12.76. Fabadaa bi-awAAiyatihim qabla wiAAa-iakhiihi thumma istakhradschaha min wiAAa-i akhiihi kadhalikakidna liyuusufa ma kana liya/khudhaakhahu fii diini almaliki illa an yaschaa AllahunarfaAAu daradschatin man naschao wafawqa kulli dhiiAAilmin AAaliimun
12.76. Then he (Joseph) began the search with their bags before his brother ' s bag, then he produced it from his brother ' s bag. Thus did We contrive for Joseph. He could not have taken his brother according to the king ' s law unless Allah willed. We raise by grades (of mercy) whom We will, and over every lord of knowledge there is one more knowing. (Pickthall)
12.76. Und er begann mit ihren Behältnissen, vor dem Behältnis seines Bruders dann zog er ihn aus dem Behältnis seines Bruders. Derart haben Wir für Jusuf eine List gebraucht, es war nicht an ihm, daß er seinen Bruder nach der Religion des Herrschers genommen hätte, ohne daß Allah es will. Wir erheben an Rängen, wen Wir wollen, und über jedem mit Wissen ist ein Wissender. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
12.76. Er begann (zu suchen) in ihren Behältern vor dem Behälter seines Bruders. Hierauf holte er es aus dem Behälter seines Bruders hervor. So führten Wir für Yusuf eine List aus. Nach dem Gesetz des Königs hätte es ihm nicht zugestanden, seinen Bruder (als Sklaven) zu nehmen, außer daß Allah es wollte. Wir erhöhen, wen Wir wollen, um Rangstufen. Und über jedem, der Wissen besitzt, steht einer, der (noch mehr) weiß. (Bubenheim)
12.76. Er begann mit ihrem Gepäck, bevor er das Gepäck seines Bruders durchsuchte. Dann holte er ihn aus dem Gepäck des Bruders. So standen Wir Joseph mit einer List bei. Er konnte seinen Bruder nach dem Gesetz des Königs nur zu sich nehmen, wenn Gott es wollte. Wir heben im Rang, wen Wir wollen. ?ber jedem Wissenden ist der Allwissende. (Azhar)
12.76. Dann begann er (das Durchsuchen) mit ihren Transportbehältern vor dem Transportbehälter seines Bruders, dann zog er ihn aus dem Transportbehälter seines Bruders. Solcherart haben WIR es für Yusuf geplant. Denn er hätte niemals seinen Bruder nach dem Din des Königs festnehmen können, hätte ALLAH es nicht gewollt. WIR erhöhen um Stellungen, wen WIR wollen. Und über jedem Wissenden gibt es einen noch mehr Wissenden. (Zaidan)
12.76. Und er begann mit ihren Säcken vor dem Sack seines (jüngeren) Bruders. Hierauf holte er es aus dem Sack seines (jüngeren) Bruders heraus. So wandten wir für Joseph eine List an. Nach der Religion (dien) des Königs (von Ägypten) konnte er unmöglich seinen Bruder (in seinen Besitz) nehmen, es sei denn, daß Allah es wollte. Wir verleihen, wem wir wollen, einen höheren Rang (als den anderen). Und über jedem, der Wissen hat, ist einer, der (noch mehr) weiß. (Paret)
12.76. Da begann er ihre Säcke vor dem Sack seines Bruders (zu durchsuchen); dann zog er ihn aus dem Sack seines Bruders hervor. So richteten Wir es für Yusuf ein; er hätte seinen Bruder nach dem Gesetz des Königs nicht aufhalten können; es sei denn, Allah hätte es so gewollt. Wir erhöhen um Rangstufen, wen Wir wollen; und über jedem, der Wissen hat, ist der Eine, Der noch mehr weiß. (Rasul)
12.76. Zuerst (durchsuchte Josef) die Satteltaschen der anderen, und dann zog er den Becher aus der Satteltasche seines Bruders. Wir ermöglichten Joseph diese List, denn nach dem Gesetz des Königs hätte er seinen Bruder nicht festnehmen dürfen, es sei denn, Allah hätte es gewollt. Wir erhöhen im Rang, wen Wir wollen, und über jedem Wissenden gibt es jemanden, der noch mehr weiss. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 70 bis 76
While Joseph was arranging for the loading of the packs of his brothers, he put his cup in the pack of his own brother. ( 56 ) Afterwards a herald shouted, "Ho, cameleers ! you are thieves. ,, ( 57 ) Turning back, they asked, "What is it that you are missing?" The royal servants replied, "We do not find the cup of the king." (And their headman added, ) "The one, who would restore it, will be awarded a camel load of corn. I guarantee this." The brothers replied, "By God, you know it well that we have not come for spreading disorder in this country, and we are no thieves." At this, they said, "Very well, what shall be the punishment of the thief, if you are found to be liars?" They replied, "His punishment should be that he himself be made a bondsman, if the thing is found in his pack. At home we punish such offenders like this. " ( 58 ) Then Joseph first began to search the packs of his step-brothers before searching the pack of his own brother. At last he took it out from the pack of his brother. Thus We supported Joseph with Our plan: ( 59 ) or it did not behove Joseph to seize his brother (by the king's law) except that Allah willed it so. ( 60 ) We raise high the ranks of those We will, and there is the One Whose knowledge is far greater than the knowledge of all others.
