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17.58. Und es gibt keine Stadt, die Wir nicht vor dem Tag der Auferstehung vernichten oder mit strenger Strafe strafen werden. Dies steht im Buch (der Vorsehung) verzeichnet.
77.15. Woe unto the repudiators on that day! (Pickthall)
77.15. Wehe an diesem Tag den Ableugnenden, (Ahmad v. Denffer)
77.15. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Bubenheim)
77.15. Wehe den Leugnern an diesem Tag! (Azhar)
77.15. Niedergang ist an diesem Tag für die Ableugnenden bestimmt! (Zaidan)
77.15. Wie schlecht ist es an jenem Tag um diejenigen bestellt, die (unsere Botschaft) für Lüge erklären! (Paret)
77.15. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Rasul)
77.15. Wehe den Leugnern an diesem Tag. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 8 bis 15
Then, when the stars become dim ( 4 ) and the heaven is rent asunder, ( 5 ) and the mountains are thrashed into dust, and the time of the Messengers' appointment comes ( 6 ) (that Day it shall happen). For what day has all this been deferred? For the Day of Decision. And what do you know what the Day of Decision is? Woe on that Day to the deniers (of Truth)! ( 7 )
Desc No: 4 That is, when they lose their light and lustre.
Desc No: 5 "When the heaven is rent asunder": when the system and discipline of the heavens under which every star and planet is established and moving in its orbit and everything in the universe is adhering to the bounds set for it, is broken.
Desc No: 6 At several places in the Qur'an it has been stated that when the case of mankind will be presented before Allah on the Day of Resurrection, the Messenger of every nation will be called upon to testify that he had conveyed Allah's Messages intact to his people. This will be Allah's first and major argument against the culprits and the wicked people to prove that they were themselves responsible for their wrong attitude and conduct in life, for there had been no negligence on the part of Allah to show guidance and administer warnings . For instance, see AI-A`raf: 172, 173 and E.N.'s 134, 135, Az-Zumar: 69 and E.N. 80, Al-Mulk:8 and E.N. 14.
Desc No: 7 "Deniers of Truth": those people who took the news of the coming of Resurrection as a lie, and spent their lives in the world under the delusion that the time would never come when they would have to present themselves before their God and render an account of their deeds.
77.19. Woe unto the repudiators on that day! (Pickthall)
77.19. Wehe an diesem Tag den Ableugnenden, (Ahmad v. Denffer)
77.19. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Bubenheim)
77.19. Wehe den Leugnern an diesem Tag! (Azhar)
77.19. Niedergang ist an diesem Tag für die Ableugnenden bestimmt! (Zaidan)
77.19. Wie schlecht ist es an jenem Tag um diejenigen bestellt, die (unsere Botschaft) für Lüge erklären! (Paret)
77.19. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Rasul)
77.19. Wehe den Leugnern an diesem Tag. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 16 bis 19
Did We not destroy the former peoples? ( 8 ) Then We shall follow them up with those of latter day. ( 9 ) Thus do We deal with the culprits. Woe on that Day to the deniers (of Truth)! ( 10 )
Desc No: 8 This is an argument from history for the Hereafter, It means; "Consider your own history in the world. Whichever nations denied the Hereafter and took this worldly life to be real life and based their moral attitude on the results appearing here regarding them as the criterion of good and evil, ultimately went to their doom without exception This is a proof of the fact that the Hereafter is an actual reality overlooking and ignoring which causes the same kind of harm to a person which is caused when he chooses to close his eyes to the hard facts of life. (For further explanation, see E.N. 12 of Yunus, E.N. 86 of An-Naml, E.N. 8 of Ar-Rum, E.N. 25 of Saba).
Desc No: 9 That is, "This is a permanent law with Us. Just as denial of the Hereafter has proved disastrous for the nations of the past so it will always prove disastrous also for the nations of the future. No nation has been an exception to it before nor will any be so in the future."
Desc No: 10 This sentence in the present context means: "The fate they have met or will meet in the world, is not their real punishment; their real doom will descend on them on the Day of Decision. The punishment here is only in the nature of a person's being arrested when he commits one crime after the other fearlessly and is not inclined to mend and change his ways. The court where his test is to be decided and he is to be punished for.all his misdeeds, will not be established in this world but in the Hereafter, and that indeed will be the actual Day of his ruin and disaster." (For further explanation, see E.N.'s 5, 6 of Al-A`raf, E.N.,105 of H ud). "