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36.23. Soll ich mir etwa anstatt Seiner (andere) Götter nehmen? Wenn der Allerbarmer für mich Unheil will, nützt mir ihre Fürsprache nichts, und sie (können) mich nicht erretten.
53.31. And unto Allah belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, that He may reward those who do evil with that which they have done, and reward those who do good with goodness. (Pickthall)
53.31. Und Allahs ist, was in den Himmeln und was auf der Erde ist, damit Er denjenigen vergilt, die schlecht waren, was sie getan haben, und damit Er denjenigen vergilt, die gut waren, mit dem Guten. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
53.31. Allah gehört (alles), was in den Himmeln und was auf der Erde ist, auf daß Er denjenigen, die Böses tun, das vergelte, was sie tun, und daß Er denjenigen, die Gutes tun, mit dem (Allerbesten vergelte. (Bubenheim)
53.31. Gott gehört alles, was es in den Himmeln und auf der Erde gibt. So wird Er den ?beltätern ihren Taten entsprechend vergelten und den Rechtschaffenen, die gute Werke verrichten, gute Belohnung gewähren. (Azhar)
53.31. Und ALLAH gehört, was in den Himmeln und was auf Erden ist. ER wird denjenigen, die Schlechtes taten, doch das vergelten, was sie taten; und ER wird denjenigen, die Ihsan taten, mit dem Besseren vergelten. (Zaidan)
53.31. Allah gehört (alles), was im Himmel und auf Erden ist. Er wird ja nun (dereinst) denen, die Böses tun, für das vergelten, was sie (in ihrem Erdenleben an bösen Taten) begangen haben, denen aber, die Gutes tun (ahsanuu), für das Beste (was sie getan haben, ohne ihre schlechten Taten anzurechnen). (Paret)
53.31. Und Allahs ist, was in den Himmeln und was auf Erden ist, auf daß Er denen, die Böses tun, ihren Lohn für das gebe, was sie gewirkt haben; und auf daß Er die, die Gutes tun, mit dem Allerbesten belohne. (Rasul)
53.31. Allah gehört (alles), was in den Himmeln und auf der Erde ist. Er wird diejenigen, die Böses tun, entsprechend dem vergelten, was sie getan haben, und diejenigen, die Gutes tun, mit dem Besten belohnen. (Périsset)
53.32. Alladhiina yadschtanibuuna kaba-iraal-ithmi waalfawahischa illa allamama innarabbaka wasiAAu almaghfirati huwa aAAlamu bikum idhanschaakum mina al-ardi wa-idh antum adschinnatun fiibutuuni ommahatikum fala tuzakkuu anfusakumhuwa aAAlamu bimani ittaqa
53.32. Those who avoid enormities of sin and abominations, save the unwilled offences (for them) lo! thy Lord is of vast mercy. He is best aware of you (from the time) when He created you from the earth, and when ye were hidden in the bellies of your mothers. Therefor ascribe not purity unto yourselves. He is best aware of him who wardeth off (evil). (Pickthall)
53.32. Diejenigen, die sich von den größten der mutwilligen Sünde fernhalten und den Abscheulichkeiten, außer den geringfügigen, - dein Herr ist ja weit an Verzeihung, Er kennt euch am besten, - als Er euch von der Erde entstehen ließ, und als ihr Verborgenes in den Bäuchen eurer Mütter wart, also erklärt nicht euch selbst für lauter, Er weiß am besten, wer gottesfürchtig ist. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
53.32. Diejenigen, die schwerwiegende Sünden und Abscheulichkeiten meiden, außer leichten Verfehlungen... Gewiß, dein Herr ist Allumfassend in (Seiner) Vergebung. Er weiß sehr wohl über euch Bescheid, als Er euch aus der Erde hervorgebracht hat und als ihr Keimlinge in den Leibern eurer Mütter gewesen seid. So erklärt nicht euch selbst für lauter. Er weiß sehr wohl, wer gottesfürchtig ist. (Bubenheim)
53.32. Das sind diejenigen, die die großen und abscheulichen Sünden meiden; die kleinen vergibt Gott, ist Er doch voller Vergebung. Er kennt euch genau, seitdem Er euch aus Erde erschuf und ihr ein Embryo im Schoß eurer Mutter wart. Ihr sollt euch nicht als rein loben. Er weiss genau, wer wirklich gottesfürchtig ist. (Azhar)
53.32. Es sind diejenigen, die das Schwere an Verfehlungen und die Abscheulichkeiten außer den Kleinigkeiten meiden. Gewiß, dein HERR ist von allumfassender Vergebung. ER weiss besser Bescheid über euch, als ER euch von der Erde hervorkommen ließ, und als ihr Embryos in den Bäuchen eurer Mütter wart, so lobt euer Selbst nicht! ER weiss besser Bescheid über denjenigen, der Taqwa gemäß handelt. (Zaidan)