Desc No: 56 In all probability, Prophet Joseph put the cup in his brother's pack with his knowledge and consent, as may be inferred from the preceding verse. Obviously. Prophet Joseph desired to free his brother from the oppression of the cruel step-brothers and he himself was reluctant to go back with them. But this could not be done directly and openly without disclosing his own identity, which was not then expedient under the circumstances. Therefore both the brothers might have thought out this plan, though this would have put the younger brother in an embarrassing situation for the time being because of his involvement in a case of theft. But they had adopted this plan because afterwards both the brothers could clear it easily by disclosing the real matter.
Desc No: 57 There is nothing in this verse nor in the succeeding verses to show that Prophet Joseph took his servants in his confidence in regard to this matter, and instructed them to bring a false accusation against the travellers. The simple explanation of the incident may be this. The cup might have been quietly and secretly put in the pack. Afterwards when the servants did not find it, they might have come to the inevitable conclusion that it must have been stolen by the travellers who were staying there.
Desc No: 58 It should be kept in mind that these people were the descendants of Prophet Abraham. Therefore they put forward his law regarding a thief, that is, the thief should be made the bondsman of the one whose goods he had stolen.
Desc No: 59 Now Iet us consider the question: How did Allah directly support Prophet Joseph with His plan? It is obvious that the plan of placing the cup in Benjamin's pack was thought out and executed by Joseph himself. And it is also obvious that the royal servants checked their packs as a matter of routine for such is the procedure that is generally followed on such occasions. There is nothing in this passage that might be called supernatural support by Allah except that the servants asked the brothers to prescribe the punishment for the thief, and they answered that he should be made a bondsman. The sentence that follows also confirms this interpretation.
Desc No: 60 Had Allah willed it, He would not have removed the flaw in the plan of Prophet Joseph. It was this: he could seize his brother according to his plan only by the help of the king's law, but it was not worthy of a Prophet of Allah to apply that un-lslamic law to his own personal case. For he had taken political power in his hands in order to establish gradually the Islamic law and not to enforce and keep the king's law in vogue. Had Allah willed it, He would have left no other course for His Prophet except to have resort to the un-Islamic law. But He did not will it so because He did not like to tarnish the fair name of His Prophet. Therefore he made the servants enquire from the brothers (an unusual thing) about the punishment of a thief and they stated the Law of Prophet Abraham. Thus not only was the flaw removed, but also no room was left for the brothers to raise any objection against this on the plea that they were not Egyptians, and therefore the law of the land could not be applied against them. As has already been pointed out, this was the support of Allah to which He has referred in the two subsequent verses as a token of His favour and a sign of the perfection of His knowledge. The favour of Allah was that He saved Prophet Joseph from applying the un-Islamic law of the king of Egypt to his personal case, for he was liable to do so under the stress of human weakness. And there can be no greater favour for one than this that Allah Himself should arrange to guard his high moral position. It should, however, be noted that such a high rank is awarded only to those who prove themselves to be "righteous" in very hard trials. By removing the flaw in his plan, Allah showed that His knowledge was far superior to the knowledge of those, whom (like Prophet Joseph) He had endowed with knowledge. In this connection, there are some other points worthy of consideration and we will deal with them briefly: (1) Generally the words BaaaC ail iY DYQia oaCoBcoa are translated like this: "Joseph could not seize his brother by the law of the king", or "Joseph was not authorized to seize his brother according to the law of the king. " In other words, it means, "He could not do this, as there was no provision for it in the king's law." Whereas it means this: "He ought not to have seized him by the king's law, as it did not behove him to do so." This version is open to two objections. Firstly, this is against the Qur'anic usage of as aCB Ca which usually means, "It did not behove him", "It was not right for him" and "He ought not to have done this." For instance, this is