten fruit and corn in the world, but it will flow naturally from fountains like canals. In Surah Muhammad, the same thing has been described more clearly, thus: ........and canals will be flowing in it of wine which will be delightful for the drinkers." (v. 15)
Desc No: 25 Here the word ka `s (cup) only has been used and there is no mention of the wine. But in Arabic the use of ka's always implies wine. The cup which contains milk or water, instead of wine, or is empty, is not called ka's. The word ka's is used for a cup only when it contains wine.
Desc No: 26 Here it has not been mentioned as to who will take these cups of wine round to the dwellers of Paradise. This has been stated at other places: `And there will go round to them young boys, exclusively appointed for their service, who will be as lovely as well-guarded pearls." (At-Tur :24). `They will be attended by brisk-moving boys who will for ever remain boys. If you saw them, you would think they were pearls, scattered." (Ad-Dahr: 19). Then, its further details are found in the traditions related by Hadrat Anas and Hadrat Samurah bin Jundub from the Holy Prophet, according to which: `The children of the mushrikin will be attendants of the dwellers of Paradise." (Abu Da`ud Tayalisi, Tabarani, Bazzar). Though these traditions are weak as regards their links of transmitters, there are several other Ahadith which mean that children who died young, before attaining maturity, will go to Paradise. Ahadith also show that the children whose parents are blessed with Paradise, will live with them so as to be a comfort of the eyes for them. This leaves behind those children whose parents will not go to Paradise. Thus, with regard to them, it seems reasonable that they will be made the attendants of the dwellers of Paradise. (For a detailed discussion of this, see Fath ul-Bari and 'Umdat ul-Qari: Kitab ul-Jana'iz, Bab; Maqila fi aulad il -mushrikin; Rasa 'il-o-Masa'il, vol. III, pp. 177-187).
37.49. (Pure) as they were hidden eggs (of the ostrich). (Pickthall)
37.49. Als ob sie wohlgeborgene Eier sind, (Ahmad v. Denffer)
37.49. als ob sie wohlverwahrte Eier wären. (Bubenheim)
37.49. Als ob sie wohlbehütete Straußeneier wären. (Azhar)
37.49. als wären sie im Nest aufbewahrte Eier. (Zaidan)
37.49. (unberührt) als ob sie wohlverwahrte Eier wären. (Paret)
37.49. als ob sie verborgene Perlen wären. (Rasul)
37.49. unberührt, als wären sie das wohlverwahrte Eiweiss (eines Eies). (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 47 bis 49
Neither will they be harmed physically thereby nor become drunk. ( 27 ) And beside them there will be chaste women ( 28 ) with beautiful eyes, restraining their looks, ( 29 ) delicate as the thin skin hidden under the egg shell. ( 30 )
Desc No: 27 That is, the wide of Paradise will be free from both the evils which are found in the wine of the world. The wine of the world, first of All, afflicts man with its stink; then it embitters his taste, upsets his stomach, affects his mind and causes giddiness; then it affects the liver and spoils the health generally. Then, when the intoxication is gone, it leaves behind other ill-effects on the body. Its other evil is that man gets drunk with it, talks nonsense and brawls. This is how the wine affects man's mind and reason. Man suffers both these evil effects of the wine only for the sake of delight and pleasure. Allah says that the wine of Paradise will certainly afford and give full pleasure and delight, but it will be free from the kinds of the evils that go with the worldly wine.
Desc No: 28 Probably these will be the girls who died before attaining the age of discretion in the world, and whose parents did not deserve to enter Paradise. This can be said on the basis of analogy that just as the boys similarly placed will be appointed for the service of the dwellers of Paradise, and they will ever remain hoes, so will the girls be made the houris and they will ever remain young and beautiful. The correct knowledge, however, is with Allah.
Desc No: 29 "Restraining their looks": Restraining their looks from everyone except their husbands.
Desc No: 30 The words of the Text actually mean this: "As if they were the hidden or well preserved eggs." The commentators have given different interpretations of these words, but the correct commentary is the one which Hadrat Umm Salamah has related from the Holy Prophet. She says that when she asked the meaning of this verse from the Holy Prophet, he said: "Their delicacy and elegance and tenderness will be like the thin skin which is there between the shell of the egg and its fleshy part." (Ibn Jarir).