10.103. Then shall We save Our messengers and the believers, in like manner (as of old). It is incumbent upon Us to save believers. (Pickthall)
10.103. Dann retten Wir Unsere Gesandten, und diejenigen, die geglaubt haben. Derart ist es eine Verpflichtung für Uns - die Rettung der Gläubigen. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
10.103. Dann werden Wir Unsere Gesandten und diejenigen, die glauben, erretten. So ist es Uns eine Pflicht: Wir retten die Gläubigen. (Bubenheim)
10.103. Wir erretten dann Unsere Gesandten und die Gläubigen. Die Gläubigen haben wir zu erretten, dafür bürgen Wir. (Azhar)
10.103. Dann erretten WIR Unsere Gesandten und diejenigen, die den Iman verinnerlicht haben. Solcherart obliegt es Uns, die Mumin zu erretten. (Zaidan)
10.103. Hierauf (wenn das Strafgericht hereinbricht) erretten wir (jedesmal) unsere Gesandten und diejenigen, die glauben. So (gilt es) als eine Verpflichtung für uns, die Gläubigen zu erretten. (Paret)
10.103. Dann werden Wir Unsere Gesandten und jene, die da glauben, erretten. Also obliegt es Uns, die Gläubigen zu retten. (Rasul)
10.103. Wir retteten (stets) Unsere Gesandten und die Gläubigen (vor vernichtenden Strafgerichten). Die Rettung der Gläubigen ist für Uns eine Pflicht, (wenn ein ungläubiges Volk bestraft wird). (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 101 bis 103
Say to them, "Make a keen observation of all that is in the heavens and the earth." And (the fact is that) the Signs and warnings are of no avail to those who would not believe. ( 105 ) Now what do they wait for but the evil days that befell the peoples before them? Say to them, "Well, wait and see, I, too, wait with you." Then, (when such a time comes,) We deliver Our Messengers and those who believed in them-This is Our Way: We have laid it on Ourselves to deliver the believers.
Desc No: 105 This is the answer to the condition that they would believe him to be a true Prophet, if a Sign would be shown to them. The Holy Prophet has been asked to say to them, "There are countless Signs in the heaven and the earth, which confirm and testify the Message I am giving you. You could have easily recognized them, had you observed and considered them with open eyes and open hearts. But if you lack this urge and desire for the Truth, you will not accept and acknowledge it, however wonderful, miraculous and supernatural the sign may be, for you will declare that it was a piece of sorcery like Pharaoh and his chiefs. The fact is that the people, who suffer from this malady, see the Truth only when the torment with all its horrors overtakes them, just as Pharaoh came to believe only when he was drowning. But you should note it well that the repentance at the time of punishment is of no avail.