what it means in the following verses "Indeed, Islam alone is the Right Way in the sight of Allah." (III: 18). "Whosoever will adopt any other way than the way of Islam, it shall not be accepted...." (III:85). Secondly, such a version is meaningless, for there could have been no reason why he had not the power to seize him for theft according to the law of the king. Can there be any kingdom without having a law for taking action against a thief? (2) As the Qur'an uses the word BaaaC ai'I which connotes "the king's way of life" in addition to "the king's law", it helps to understand the meaning of the sentence under discussion. For it is obvious that the Prophet was sent to establish the way of Allah and not the un-Islamic way of the king. Though by that time he had only partially succeeded in this Mission, it was not proper and worthy of a Prophet to adopt "the way of the king" for his own personal case. Though there was no legal hindrance in his way to seize his brother according to the king's law, nevertheless, it was inappropriate for him, as a Prophet, to adopt the king's way which he had hitherto scrupulously avoided as far as his own person was concerned. Thus it is clear that its appropriate interpretation will be this: "It did not behove Joseph to seize his brother by the king's law. " (3) Besides this, by using the word for the "law of the land", Allah has denoted the vast comprehension of the word (din) and this cuts at the root of the conception of din of those people who confine the scope of the Message of the Prophets to mere worship of One Allah and believe that it has nothing to do with the cultural, political, social, judicial, legal and other mundane affairs of life. Or, they opine that, if at all it has any concern with those matters, it is merely to give some instructions of an optional nature in regard to these, and leave it to the believers to adopt these or their own man-made laws, because, they think, there is no harm even in adopting the latter course. This erroneous conception of din, which has been in vogue among the Muslims for a long time, has been responsible for rendering them neglectful of making exertions for the establishment of the Islamic Way of life. As a result of this misconception of din, they became reconciled to un-Islamic ways of unbelief and ignorance. Nay, they considered this misconception of theirs to be the pattern set by Prophet Joseph and became willing helpers and servants of these un-Islamic systems. Whereas this verse categorically refutes this misconception by declaring that the "law of the land" is as much a part of the din of Allah as Salat, Haj, Fast, and Zakat are. Therefore, the demand of the acceptance of aiIaC (ad-Din) made in v. 19 and v. 85 of Al-i'Imran, that is, "Indeed, Islam alone is aiIaC the Right Way, in the sight of Allah" and "Whosoever will adopt any other way (aiI), than the' Way of Islam, it shall not be accepted", includes laws as well as Salat and other obligatory duties prescribed by Allah. Therefore the exclusion of this part of din from any system would incur the displeasure of Allah. (4) The above interpretation, however, is open to one objection. It does, at least, imply that an un-Islamic way was in vogue in Egypt at the time, when Prophet Joseph was, even according to the present commentator, the supreme head of the country. It is, therefore, a proof that that Prophet himself was enforcing the un-Islamic law of the king. What difference, then, could it have made, if Prophet Joseph had followed, in his personal case too, the system of law of the king which he himself was enforcing instead of the system of law of Prophet Abraham? Most certainly this would have made a vast difference because it would have compromised his position as a Prophet, because he was trying to establish the Islamic Way of life, which naturally could have been accomplished gradually in course of time, during which the king's law would have inevitably remained in vogue. The same thing happened in Arabia during the Mission of the Holy Prophet in Madinah, which took nine years to establish the Islamic System in its entirety. During that period, several unIslamic laws remained in vogue. For instance, drinking, interest, the unIslamic laws of inheritance and marriage and some wrong ways of trade, etc., had to continue for some time. Likewise the civil and penal codes of Islam took some time for their complete introduction. So there is nothing strange in this that the king's law continued to be in vogue during the first nine years or so of Prophet Joseph's reign. But the continuance of the unIslamic law of the king during the period of transition is no argument to prove that Allah's Prophet was sent to follow the way of the king and not to establish the Way of Allah. "