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32.20. Was aber diejenigen angeht, die freveln, so wird das (Höllen)feuer ihr Zufluchtsort sein. Jedesmal, wenn sie aus ihm herauskommen wollen, werden sie dahinein zu rückgebracht, und es wird zu ihnen gesagt: "Kostet die Strafe des (Höllen)feuers, die ihr für Lüge zu erklären pflegtet."
84.15. Nay, but lo! his Lord is ever looking on him! (Pickthall)
84.15. Doch nein! Sein Herr hat ihn im Blick gehabt. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
84.15. Ja doch! Gewiß, sein Herr sieht ihn wohl. (Bubenheim)
84.15. O doch! Sein Herr sah ihn genau. (Azhar)
84.15. Doch, mit Sicherheit! Gewiß, sein HERR war über ihn allsehend. (Zaidan)
84.15. Aber nein! Sein Herr durchschaute ihn wohl (und achtete auf das, was er tat). (Paret)
84.15. Nein! Wahrlich, sein Herr hat ihn wohl gesehen. (Rasul)
84.15. Aber nein, sein Herr war der Allsehende über ihn. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 1 bis 15
When the heaven splits asunder, and obeys its Lord's Command, ( 1 ) as in truth it must (obey its Lord's Command); and when the earth is spread out, ( 2 ) and throws out whatever is within it, and becomes empty, ( 3 ) and obeys its Lord's Command, as in truth it must (obey the Command): ( 4 ) O man, you are moving on towards your Lord, willy ni11y, ( 5 ) and are about to meet Him. Then he whose record is given in his right hand, shall have an easy reckoning, ( 6 ) and he shall return to his kinsfolk rejoicing. ( 7 ) As for him whose record is given him behind his back, ( 8 ) he shall call for death and shall enter a blazing Fire. For he lived among his kinsfolk, completely absorbed, ( 9 ) and deemed he would never return. Why not! His Lord was ever watching his misdeeds. ( 10 )
Desc No: 1 Literally: "... and hears its Lord's Conmtand." However, according to Arabic usage adhina lahu dces not only mean: "He heard the Command but it means: "Hearing the Command he carried it out promptly like an obedient servant. "
Desc No: 2 "When the earth is spread out": when the oceans and rivers are filled up, the mountains are crushed to pieces and scattered away, and the earth is levelled and turned into a smooth plain. In Surah Ta Ha, the same thing has been expressed, thus: "He will turn the earth into an empty level plain, wherein you will neither see any curve nor crease." (vv 106-107) Hakim in Mustadrak has related through authentic channels on the authority of Hadrat Jabir bin 'Abdullah a saying of the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) to the effect: "On the Resurrection Day the earth will be flattened out and spread out like the table-cloth; then there will hardly be room on it for men to place their feet." To understand this saying one should keep in mind the fact that ou that Day all men who will have been born from the first day of creation till Resurrection, will be resurrected simultaneously and produced in the Divine Court. For gathering together such a great multitude of the people it is inevitable that the oceans, rivers, mountains, jungles, ravines and all high and low areas be levelled and the entire globe of the earth be turned into a vast plain so that all individuals of human race may have room on it to stand on their feet.
Desc No: 3 That is, it will throw out all dead bodies of men and also the traces and evidences of their deeds lying within it. so that nothing remains hidden and buried in it.
Desc No: 4 Here, it has not been expressly told what will happen when such and such an event takes place, for the subsequent theme by itself explains this, as if to say: "O man, you are moving towards your Lord and are about to meet Him; you will be given your conduct book; and rewarded or punished according to your deeds."
Desc No: 5 That is, "You may if you so like think that all your efforts and endeavours in the world are confined to worldly life and motivated by worldly desires, yet the truth is that you are moving, consciously or unconsciously, towards your Lord and you have ultimately to appear before Him in any case.."
Desc No: 6 That is, his reckoning will be less severe: he will not be asked why he had done such and such a thing and what excuses he had to offer for it. Though his evil deeds also will be there alongwith his good deeds in his records, his errors will be overlooked and pardoned in view of his outweighing good deeds . ln the Holy Qur'an, for the severe reckoning of the wicked people the words su-al-hisab (heavy reckoning) have been used (Ar-Ra'd: 181, and concerning the righteous it has been said: "From such people We accept the best of their deeds and overlook their evils." (AI-Ahqaf: 16). The explanation of it given by the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) has been related in different words by lmam Ahmad Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Abu Da'ud, Hakim, Ibn Jarir, `Abd bin Humaid, and Ibn Marduyah on the authority of Hadrat 'A'ishah. According to one of these traditions the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) said: "Doomed will be he who is called to account for his deeds. Hadrat 'A'ishah said: O Messenger of Allah, has not Allah said: 'He whose record is given in his right hand shall have an easy reckoning?' The Holy Prophet replied: That is only about the presentation of the deeds, but the one who is questioned would be doomed." In another tradition Hadrat 'A'ishah has related: "I once heard the Holy Prophet supplicate during the prayer, thus: O God, call me to a light reckoning. When he brought his Prayer to conclusion, I asked what he meant by that supplication. He replied: Light reckoning means that one's conduct book will be seen and one's errors will be overlooked. O 'A'ishah, the one who is called to account for his deeds on that Day, would be doomed.
Desc No: 7 "His kinsfolk": his family and relatives and companions who will have been pardoned even like himself.
Desc No: 8 In Surah Al Haaqqah: 25, it was said that his record will be given him in his left hand but here "behind his back. ! This will probably be for the reason that he would already have lost all hope that he would be given his record in his right hand, for he would be well aware of his misdeeds and sure to receive his record in his left hand. However, in order to avoid the humiliation of receiving it iu the left hand, in front of all mankind, he will withdraw his hand behind and so would receive it 'behind his back."
Desc No: 9 That is, his way of life was different from that of God's righteous men, about whom in Surah At-Tur: 26, it has been said that they lived among their kinsfolk in fear and dread of God, i.e. they fear lest they should ruin their own Hereafter on account of their absorption in the love of children and endeavours for the sake of their well-being and prosperity in the world. On the contrary, this tnan lived a life free from every care and worry and helped his children and kinsfolk also to enjoy life fully, no matter what wicked and inunoral methods he had to use to procure the means of enjoyment, how he had to usurp the rights of others and transgress the bounds set by Allah for the sake of the worldly pleasures.
Desc No: 10 That is, it was against God's justice and His wisdom that He should overlook the misdeeds that he was committing and should not summon him before Himself to render his account of the deeds. "