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67.22. Ist denn jemand, der, auf sein Gesicht gestürzt, einhergeht, eher rechtgeleitet, oder jemand, der aufrecht auf einem geraden Weg einhergeht?

[ alMulk:22 ]

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Im Namen Allahs, des Allerbarmers, des Barmherzigen

Medina-Musshaf Seite 528

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.1. Iqtarabati alssaAAatu wainschaqqaalqamaru

54.1. The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain. (Pickthall)

54.1. Die Stunde ist nahegerückt, und der Mond wurde gespalten, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.1. Näher ist die Stunde (des Gerichts) gekommen, und gespalten hat sich der Mond. (Bubenheim)

54.1. Die Stunde des Jüngsten Gerichts ist nah. Der Mond wird sich sicher spalten. (Azhar)

54.1. Die Stunde nahte sich und der Mond spaltete sich. (Zaidan)

54.1. Die Stunde (des Gerichts) ist (schon) nahegerückt, und der Mond hat sich gespalten. (Paret)

54.1. Die Stunde ist nahe gekommen, und der Mond hat sich gespalten. (Rasul)

54.1. Die Stunde (des Gerichts) rückt näher und der Mond hat sich gespalten. (Périsset)

Medina-Musshaf Seite 528

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.2. Wa-in yaraw ayatan yuAAriduuwayaquuluu sihrun mustamirrun

54.2. And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion. (Pickthall)

54.2. Und wenn sie ein Zeichen sehen, wenden sie sich ah und sagen: "Andauernde Zauberei!" (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.2. Und wenn sie ein Zeichen sehen, wenden sie sich ab und sagen: "Fortdauernde Zauberei." (Bubenheim)

54.2. Wenn sie ein Zeichen sehen, wenden sie sich davon ab und sagen: "Das ist Zauberei, die nicht aufhört." (Azhar)

54.2. Und wenn sie eine Aya sehen, wenden sie sich ab und sagen: „Dies ist eine andauernde Magie.“ (Zaidan)

54.2. Aber wenn sie ein Zeichen sehen, wenden sie sich (davon) ab und sagen: "Fortwährend Zauberei". (Paret)

54.2. Doch wenn sie ein Zeichen sehen, wenden sie sich ab und sagen: "(Dies ist) ein ewiges Zauberwerk." (Rasul)

54.2. Aber selbst wenn sie ein Zeichen sehen, wenden sie sich ab und sagen: "(Das ist) nur anhaltende Zauberei." (Périsset)

Medina-Musshaf Seite 528

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.3. Wakadhdhabuu waittabaAAuu ahwaahumwakullu amrin mustaqirrun

54.3. They denied (the Truth) and followed their own lusts. Yet everything will come to a decision (Pickthall)

54.3. Und sie leugnen, und sie folgen ihren eigenen Launen, und jede Angelegenheit ist feststehend, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.3. Und sie erklären (es) für Lüge und folgen ihren Neigungen. Doch jede Angelegenheit ist festgesetzt. (Bubenheim)

54.3. Sie ziehen die Gesandten der Lüge und folgten ihren Launen. Alles steuert einem festen Ziel zu. (Azhar)

54.3. Und sie leugneten ab und folgten ihren Neigungen. Und jede Angelegenheit hat einen Endpunkt. (Zaidan)

54.3. Und sie erklären (die göttliche Botschaft) als Lüge und folgen ihrer (persönlichen) Neigung. Doch alles steht endgültig fest (? wa-kullu amrin mustaqirrun). (Paret)

54.3. Und sie leugnen und folgen ihren Gelüsten. Doch alles steht endgültig fest. (Rasul)

54.3. (Damit) leugnen sie (die Wahrheit) und folgen ihren (eigenen) Neigungen, doch jede Angelegenheit hat ihre festgelegte (Zeit). (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 1 bis 3

The Hour of Resurrection has drawn near and the Moon has split asunder. ( 1 ) Yet whatever Sign these people may see they turn away and say, "This is current magic.” ( 2 ) They have denied (this too) and followed only their own lusts. ( 3 ) Ultimately, every matter has to reach an appointed end. ( 4 )