53.32. Diejenigen, die die schweren Sünden und alle abscheulichen Handlungen meiden - abgesehen von gelegentlichen Verstößen (? illaa l-lamama) - (dürfen auf Vergebung hoffen). Dein Herr ist großzügig im Vergeben. Er weiß sehr wohl über euch Bescheid. (Er wußte schon über euch Bescheid) als er euch (seinerzeit) aus der Erde entstehen ließ, und als ihr (noch) ein Embryo im Leib eurer Mutter waret. Erklärt deshalb (Allah gegenüber) nicht euch selber für rein! Er weiß sehr wohl, wer gottesfürchtig ist. (Paret)
53.32. Jene, die die großen Sünden und Schändlichkeiten meiden - mit Ausnahme leichter Vergehen - wahrlich, dein Herr ist von weitumfassender Vergebung. Er kennt euch sehr wohl; als Er euch aus der Erde hervorbrachte, und als ihr Embryos in den Leibern eurer Mütter waret. Darum erklärt euch nicht selber als rein. Er kennt diejenigen am besten, die (Ihn) fürchten. (Rasul)
53.32. Diejenigen, die schwerwiegende Sünden und Abscheulichkeiten meiden, abgesehen von kleineren Verfehlungen, werden bei deinem Herrn umfassende Vergebung finden (am Tag des Gerichts). Er kennt euch sehr genau. (Er wusste bereits über euch Bescheid,) als Er euch (ursprünglich) aus der Erde formte und (ihr dann) Verborgenes in den Bäuchen eurer Mütter wart. Darum erklärt euch nicht selbst für rein; Er weiss am besten, wer fromm ist. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 29 bis 32
So, O Prophet, leave him alone who turns away from Our remembrance ( 24 ) and seeks nothing but the life of the world, ( 25 ) this ( 26 ) only is their amount of knowledge: ( 27 ) only your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Way and who is on the right path, and to Allah belongs everything in the heavens and the earth ( 28 ) -so that ( 29 ) Allah may recompense the evil doers according to their deeds and give good rewards to those who have adopted the righteous attitude, who avoid grave sins ( 30 ) and open indecencies ( 31 ) save the minor offences. ( 32 ) Surely your Lord is liberal in forgiveness. ( 33 ) He knows you well from the time He produced you from the earth and when you were yet embryos in your mothers' wombs. Therefore, do not claim piety for yourselves: He alone knows best who is really pious and Godfearing.
Desc No: 24 Dhikr here may imply the Qur'an as well as mere admonition; it may also mean that he does not like that even God be mentioned before him.
Desc No: 25 That is, "You should not waste your time in making him understand the truth, for such a person will never be inclined to accept any invitation which is based on God-worship, which calls to objects and values higher than the material benefits of the world, and according to which the real aim of life may be the eternal success and well-being of the Hereafter. Instead of expending your time and energy on such a materialistic and ungodly person, you should devote attention to the people who arc inclined to heed the remembrance of Allah and arc not involved in the worship of the world. "
Desc No: 26 This is a parenthetical sentence which has been inserted here as an explanation of the preceding verse.
Desc No: 27 That is, "These people neither know nor can think anything beyond the world and its immediate gains; therefore, it is futile merely to expend time and energy on them. "
Desc No: 28 In other words, neither the question whether a person is gone astray or is on right guidance, is to be decided in this world, nor has its decision been left to the judgement of the people of the world; the decision rests with Allah. He alone is the Master of the earth and heavens and He alone knows which way out of the different ways being followed by the people of the world, is the way of guidance and which of error and deviation. Therefore, you should least bother if the polytheistic Arabs and the Makkan disbelievers think you are deluded and misguided and regard their own ignorance as truth and guidance. Leave them alone if they wish to remain lost in their falsehood. You need not waste your time in disputing with them.
