79.41. Lo! the Garden will be his home. (Pickthall)
79.41. So ist ja der Paradiesgarten, * er ist die Bleibe. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
79.41. so wird der (Paradies)garten (ihm) Zufluchtsort sein. (Bubenheim)
79.41. für den ist das Paradies die endgültige Wohnstätte. (Azhar)
79.41. so ist gewiss die Dschanna die Unterkunft. (Zaidan)
79.41. ist das Paradies (für ihn) der Ort der Einkehr. (Paret)
79.41. - so wird das Paradies sicherlich (seine) Herberge sein. (Rasul)
79.41. dessen Bleibe wird der (Paradies)garten sein. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 34 bis 41
Then, when the great Disaster befalls ( 19 ) --- the Day when man shall remember whatever he had striven for ( 20 ) ---and Hell shall be laid open for everyone to see, then the one who had rebelled and preferred the life of the world, Hell shall be his home. As for him who had feared to stand before his Lord and restrained himself from evil desires, Paradise shall be his home. ( 21 )
Desc No: 19 This implies the Resurrection for which the words at-Taammat alkubra have been used. Taammah by itself is a grievous calamity which afflicts everybody. Then it has been further qualified by the word kubra (great), which shows that the mere word taammah is not enough to describe fully its intensity and severity.
Desc No: 20 That is, "When man will see that the same Day of accountability of which he was being foretold in the world, has come, he will start remembering each one of his misdeeds done in the world even before his records are handed over to him. Some people experience this even in the world. if at some time they come across a dangerous situation suddenly when death seems to be staring them in the face, their whole life-film flashes across their mind's eye all at once.
Desc No: 21 Here, in a few words, it has been told briefly what shall be the criterion of the final judgement in the Hereafter. One kind of the conduct of life in the world is that transgressing all bounds of service man should rebel against his God and should make up his mind that he would seek only the benefits and pleasures of this world in whatever way they could be sought and achieved. The other kind of conduct is that while man passes life in the world he should constantly keep in view the truth that ultimately one day he has to stand before his Lord, and should refrain from fulfilling the evil desires of the self only for the fear that if he earned an unlawful benefit in obedience to his self, or enjoyed an evil pleasure, what answer he would give to his Lord. The criterion of the judgement in the Hereafter will be which of the two kinds of conduct he adopted in the world. If he had adopted the first kind of conduct, his permanent abode would be Hell, and if he had adopted the second kind of conduct, his permanent home would be Paradise.
79.46. Kaannahum yawma yarawnaha lamyalbathuu illa AAaschiyyatan aw duhaha
79.46. On the day when they behold it, it will be as if they had but tarried for an evening or the morn thereof. (Pickthall)
79.46. Als hätten sie am Tag, an dem sie sie sehen, nur eine Abendstunde verweilt oder seine Morgenhelle. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
79.46. Am Tag, da sie sie sehen, wird ihnen sein, als hätten sie nur einen Nachmittag verweilt oder seinen (dazugehörigen) Vormittag (Bubenheim)
79.46. Wenn sie sie erleben werden, meinen sie, sie hätten auf der Erde nur einen Abend oder den folgenden Vormittag geweilt. (Azhar)
79.46. Als hätten sie, wenn sie sehen, nicht verweilt außer einer Nacht und ihrer Morgendämmerung. 3 (Zaidan)
79.46. Am Tag, da sie sie erleben werden, wird es (ihnen) sein, als ob sie (seit ihrem Tod) nur einen Abend oder (allenfalls noch) den darauffolgenden Morgen (im Grab) verweilt hätten. (Paret)
79.46. An jenem Tage, an dem sie sie schauen, werden sie meinen, sie hätten (auf der Erde) nicht länger geweilt als einen Abend oder den Morgen darauf. . (Rasul)
79.46. Am Tag, an dem sie diese sehen werden, wird es ihnen vorkommen, als hätten sie nur einen Abend oder einen Morgen (auf der Erde) verweilt. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 42 bis 46
They ask you, "When will the Hour come to stay?" ( 22 ) (But) it is not for you to tell its time. Its knowledge rests only with your Lord. You are only a warner to him who fears it. ( 23 ) The day these people see it, they will feel as though they had stayed (in the world or in the state of death) only for the afternoon of a day or its forenoon. ( 24 )
Desc No: 22 The disbelievers of Makkah asked this question of the Holy Prophet over and over again. By this they did not mean to know the time and date of the coming of Resurrection but to mock it. (For further explanation, see E.N. 35 of Surah Al-Mulk).
Desc No: 23 This also we have explained in E.N. 36 of Surah Al-Mulk above. As for the words "you are only a Warner to him who fears it", they do not mean that it is not your duty to warn those who do not fear, but it means: "Your warning will benefit only him who fears the coming of that Day."
Desc No: 24 This theme has occurred at several places in the Qur'an and been explained in the corresponding Notes. For it, see E.N. 53 of Yunus, E.N. 56 of Bani Isra'il, E.N. 80 of Ta Ha, E.N. 101 of Al-Mu'minun, E.N.'s 81, 82 of ArRum, E.N. 48 of Ya Sin. Besides, this theme has also occurred in Al-Ahqaf: 35 but we have not explained it there for fear of repetition. "