Desc No: 1
That is, "The splitting of the Moon asunder is a portent that the Hour of Resurrection of which you are being foretold, has drawn near at hand, and the order of the Universe has begun to be disrupted. Moreover, the incident that a great sphere like the Moon's has split into two distinct parts, is a specific proof of the fact that Resurrection of which you are being forewarned can take place. Obviously, when the Moon can split, the earth also can split, the orbits of he stars and planets also can change and the whole system of the heavens also can be disturbed. There is nothing eternal and everlasting and stable here so that Resurrection may be improbable."
Some people have taken this sentence to mean: "The Moon will split. " Although according to Arabic usage it is possible to take this meaning, the context clearly rejects it. In the first place, if this were the meaning, the first sentence would become meaningless. If the Moon had not actually split at the time when this Revelation was made, but it was going to split some time in the future, it would be absurd to say on the basis of this that the Hour of Resurrection had approached near at hand. After all, how can an incident that is to take place in the futute, be regarded as a sign of Resurrection's being near at hand, and how can such a testimony be put forward as a rational argument? Second, with this meaning in mind when we read the following verses, they appear to be altogether incoherent. The verses that follow clearly show that the people at that time had witnessed a sign that was a manifest portent of the possibility of Resurrection, but they rejected it as a magical illusion, and persisted in their belief that Resurrection was not possible. In this context, the words inshaqq-al-Qamar can be meaningful only if they are taken to mean: "The Moon split asunder." If they are taken to mean: "The Moon will split asunder," the whole following theme becomes disjointed. It will Took like this:
"The Hour of Resurrection has drawn near and the Moon will split asunder. Yet whatever sign these people may see they turn away and say: `This is current magic !' They have denied and followed only their own lusts. "
Therefore, the truth is that the incident of the splitting of the Moon is confirmed explicitly by the words of the Qur'an and it is not dependent upon the traditions of the Hadith. However, the traditions supply its details, and one comes to know when and how it had taken place. These traditions have been related by Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Abu `Uwanah, Abu Da'ud Tayalisi, `Abdur Razzaq, Ibn Jarir, Baihaqi, Tabarani, Ibn Marduyah, and Abu Nu'aim Tsfahani with many chains of transmitters on the authority of Hadrat `Ali, Hadrat `Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Hadrat `Abdullah bin `Abbas, Hadrat' Abdullah bin `Umar, Hadrat Hudhaifah, Hadrat Anas bin Malik and Hadrat Jubair bin Mut`im. Three of these authorities, viz, Hadrat `Abdullah bin Mas'ud; Hadrat Hudhaifah, and Hadrat Jubair bin Mut`im, state that they were the eye-witnesses of this event; two of them cannot be its eye-witnesses, for this event took place before the birth of one (i.e. 'Abdullah bin `Abbas) and at a time when the other (i.e.. Anas bin Malik) was yet a child. But since both these scholars were Companions, obviously they must have reported this event after they had heard it from the aged Companions who had direct knowledge of it.
The information that one gathers from the various traditions is that this incident occurred about five years before the Hijrah. It was the 14th night of the lunar month; the Moon had just risen when it suddenly split and its two parts were seen on either side of the hill in front. Then after a moment or so they rejoined. The Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) at that time was at Mina. He told the people to mark it and be witnesses to it. The disbelievers said that Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) had worked magic on them; therefore, their eyes had been deceived. The other people said: "Mnhammad could have worked magic on us but not on all the people. Let the people from other places come: we shall ask them if they also had witnessed this incident. " When the people from other places came, they bore evidence that they also had witnessed the same phenomenon.
Some traditions which have been related from Hadrat Anas give rise to the misunderstanding that the incident of the splitting of the Moon had happened twice. But, in the first place, no one else from among the Companions has stated this; second, in somc traditions of Hadrat Anas himself also the words arc marratain (twice), and in sane firqatain and shaqqatain (two pieces); third, the Qur'an mentions only one incident of the Moon's splitting asunder. The correct view therefore is that this incident happened only once. As for the stories which are current among the people that the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) had matte a gesture towards the Moon and it split into two parts and that one part of the Moon entered the breast of the garment of the Holy Prophet and went out of the sleeve, have no basis whatever.