Desc No: 29 The theme is resumed here and connected as a continuous whole with verse 29. Without the parenthesis, it would read: 'Leave him alone so that Allah may requite the evildoers for their evil deeds."
Desc No: 30 For explanation, see E.N. 53 of An-Nisa.
Desc No: 31 For explanation, sec E.N. 130 of AI-An'am and E.N. 89 of An-Nahl.
Desc No: 32 The word lamam as found in the original is used for a small quantity of something, or its slight effect, or its mere closeness, or its existence for a short time. This word is used to express the sense that a person did not commit an act but was very near to committing it. On the basis of its usages some commentators have taken the word lamam in the meaning of minor sins. Some others have taken it in the meaning that a person should practically reach very near a grave sin but -should desist from actually committing it. Still others take it in the sense of a person's remaining involved in a sin temporarily and then desisting from it. And according to some it implies that a person should think of, or wish, or intend to commit a sin but should rake no practical steps towards it. In this regard, the views of the Companions and their immediate followers are as follows: Zaid bin Aslam and Ibn Zaid opine, and a saying of Hadrat 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas also is to the same effect, that it signifies those sins which the people had committed in the pre-Islamic days of ignorance, then alter embracing Islam they refrained from them.' Another view of Ibn `Abbas is, and the same is also the view of Hadrat Abu Hurairah, Hadrat 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin 'As, Mujahid, Hasan Basri and Abu Salih, that it implies a person's being involved in a grave sin or indecency temporarily, or occasionally, and then giving it up. Hadrat 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Masruq and Sha'bi say, and the same also has been reported from Hadrat Abu Hurairah and Hadrat 'Abdullah bin `Abbas in authentic traditions, that this implies a person's approaching the very point of a grave sin and crossing all its preliminaries but then restraining himself at the final stage, e.g. a person goes out with the intention of stealing but refrains from it in the end, or has colse association with other women, but refrains from committing adultery. Hadrat 'Abdullah bin Zubair, `Ikrimah, Qatadah and Dahhak say that this signifies those minor sins for which no punishment has been prescribed in the world nor any threat of punishment held out in the Hereafter. Said bin al-Musayyab says that this implies one's thinking of a sin in the mind but restraining oneself from committing it practically . These arc the different explanations which have been reported in the traditions from the Companions and their immediate followers. The majority of the later commentators and doctors of law and jurists arc of the opinion that this verse and verse 31 of Surah An-Nisa classify sins into two main kinds: the major sins and the minor sins, and these two verses give man the hope that if he abstains from the major sins and open indecencies, Allah will overlook his minor errors. Although some distinguished scholars have also opined that no sin is minor and the disobedience of Allah is by itself a major sin, yet as stated by Imam Ghazali the distinction between the major and the minor sins is something which cannot be denied, for the sources of knowledge of the Shari'ah values and injunctions all point to this. As for the question, what is the distinction between the major and the minor sins, and what kinds of sins are major and what kinds of them minor ? we are satisfied that: "Every such act is a major sin which has been forbidden by a clear ordinance of the Divine Book and the Shari'ah of the Prophet, or for which Allah and His Messenger have prescribed a punishment in the world, or have held out a threat of punishment in the Hereafter, or have cursed the one guilty of committing it, or given the news of infliction of punishment on those guilty of committing it. " Apart from this class of sins all other acts which are disapproved by the Shari'ah, come under the definition of minor sins. Likewise, the mere desire for a major sin, or an intention to commit it, also is not a major sin but a minor sin; so much so that even crossing all the preliminaries of a major sin does not constitute a major sin unless one has actually committed it. However, even a minor sin becomes a major sin in case it is committed with a feeling of contempt for religion and of arrogance against Allah, and the one guilty of it does not consider the Shari`ah that has declared it an evil worthy of any attention and reverence.
Desc No: 33 That is, "The forgiveness for the one guilty of minor sins is not for the reason that a minor sin is no sin, but for the reason that Allah Almighty does not treat His servants narrow-mindedly and does not seize them on trifling faults; if the servants adopt piety and abstain from major sins and indecencies, He will not seize them for their minor errors and will forgive them magnanimously on account of His infinite mercy." "