38.61. They say: Our Lord! Whoever did prepare this for Us, oh, give him double portion of the Fire! (Pickthall)
38.61. Sie sagen: "Unser Herr, wer dies für uns vorausgeschickt hat, so vermehre ihm mehrfach die Strafe im Feuer." (Ahmad v. Denffer)
38.61. Sie sagen: "Unser Herr, erhöhe demjenigen, der uns dies bereitet hat, das (Strafmaß) als mehrfache Strafe im (Höllen)feuer." (Bubenheim)
38.61. Sie sagen: "Unser Herr! Wer uns diese Pein verschafft hat, dem gib doppelt soviel im Höllenfeuer!" (Azhar)
38.61. Sie sagten: „Unser HERR! Für denjenigen, der dieses uns unterbreitete, mehre Vielfaches an Peinigung vom Feuer!“ (Zaidan)
38.61. Sie sagen (weiter, indem sie sich an Allah wenden): "Herr! Erhöhe denen, die uns dies eingebrockt haben, (das Strafmaß und gib ihnen) eine doppelte Strafe im Höllenfeuer!" (Paret)
38.61. Sie werden sagen: "Unser Herr, wer immer uns dies bereitete - füge ihm die doppelte Strafe im Feuer hinzu." (Rasul)
38.61. Sie (werden weiter) sagen: "Herr, verdopple die Strafe im Feuer für jeden, der uns den Unglauben aufgebürdet hat." (Périsset)
38.64. Lo! that is very truth: the wrangling of the dwellers in the Fire. (Pickthall)
38.64. Dies ist bestimmt die Wahrheit, das Streiten der Leute des Feuers. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
38.64. Das ist tatsächlich wahr: (so ist) der Streit der Bewohner des (Höllen)feuers miteinander. (Bubenheim)
38.64. Das ist wahr. So streiten die Hölleninsassen. (Azhar)
38.64. Gewiß, dies ist doch wahr - das Disputieren der Bewohner des Feuers. (Zaidan)
38.64. Das ist wirklich wahr. So streiten die Bewohner der Hölle miteinander. (Paret)
38.64. Wahrlich, das ist in der Tat ein Redestreit der Bewohner des Feuers untereinander. (Rasul)
38.64. Dies ist ein (Bericht) in Wahrheit über die Streitigkeiten der Bewohner des Feuers. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 61 bis 64
Then they will say, "Our Lord, give him who has brought this fate on us a double punishment in Hell. " And they will say to one another, "How is it that we do not see those whom we regarded as bad people in the world? ( 55 ) Did we treat them as such in ridicule, or are they hidden from sight?" Indeed, this is the Truth! Such will be the disputes among the dwellers of Hell.
Desc No: 55 This implies the believers whom the disbelievers used to look down upon as bad people in the world. It means: They will look around bewildered and will find only themselves and their guides in Hell but will find no trace of those people of whom they used to talk disparagingly in the world, and whom they used to mock in their meetings for talking about God, the Messenger and the Hereafter.
38.68. Ihr wendet euch davon ab, (Ahmad v. Denffer)
38.68. von der ihr euch abwendet. (Bubenheim)
38.68. von der ihr euch abwendet. (Azhar)
38.68. von der ihr euch abwendet. (Zaidan)
38.68. ihr (aber) wendet euch davon ab (und wollt euch nicht belehren lassen). (Paret)
38.68. Ihr wendet euch jedoch davon ab. (Rasul)
38.68. (doch) ihr wendet euch davon ab. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 65 bis 68
(O Prophet,) ( 56 ) say to them, "I am only a warner: ( 57 ) there is no real god but Allah, the One, the All-Mighty, Lord of the heavens and the earth and of all that is between them, the Mighty, the Forgiving." Say to them, "This is a great News from which you turn away. " ( 58 )
Desc No: 56 Now the discourse turns to the same theme with which it began. One should read it with vv. 1-14 in order to understand the meaning fully.
Desc No: 57 In verse 4 it was said: "The people wonder that a warner from among themselves has come to them." Here it is being said: "Tell them: I am only a warner. ' That is, "I do not command an army that I may forcibly pull you from a wrong way and put you on the Right Way: If you do not listen to me and do not accept my message, you will only be causing a loss to yourselves. If you like to remain ignorant, you may continue to be heedless, for you will sec your end yourselves."
Desc No: 58 This is the answer to what the disbelievers said in verse 5: "Has he made just One God in place of all the gods? This is indeed a strange thing." It means: "You may frown and scowl as you like, but this is a reality of which I am informing you, and your frowning and scowling cannot change it." This answer not only contains the statement of the truth, but it also contains the argument for it. The mushriks said: "Deities are many of whom one is Allah also. How is it that you have done away with all other deities and kept only One Allah?" In answer it was said: "Thc real Deity is One Allah alone, for He is dominant over cverything: He is the Owner of the earth and the heavens, and cverything in the Universe belongs to Him. Every being other than Him, whom you havc set up as other gods in the Universe, is dominated and subdued before Him; therefore, the subservient beings cannot be associates in the Godhead of the Dominant and All-Mighty God. Therefore, there is no ground for which they may be regarded as deities. "