Here, the question arises: What was the real nature of this incident. Was it a miracle that the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) performed on the demand of the disbelievers of Makkah as a proof of his Prophethood? Or, was it only an accident that occurred on the Moon by the power of Allah and the Holy Prophet had only called the peoples attention to it and warned them to mark it as a Sign of the possibility and nearness of Resurrection? A large group of the Muslim scholars regards it as among the miracles of the Holy Prophet and holds the view that it had been shown on the demand of the disbelievers. But this view is based only on somc of those traditions which have been related from Hadrat Anas. Apart from him no other Companion has stated this. According to Fath al Bari Ibn Hajar says: "Apart from the narration by Hadrat Anas, in no other narration of this story have I come across the theme that the incident of the splitting of the Moon had taken place on the demand of the polytheists. (Bab Inshiqaq al-Qamar). Abu Nu'aim Isfahani has related a tradition on this subject in Dale il an-Nubuwwat, on the authority of Hadrat 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas also, but it has a weak chain of transrmitters and none of the traditions that have been related with strong chains of tranamitters in the collections of Hadith on the authority of Hadrat 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, contains any mention of this. Furthermore, neither Hadrat Anas nor Hadrat `Abdullah bin `Abbas was a contemporary of this incident. On the contrary, none of the Companions from among Hadrat `Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Hadrat Hudhaifah, Hadrat Jubair bin Mut`im, Hadrat 'Ali, Hadrat `Abdullah bin 'Umar, who were contemporaries of the incident, has stated that the pagans of Makkah had demanded a Sign of the Holy Prophet to testify to his Prophethood on which he might havc shown the miracle of the splitting of the Moon. Above all, the Qur'an itself also is presenting this event not as a Sign of the Prophethood but as a Sign of the nearness of Resurrection. However, this was indeed 3 conspicuous proof of the Holy Prophet's truthfulness because it testified to the news that he was giving to the people of the coming of Resurrection.
The critics raise two kinds of objections against it. In the first place, they say it is impossible that a great sphere like the Moon should split asunder into two distinct parts, which should get hundreds of miles apart and then rejoin. Secondly, they say if it had so happened, it would be a well-known event in the world and would have found mention in the books of History and Astronomy. But, in fact, both these objections are flimsy. As for the discussion of its possibility, it could perhaps find credibility in the ancient days but on the basis of what man has cane to know in the present day about the structure of the planets, it can be said that it is just possible that a sphere may burst because of its internal volcanic action and its two parts may be thrown far apart by the mighty eruption, and then may rejoin under the magnetic force of their centre. As for the second objection, it is flimsy because the event had taken place suddenly and lasted a short time only. It was not necessary that at that particular moment the world might be looking at the Moon. There was no explosion either that might have attracted the people's attention; there was no advance information of it that the people might be awaiting its occurrence and looking up at the sky. It could not also be seen everywhere on the earth but only in Arabia and the eastern (ands where the Moon had risen and was visible at that time. The taste and art of writing history also had not yet developed so that the people who might have witnessed it, should have made a record of it and then sane historian might have gathered the evidence and preserved it in some book of History. However, in the Histories of Malabar mention has been made of a native ruler who had witnessed this phenomenon that night. As for the books of Astronomy and Calendars, this event might havc been mentioned in them only if the event had affected the movement of the Moon, its orbit and the times of its rising and setting. As no such thing happened, it did not attract the ancient astronomers' attention. The observatories also were not so developed that they might havc taken notice of everything happening in the heavens and preserved a record of it.  

