77.43. (Unto them it is said:) Eat, drink and welcome, O ye blessed, in return for what ye did. (Pickthall)
77.43. Eßt und trinkt, wohl bekomms, wegen dem, was ihr immer getan habt! (Ahmad v. Denffer)
77.43. - "Eßt und trinkt als wohlbekömmlich für das, was ihr zu tun pflegtet." (Bubenheim)
77.43. "Eßt und trinkt und lasst es euch wohl bekommen! Das ist die Belohnung für die guten Werke, die ihr verrichtet habt." (Azhar)
77.43. Esst und trinkt wohlbekömmlich für das, was ihr zu tun pflegtet. (Zaidan)
77.43. (Zu ihnen wird gesagt:) "Eßt und trinkt und laßt es euch wohl bekommen (hanie'an)! (Ihr erhaltet das alles zum Lohn) für das, was ihr (in eurem Erdenleben) getan habt. " (Paret)
77.43. "Esset und trinkt in Gesundheit um dessentwillen, was ihr getan habt." (Rasul)
77.43. (Ihnen wird gesagt werden:) "Esst und trinkt wohlbekömmlich für das, was ihr (auf Erden) getan habt." (Périsset)
77.45. Woe unto the repudiators on that day! (Pickthall)
77.45. Wehe an diesem Tag den Ableugnenden: (Ahmad v. Denffer)
77.45. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Bubenheim)
77.45. Wehe an diesem Tag den Leugnern! (Azhar)
77.45. Niedergang ist an diesem Tag für die Ableugnenden bestimmt! (Zaidan)
77.45. Wie schlecht ist es an jenem Tag um diejenigen bestellt, die (unsere Botschaft) für Lüge erklären! (Paret)
77.45. Wehe an jenem Tag den Leugnern! (Rasul)
77.45. Wehe den Leugnern an diesem Tag. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 41 bis 45
The righteous ( 22 ) are today amidst shades and springs, and whatever fruits they desire (they shall have). "Eat and drink with relish as a reward for the deeds you have been doing." Thus do We recompense the doers of good. Wce on that Day to the deniers (of Truth)! ( 23 )
Desc No: 22 As this world has been used here in contrast to the "deniers'; the righteous here implies the people who refrained from denying the Hereafter and accepted it and passed their life in the world with the belief that in 'the Hereafter they would have to render an account of their word and deed and their conduct and character.
Desc No: 23 Here this sentence means that one of their afflictions. as mentioned above, will be that they will be standing as culprits in the plain of Resurrection, their crimes will have been proved and established openly and they will not be in a position even to open their mouths to put forward a plea in self defence, and shall ultimately become fuel of Hell. Their other affliction, and by far the worse will be that they will see the same believers enjoying themselves in Paradise, whom they had been opposing and resisting and mocking throughout their lives as foolish, narrow-minded, mean and old fashioned people.
77.50. In what statement, after this, will they believe? (Pickthall)
77.50. Also an welche Mitteilung nach ihm glauben sie? (Ahmad v. Denffer)
77.50. An welche Aussage nach dieser wollen sie denn glauben? (Bubenheim)
77.50. Wenn sie nicht an den Koran glauben, an welche Verkündigung wollen sie dann glauben? (Azhar)
77.50. An welches Wort nach ihm (dem Quran) werden sie denn den Iman verinnerlichen?! 3 (Zaidan)
77.50. An was für eine weitere Verkündigung (hadieth) wollen sie denn glauben (nachdem sie diese koranische Offenbarung abgelehnt haben)? (Paret)
77.50. An welches Wort, nach diesem, wollen sie denn glauben? (Rasul)
77.50. An welches Wort nach diesem wollen sie denn glauben? (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 46 bis 50
"Eats ( 24 ) and enjoy yourselves for a while. ( 25 ) Indeed, you are culprits." Woe on that Day to the deniers (of Truth)! When it is said to them: "Bow down (before Allah) they do not bow down. " ( 26 ) Woe on that Day to the deniers (of Truth)! Now, what message can there be after this (Qur'an) in which they will believe? ( 27 )
Desc No: 24 In conclusion, these words are being addressed not only to the disbelievers of Makkah but to all disbelievers of the world.
Desc No: 25 "For a while": in their brief life of the world.
Desc No: 26 "Bowing before Allah": does not only imply worshipping Him but also means believing in the Messenger sent by Allah and in the Book revealed by Him and following and obeying His Commands.
Desc No: 27 That is, the greatest Message that could distinguish the Truth from falsehood for man and show him right guidance, has been sent down in the shape of the Qur'an. if a person does not believe even after reading it or hearing it read, what else after this can show him the correct guidance?