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[ Sad:87 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah arRa'd (13)  Ayah: 25


Medina-Musshaf Seite 252

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

13.25. Waalladhiina yanquduunaAAahda Allahi min baAAdi miithaqihi wayaqtaAAuunama amara Allahu bihi an yuusala wayufsiduunafii al-ardi ola-ika lahumu allaAAnatu walahum suu-oalddari

13.25. And those who break the covenant of Allah after ratifying it, and sever that which Allah hath commanded should be joined, and make mischief in the earth: theirs is the curse and theirs the ill abode. (Pickthall)

13.25. Und diejenigen, welche die Abmachung mit Allah brechen, nach dem Vertrag dazu, und zerschneiden, was Allah aufgetragen hat, daß es verbunden wird, und auf der Erde Unheil stiften, diese, für sie gibt es den Fluch und für sie die böse Heimstätte. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

13.25. Diejenigen, die den Bund Allahs nach seiner Abmachung brechen und das trennen, was Allah befohlen hat, daß (es) verbunden werden soll, und auf der Erde Unheil stiften, für sie gibt es den Fluch und eine schlimme Wohnstätte. (Bubenheim)

13.25. Denjenigen, die den Pakt mit Gott nach Abschluss brechen, die die Bande, die Gott zu knüpfen gebietet, trennen und Unheil stiften auf Erden, gebührt der Fluch, und sie bekommen im Jenseits die schlimmste Bleibe. (Azhar)

13.25. Und diejenigen, die das ihnen von ALLAH Auferlegte verletzen, nachdem sie es als verbindlich anerkannten, das abbrechen, dessen Verbindung ALLAH vorgeschrieben hat, und auf der Erde Verderben anrichten. Für diese ist Fluch vorgesehen, und für sie ist das Übel nach dem Dießeits bestimmt. (Zaidan)

13.25. Diejenigen aber, die eine Verpflichtung (die sie) gegen Allah (eingegangen haben) brechen, nachdem sie (in aller Form) abgemacht war, und zerreißen, was nach Allahs Gebot zusammengehalten werden soll, und auf der Erde Unheil anrichten, die haben den Fluch (Allahs) und die schlimme Behausung (der Hölle) zu erwarten. (Paret)

13.25. Diejenigen aber, die den Bund Allahs brechen, nachdem (sie) ihn geschlossen haben, und zerreißen, was Allah zu verbinden geboten hat, und Unheil auf Erden stiften - auf ihnen lastet der Fluch, und sie haben eine schlimme Wohnstatt. (Rasul)

13.25. (Aber) diejenigen, die den Bund mit Allah brechen, nachdem sie ihn bekräftigt haben, das trennen, was Allah zu verbinden geboten hat, und auf der Erde Verderben stiften, auf ihnen lastet der Fluch (Allahs), und sie werden (dereinst) die schlimmste Bleibe haben. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 22 bis 25

They show fortitude to win the approval of their Lord. ( 39 ) They establish Salat and expend openly and secretly out of what We have bestowed upon them and ward off evil with good. ( 40 ) Their's shall be the abode of the Hereafter: Gardens wherein they will live for ever. They will enter into them along with the righteous from among their forefathers, wives and descendants. The angels will come to welcome them from every side, saying, "Peace be upon you. ( 41 ) You have won this blessing because of what you steadfastly endured in the world." How blessed is this abode of the Hereafter! As for those who break their Covenant with Allah after confirming it, who cut asunder what Allah has bidden to be joined, and spread chaos on the earth, their's shall be the curse, and they shall have a wretched abode in the Hereafter.

Desc No: 39
"They show fortitude": they remain self-possessed and keep under control all their desires and lusts and do not transgress the bounds, and they do not yield to temptations to disobey their Lord in order to gain advantages and gratify their desires: nay, they bear with calm courage and endurance losses and afflictions that are inevitable in the obedience of Allah. If we consider the life of a believer from this point of view, we shall find that the whole of his life is the life of endurance and fortitude, for he keeps himself under control in very trying circumstances in this world in the hope of winning the approval of his Lord and in the expectation of gaining permanent benefits in the Hereafter: so he fights with fortitude every temptation to sin. 

Desc No: 40
That is, "If others do evil to them, they do not do evil in return but do good instead: they do not fight mischief with mischief but with virtue. Howsoever unjust one may be to them, they do justice in every case. Likewise, they remain truthful and honest even in the cast of those who tell lies against them and show dishonesty towards them. "
There is a Tradition of the Holy Prophet to the same effect: "You should not imitate others in your conduct towards other people, for it is wrong to say, 'We will do goodness to others, if they do goodness to us and we will do injustice to them if they are unjust to us.' (On the other hand,) you should follow this principle: if others do goodness to you, you should do goodness to them, but if they do evil to you, you should not be unjust to them' . "
There is another Tradition, which begins with the words: "My Lord has bidden me to do nine things. Four of these things are, `I should behave justly towards everyone whether I am pleased or offended with him. I should render the right even of the one who violates my rights. I should pay the dues even of the one who depraves me of my due. I should forgive the one who has been unjust to me' . " There is yet another Tradition to the same effect: "Don't be faithless even to the one who has been faithless to you." There is also a saying of Hadrat 'Umar that amounts to the same thing. "The best way of punishing the one, who does not fear God in his dealings with you, is that you should fear God in your dealings with him. "  

Desc No: 41
This implies two things. The angels will come in large numbers from every side and give them this good news: "Now you have come to a place where there is peace for you. Here you arc immune from every affliction, every trouble, every hardship, and every danger and worry." (For details please see E.N. 29 of Al-Hijr).  "

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