Desc No: 2
The words sihr-um mustamirr of the Text can have several meanings: (1) That, God forbid, this magical illusion also is one of those magical performances that Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) has been performing day and night; (2) that this certainly is a work of magic which has been performed with great expertise; and (3) that just as other works of magic have passed, so will this also pass without leaving any lasting effect behind. 

Desc No: 3
That is, "They still persisted in the same decision that they had made of denying the Hereafter and have not changed their mind even after having witnessed this manifest Sign, mainly because it clashed with their desires of the flesh. "  

Desc No: 4
That is, "It cannot be so endlessly that Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) should go on inviting you to the Truth while you persist in your falsehood stubbornly and his Truth and your falsehood should never be established. AII affairs ultimately have to reach an appointed end. Likewise, inevitably this conflict between you and Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) has also to reach an end. A time will certainly come when it will be clearly established that he had been in the right and you in the wrong throughout. Likewise, the worshippers of the T ruth shall one day see the result of their worshipping the Truth and the worshippers of falsehood of their worshipping the falsehood."  "

Medina-Musshaf Seite 528

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.4. Walaqad dschaahum mina al-anba-i mafiihi muzdadscharun

54.4. And surely there hath come unto them news whereof the purport should deter, (Pickthall)

54.4. Und bestimmt sind schon zu ihnen Nachrichten gekommen, in denen es Androhung gibt, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.4. Zu ihnen ist doch von den Berichten gekommen, was reichliche Verweisung enthält, (Bubenheim)

54.4. Zu ihnen sind Nachrichten über die früheren Völker gekommen, die sie hätten warnen müssen. (Azhar)

54.4. Und gewiß, bereits kamen zu ihnen von den Mitteilungen, worin es Warnung gab. (Zaidan)

54.4. Zu ihnen sind doch Geschichten (von früheren Generationen) gekommen, die (sie) hätten einschüchtern können (maa fiehi muzdadscharun), (Paret)

54.4. Und zu ihnen kamen schon einige Geschichten, die abschreckende Warnungen enthalten (Rasul)

54.4. Ihnen wurden doch die Berichte (der früheren Generationen) übermittelt, voller Ermahnung (Périsset)

Medina-Musshaf Seite 528

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.5. Hikmatun balighatun famatughnii alnnudhuru

54.5. Effective wisdom; but warnings avail not. (Pickthall)

54.5. Eine hinreichende Weisheit, und die Warnungen nützen nichts, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.5. eine durchdringende Weisheit. Aber was nützen da die Warnungen? (Bubenheim)

54.5. Eine folgerichtige Weisheit. Doch die Warnungen nützten nichts. (Azhar)

54.5. Es ist eine (sie) erreichende Weisheit. Und was nützen denn die Warnungen?! (Zaidan)

54.5. - (Geschichten, in denen) eine tiefe Weisheit (liegt). Aber die Warnungen helfen (ihnen) nichts. (Paret)

54.5. - vollendete Weisheit; allein selbst die Warnungen richteten (bei ihnen) nichts aus. (Rasul)

54.5. und durchdringender Weisheit, doch die Warnungen bleiben (von ihnen) unbeachtet. (Périsset)

Medina-Musshaf Seite 528

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.6. Fatawalla AAanhum yawma yadAAu alddaAAiila schay-in nukurin

54.6. So withdraw from them (O Muhammad) on the day when the Summoner summoneth unto a painful thing. (Pickthall)

54.6. Also kehre dich ab von ihnen, an dem Tag, wenn der Rufer zu einer gräßlichen Sache ruft, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.6. So kehre dich von ihnen ab. Am Tag, da der Rufer zu etwas Entsetzlichem ruft, (Bubenheim)

54.6. Wende dich darum von ihnen ab, und warte auf den Tag, an dem der Rufer zu einem schrecklichen Ereignis aufruft! (Azhar)

54.6. So kehre dich von ihnen ab! An dem Tag, wenn der Rufende zu etwas Mißbilligtem ruft - (Zaidan)

54.6. Darum wende dich von ihnen ab! (Sie werden schon noch erfahren, was mit ihnen geschieht.) Am Tag (des Gerichts), da der Rufer zu etwas Gräßlichem ruft, (Paret)

