11.24. The similitude of the two parties is as the blind and the deaf and the seer and the hearer. Are they equal in similitude? Will ye not then be admonished? (Pickthall)
11.24. Das Gleichnis der beiden Gruppen ist wie der Blinde und der Taube und der Sehende und der Hörende. Sind beide gleich als Beispiele? Also erinnert ihr euch nicht? (Ahmad v. Denffer)
11.24. Das Gleichnis der beiden Gruppen ist wie der Blinde und der Taube und der Sehende und der Hörende. Sind die beiden (etwa) einander gleich? Bedenkt ihr denn nicht? (Bubenheim)
11.24. Das Gleichnis dieser beiden Gruppen ist das des Blinden und des Tauben gegenüber dem, der sehen und dem, der hören kann. Sind sie etwa gleich? Wollt ihr denn nicht nachdenken? (Azhar)
11.24. Das Gleichnis beider Parteien ähnelt einem Blinden und Tauben und einem Sehenden und Hörenden. Sind beide im Gleichnis etwa gleich?! Besinnt ihr euch etwa nicht?! (Zaidan)
11.24. Die beiden Gruppen (der Ungläubigen und der Gläubigen) sind gleichsam wie einer, der blind und taub ist, und einer, der sieht und hört. Sind die beiden etwa einander gleichzusetzen? Wollt ihr euch denn nicht mahnen lassen? (Paret)
11.24. Der Fall der beiden Parteien ist wie der (Fall) des Blinden und des Tauben und des Sehenden und des Hörenden. Sind nun beide wohl in der gleichen Lage? Wollt ihr denn nicht daran denken? (Rasul)
11.24. Das Gleichnis der beiden Gruppen ist wie das zwischen einem Blinden und einem Tauben (einerseits) und einem Sehenden und einem Hörenden (andererseits). Sind sie (etwa) gleich? Habt ihr denn keinen (verständigen) Verstand? (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 18 bis 24
And who can be more unjust than the one who ascribes false things to Allah? ( 20 ) Such persons shall be brought before their Lord and the witnesses will say "These are the people who ascribed false things to their Lord." Beware! Allah's curse rests upon the unjust people ( 21 ) -on those unJust people ( 22 ) who debar others from Allah's Way and seek to make it crooked; ( 23 ) and who disbelieve in the Hereafter. They were unable to frustrate Allah on the earth, ( 24 ) nor had they protectors to defend them against Allah. Now they shall be given double chastisement: ( 25 ) for they would neither listen to others nor see the Truth for themselves. These are the people who brought about their own loss and all that they had invented vanished from them. ( 26 ) No doubt they shall be greatest losers in the Hereafter.As regards those who believed and did righteous works and dedicated themselves exclusively to their Lord most surely they shall be the dwelleres of Paradise and shall abide there for ever. ( 27 ) These two groups may be likened to two men.one of whome is blind and deaf, and the other can see and hear. Can they be alike and equal ? ( 28 ) Do you not learn a lesson( from this example)?
Desc No: 20 The false things which unjust people ascribed to Allah were such as these: "There are other partners with Allah in His Godhead, rights and worship. Or He has nothing to do with the guidance or deviation of His servants, and has sent no Messenger, no Prophet and no Hook for their guidance but has left people free to adopt any way of life they like. Or God has created mankind for mere fun and will not call them to account for what they did in this world. Or there is no reward or punishment in the Hereafter."
Desc No: 21 This will happen in the Next World.
Desc No: 22 This is a parenthetical clause that has been inserted to point out some of the characteristics of the unjust people that make them accursed.
Desc No: 23 That is, "They do not like to follow the Right Way and wish that it should become crooked so as to suit their desires, lusts, prejudices, superstitions and caprices." (See X: IS)
Desc No: 24 This declaration (vv. 20-23) will be made in the Hereafter.
Desc No: 25 They shall be given double chastisement, because they themselves deviated from the Way and made others deviate from it and Ieft the heritage of deviation for the coming generations. (Please refer to E.N. 30 of AI-A'Araf.)
Desc No: 26 The things they have invented and which proved to be baseless were their theories about God, the Universe and their own life and the confidence, reliance and trust they had imposed in their deities, guardians, interceders and recommenders, and the conjectures they had made about the Life-after-death. All these things turned out to be absolutely false.
Desc No: 27 Here the declaration that began from v. 20 comes to an end.
Desc No: 28 The answer to this question is contained in the question itself. It is obvious that the one who does not see the way, nor listens to the one who is able to show him the way, will most surely stumble over a stone or obstacle and meet with a fearful accident. On the other hand, the one who himself sees the way and makes use of the guidance of the one who knows the way, will most surely reach his destination in perfect safety. This is exactly the difference between those who observe keenly the signs of the Reality in the universe and listen to the Message of the Prophets appointed by Allah and those who neither observe the Signs of God nor listen to the Messengers. Obviously neither can their behaviours and conducts be alike here nor shall their ultimate ends be equal and the same.