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12.100. Und er hob seine Eltern auf den Thron empor. Und sie fielen vor ihm ehrerbietig nieder. Er sagte: "O mein lieber Vater, das ist die Deutung meines (Traum)gesichts von zuvor. Mein Herr hat es wahrgemacht. Und Er hat mir Gutes erwiesen, als Er mich aus dem Gefängnis herauskommen ließ und euch aus dem nomadischen Leben hierherbrachte, nachdem der Satan zwischen mir und meinen Brüdern (zu Zwietracht) aufgestachelt hatte. Gewiß, mein Herr ist feinfühlig (in der Durchführung dessen), was Er will. Er ist ja der Allwissende und Allweise.
56.26. (Naught) but the saying: Peace, (and again) Peace. (Pickthall)
56.26. Nur das Wort: "Frieden! Frieden!" (Ahmad v. Denffer)
56.26. sondern nur den Ausspruch: "Frieden! Frieden!" (Bubenheim)
56.26. sondern nur das Grusswort: "Friede! Friede!" (Azhar)
56.26. außer dem Wort: „Salam, Salam (sei mit euch)“. (Zaidan)
56.26. sondern nur das Grußwort "Heil! Heil!" (Paret)
56.26. nur das Wort: "Frieden, Frieden!" (Rasul)
56.26. sondern nur den Ruf: "Salâm [Friede], Salâm [Friede]." (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 17 bis 26
Eternal youths ( 9 ) shall go round them briskly with brimful goblets and beakers and cups of wine from a flowing spring, which will neither cause them giddiness nor affect their sense. ( 10 ) And they shall present before them every kind of tasty fruit, whichever they may choose; and the flesh of fowls, whichever they may desire. ( 11 ) And for them there shall be beautiful-eyed houris, as lovely as well-guarded pearls. ( 12 ) All this they will receive in reward for what they had done in the world. There they shall neither hear vain talk nor sinful speech. ( 13 ) Whatever they hear shall be right and pure. ( 14 )
Desc No: 9 This implies boys who will ever remain boys and stay young. Hadrat 'AIi and Hadrat Hasan Basri say that these will be those children of the people, who died before reaching their maturity; therefore, they will neither have any good works to their credit for which they may be rewarded, nor any evil deeds for which they may be punished, But obviously, this could imply those people who would not deserve Paradise. For, as for the true believers, about them Allah has guaranteed in the Qur'an that their children will be joined with them in Paradise (At-Tur: 21). This is also supported by the Hadith, which Abu Da'ud Tayalisi, Tabarani and Bazzar have related on the authority of Hadrat Anas and Hadrat Samurah bin Jundub, according to which the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) said that the children of the polytheists will be attendants of the people of Paradise. (For further explanation, see E.N. 26 of As-Saaffat, E.N. 19 of At-tur).
Desc No: 10 For explanation, see E. N . 27 of As-Saaffat, E. N . 22 of Surah Muhammad, E. N. 18 of At-Tur.
Desc No: 11 For explanation, see E.N. 17 of Surah At-tur.
Desc No: 12 For explanation, see E.N.'s 28, 29 of As-Saaffat, E.N. 42, of AdDukhan, E. N . 61 of Ar-Rahman.
Desc No: 13 This is one of the major blessings of Paradise, which has been mentioned at several places in the Qur'an, viz. that in Paradise human ears will remain secure against idle and frivolous talk, lying, backbiting slander, invective, boasting and bragging, taunts and mockery, satire and sarcasm. It will not be a society of foul-mouthed, indecent people who will throw mud at each other, but a society of noble and civilized people free of such frivolities. A person who has been blessed with some deceney of manner and sense by Allah can very well feel what an agony it is in worldly life a hope of deliverance from which has been given to man in Paradise.
Desc No: 14 Some commentators and translators have taken the words, illa gilan salam-an salama, to mean that in Paradise one will hear only the greeting of 'Peace, peace' on every side; the correct view, however, is that it implies healthy and wholesome speech, i.e. such speech as may be free of the vices and blemishes, faults and evils, that have been mentioned in the preceding sentence. Here the word salam has been used nearly in the same sense as the English word sane. "