54.6. Darum wende dich von ihnen ab. Am Tage, an dem der Rufer (sie) zu schlimmem Geschehen rufen wird , (Rasul)

54.6. Also wende dich von ihnen ab und warte auf den Tag, an dem der Rufer zu Entsetzlichem rufen wird. (Périsset)

Medina-Musshaf Seite 529

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.7. KhuschschaAAan absaruhum yakhrudschuunamina al-adschdathi kaannahum dscharadun muntaschirun

54.7. With downcast eyes, they come forth from the graves as they were locusts spread abroad, (Pickthall)

54.7. Gesenkt ihre Blicke, kommen sie heraus aus den Grüften, als ob sie ausschwärmende Heuschrecken wären, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.7. werden sie mit gedemütigten Blicken aus den Gräbern herauskommen wie ausschwärmende Heuschrecken, (Bubenheim)

54.7. Mit niedergeschlagenem Blick werden sie wie Unmengen von Heuschrecken aus den Gräbern kommen (Azhar)

54.7. erniedrigt sind ihre Blicke, sie kommen aus den Gräbern heraus, als wären sie außchwärmende Heuschrecken, (Zaidan)

54.7. und sie mit unterwürfigem Blick aus den Grüften herauskommen, (ein Gewimmel) wie ausschwärmende Heuschrecken, (Paret)

54.7. werden sie mit niedergeschlagenen Blicken aus den Gräbern hervorkommen, als wären sie weithin zerstreute Heuschrecken , (Rasul)

54.7. Mit gesenkten Blicken werden sie aus den Gräbern hervorkommen, wie ausschwärmende Heuschrecken, (Périsset)

Medina-Musshaf Seite 529

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.8. MuhtiAAiina ila alddaAAiyaquulu alkafiruuna hatha yawmun AAasirun

54.8. Hastening toward the Summoner; the disbelievers say: This is a hard day. (Pickthall)

54.8. Herbeieilend zu dem Rufer, es sagen die Glaubensverweigerer: "Dies ist ein schwerer Tag." (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.8. zu dem Rufer hastend. Die Ungläubigen werden sagen: "Das ist ein schwerer Tag." (Bubenheim)

54.8. und auf den Rufer zustürzen. Die Ungläubigen werden sagen: "Das ist ein schrecklicher Tag!" (Azhar)

54.8. eilend zum Rufenden. Die Kafir sagen: „Dies ist ein ziemlich schwerer Tag.“ (Zaidan)

54.8. den Hals nach dem Rufer gereckt (muhti` iena ilaa d-daa`i)! Die Ungläubigen sagen (dann wohl): "Das ist ein schwerer Tag". (Paret)

54.8. (und) sie werden dem Rufer entgegen eilen. Die Ungläubigen werden sagen: "Das ist ein schrecklicher Tag." (Rasul)

54.8. (und) hastig zum Rufer eilen (wollen). Die Ungläubigen werden sagen: "Dies ist ein schwerer Tag." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 4 bis 8

There have already come to them narratives (of the former communities) containing enough deterrents to restrain them from rebellion and profound wisdom as serves the purpose of admonition well, but warnings are of little avail with these people. So, O Prophet, turn away from them. ( 5 ) The Day the Caller shall call them to a most terrifying event, ( 6 ) the people shall rise out of their graves ( 7 ) with awe-struck looks ( 8 ) as though they were scattered locusts. They will be rushing towards the Caller and the same disbelievers (who denied it in the world) shall say, "This indeed is a hard day!"

Desc No: 5
In other words, "Leave them to themselves. When every effort has been made to make them understand the Truth in the most rational ways, when instances have been cited from history to show them the evil results of the denial of the Hereafter, when the dreadful fates suffered by the other nations in consequence of their rejecting the Prophetic messages have been brought to their notice and yet they are disinclined to give up their stubbornness, they should be left alone to gloat over their follies. Now, they would believe only when after death they arise from their graves to see with their own eyes that the Resurrection of which they were being forewarned and exhorted to adopt the truth, had actually Taken place " 

Desc No: 6
Another meaning can be "an unknown thing", a thing which they never could imagine, of which they never had any concept and no idea whatever that it also could occur. 

