Assalamu Alaikum und willkommen auf Eurer Webseite für Tafaasir und Übersetzungen von Quran und Sunnah.
30.47. Und Wir haben bereits vor dir Gesandte zu ihren (jeweiligen) Völkern gesandt. Sie kamen zu ihnen mit den klaren Beweisen. Da übten Wir Vergeltung an denjenigen, die Übeltaten begingen; und es war für Uns eine Pflicht, den Gläubigen zu helfen.
83.6. The day when (all) mankind stand before the Lord of the Worlds? (Pickthall)
83.6. Am Tag, an dem die Menschen vor dem Herrn der Welten stehen? (Ahmad v. Denffer)
83.6. am Tag, da die Menschen sich um des Herrn der Weltenbewohner willen aufstellen werden? (Bubenheim)
83.6. dem Tag, an dem alle Menschen auferstehen und vor Gott, den Herrn der Welten, gestellt werden? (Azhar)
83.6. wenn dieMenschen für den HERRN aller Schöpfung aufstehen?! (Zaidan)
83.6. dann, wenn die Menschen sich (in Erwartung des Gerichts) vor dem Herrn über alle Welt (rabb al-`aalamien) aufstellen? (Paret)
83.6. an dem die Menschen vor dem Herrn der Welten stehen werden? (Rasul)
83.6. am Tag, an dem die Menschen vor dem Herrn der Welten stehen werden? (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 1 bis 6
Woe to those who give short weight, ( 1 ) who, when they take by measure from others, take it fully, and when they measure or weigh for them, they give them less than what is due ( 2 ) . Do they not think that they will be raised up again on a Great Day? ( 3 ) --the Day when all mankind shall stand before the Lord of the worlds.
Desc No: 1 In the original the word mutaffifin has been used, which is derived from tatfif, a word used for an inferior and base thing in Arabic. Terminologically, tatfif is used for giving short weight and short measure fraudulently, for the person who acts thus while measuring or weighing, does not defraud another by any substantial amount, but skimps small amounts from what is due to every customer cleverly, and the poor customer dces not know of what and of how much he is being deprived by the seller.
Desc No: 2 At several places in the Qur'an giving of short measure and weight has been condemned and measuring fully and weighing rightly has been stressed. In Surah AI-An'am, it has been enjoined: "You should use a full measure and a just balance. We charge one only with that much responsibility that one can bear." (v. 152). In Surah Bani Isra'il it has been said: "Give full measure when you measure and weigh with even scales." (v. 35). In Surah Ar-Rehman it has been stressed: Do not upset the balance: weigh with equity and do not give short weight." (vv. 8-9). The people of the Prophet Shu`aib were punished for the reason that the evil of giving short measure and weight had become widespread among them and in spite of his counsel and advice they did not refrain from it.
Desc No: 3 "A Great Day": the Day of Resurrection when all men and jinn will be called to account together in the Divine Court and decisions of vital importance will be made pertaining to rewards and punishments. "