Desc No: 7
"Graves" do not signify only those pits in the earth in which a person might have been properly buried, but he would rise up from wherever he had died, or from wherever his dust lay, on the call of the Caller to the plain of Resurrection. 

Desc No: 8
Literally: "Their looks will be downcast. "This can have several meanings: (1) That they will appear tenor-stricken; (2) that they will be reflecting disgrace and humiliation, for as soon as they arise out of their graves they would realize that it was indeed the same second life which they had been denying, for which they had made no preparation, and in which they would have to present themselves before their God as culprits; and (3) that with awe-struck looks they would be watching the dreadful scenes before them, from which they would not be able to avert their eyes. 

Medina-Musshaf Seite 529

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.9. Kadhdhabat qablahum qawmu nuuhinfakadhdhabuu AAabdana waqaluu madschnuunun waizdudschira

54.9. The folk of Noah denied before them, yea, they denied Our slave and said: A madman; and he was repulsed. (Pickthall)

54.9. Es hat vor ihnen das Volk Nuhs abgeleugnet, und sie haben Unseren Knecht geleugnet, und sie sagten: "Ein Besessener!", und er wurde bedroht. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.9. Vor ihnen (schon) bezichtigte das Volk Nuhs (ihren Gesandten) der Lüge. Sie bezichtigten Unseren Diener der Lüge und sagten: "Ein Besessener." Und er wurde (von ihnen) gescholten. (Bubenheim)

54.9. Vor ihnen leugnete das Volk Noahs die Botschaft Gottes und zieh Unseren Gesandten der Lüge. Sie sagten: "Er ist wahnsinnig!" Und sie setzten ihm nach. (Azhar)

54.9. Vor ihnen leugneten die Leute von Nuh ab, so bezichtigten sie Unseren Diener der Lüge und sagten: „Er ist geistesgestört und wurde besessen.“ (Zaidan)

54.9. (Schon) vor ihnen haben die Leute Noahs (ihren Gesandten) der Lüge geziehen. Sie ziehen unseren Diener (Noah) der Lüge und sagten: "(Er ist) besessen". Und er war (ganz) eingeschüchtert (uzdudschira). (Paret)

54.9. Vor ihnen schon leugnete das Volk Noahs; ja, sie leugneten Unseren Diener und sagten: "(Er ist) ein Besessener." Und er war eingeschüchtert. (Rasul)

54.9. Vor ihnen leugnete (bereits) das Volk Noahs. Sie bezichtigten Unseren Diener der Lüge und sagten: "Er ist ein Verrückter", und sie setzten ihm nach. (Périsset)

Medina-Musshaf Seite 529

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.10. FadaAAa rabbahu annii maghluubun faintasir

54.10. So he cried unto his Lord, saying: I am vanquished, so give help. (Pickthall)

54.10. Da rief er seinen Herrn: "lch bin unterlegen, so hilf mir!" (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.10. Da rief er seinen Herrn an: "Ich bin überwältigt, so leiste Du (mir) Hilfe." (Bubenheim)

54.10. Da rief er Gott an: "Ich bin unterlegen, hilf mir!" (Azhar)

54.10. Dann richtete er Bittgebete an seinen HERRN: „Ich bin unterlegen, so stehe bei!“ (Zaidan)

54.10. Da betete er zu seinem Herrn (mit den Worten): "Ich bin unterlegen. Hilf (du) dir selber (gegen meine Landsleute und räche mich an ihnen)!" (Paret)

54.10. Da betete er zu seinem Herrn: "Ich bin überwältigt, so hilf Du (mir)." (Rasul)

54.10. Da rief er zu seinem Herrn: "Ich bin überwältigt, so hilf, (damit die Wahrheit obsiegt)." (Périsset)

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