14.12. How should we not put our trust in Allah when He hath shown us our ways? We surely will endure that hurt ye do us. In Allah let the trusting put their trust! (Pickthall)
14.12. Und was ist mit uns, daß wir nicht auf Allah vertrauen, und Er hat uns schon auf unsere Wege rechtgeleitet, und ganz bestimmt harren wir geduldig aus gegenüber dem, womit ihr uns verletzt habt, und auf Allah sollen die Gottvertrauenden vertrauen." (Ahmad v. Denffer)
14.12. Warum sollten wir uns nicht auf Allah verlassen, wo Er uns doch unsere Wege geleitet hat? Wir werden das, was ihr uns an Leid zufügt, ganz gewiß geduldig ertragen, und auf Allah sollen sich diejenigen verlassen, die sich (überhaupt auf jemanden) verlassen (wollen)." (Bubenheim)
14.12. Warum sollten wir uns nicht auf Gott verlassen, hat Er uns doch den rechten Weg geleitet. Wir halten die Leiden geduldig aus, die ihr uns zufügt. Auf Gott allein verlassen sich diejenigen, die Vertrauen haben. (Azhar)
14.12. Und weshalb sollen wir nicht ALLAH gegenüber Tawakkul üben, wo ER uns bereits auf unseren Wegen rechtleitete?! Und wir werden uns doch in Geduld üben dem gegenüber, was ihr uns an Kränkungen zufügt. Und ALLAH gegenüber sollen die Tawakkul-Übenden Tawakkul üben.“ (Zaidan)
14.12. Warum sollten wir denn nicht auf Allah vertrauen, wo er uns doch unsere Wege geführt hat? Wir wollen das Ungemach, das ihr uns zugefügt habt (maa aazaitumuunaa), geduldig ertragen. Und auf Allah sollen (alle) vertrauen, die (überhaupt) Vertrauen haben." (Paret)
14.12. Und warum sollten wir nicht auf Allah vertrauen, wo Er uns doch unsere Wege gewiesen hat? Und wir wollen gewiß mit Geduld alles ertragen, was ihr uns an Leid zufügt; auf Allah mögen denn diejenigen vertrauen, die sich auf (Allah) verlassen wollen." (Rasul)
14.12. Was hätten wir davon, Allah nicht zu vertrauen, nachdem Er uns den Weg gewiesen hat? Wir werden geduldig das Unrecht ertragen, das ihr uns antut. Diejenigen, die auf Allah vertrauen, verlassen sich ausschliesslich auf Ihn." (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 10 bis 12
The Messengers said, "Do you have doubt about the existence of Allah. Who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth? ( 17 ) He calls you that He may forgive you your sins and give you respite till your appointed term. " ( 18 ) They answered, "You are no more than human beings like ourselves. ( 19 ) You intend to debar us from the worship of the deities whom our forefathers have been worshipping. Well, bring a clear Sign. " ( 20 ) The Messengers replied, "It is true that we are no more than human beings like you, but Allah shows His favour to anyone of His servants He pleases. ( 21 ) And it is not in our power to bring any Sign for you. A Sign can come only by Allah's permission. And in Allah alone should the believers put their trust. And why should we not put our trust in Allah when He has guided us in the ways of our lives? We will bear with fortitude your persecutions of us and the trustful should have trust in Allah alone."
Desc No: 17 The Messengers posed this question to those who rejected the Message in order to bring home to them the absurdity of their stand with regard to God. For though . the mushriks of every age believed in the existence of God and acknowledged that He was the Creator of the heavens and the earth, they did not accept the Message, its logical result, that He alone was entitled to their worship. That is why the Messengers. asked them, "Do you have any doubt about the existence of Allah?"
Desc No: 18 In the case of individuals, the `appointed term' may be either the time of one's death or the Doomsday. As regards the `appointed term' for the rise and fall of communities, it is determined by their collective behaviour. For instance, if a capable community degenerates before the expiry of its term, the assigned period is shortened and it is deposed. On the other hand, if a degenerate community changes its ways for the better, its term is extended, So much so that it may extend even to the Doomsday. This same thing is implied in v. 11 of Ar-R'ad:"...The fact is that Allah dces not change a people's lot unless they themselves change their own characteristics ....."
Desc No: 19 The disbelievers meant to imply: "You are a human being like us in every respect: you eat, drink and sleep like us and have wife and children like us. You feel hungry and thirsty, and suffer from heat and cold, disease and calamities like us. In short, you have every human limitation like us, and we see nothing unusual and extraordinary in you to induct us to accept you as a Prophet and believe that God communicates with you and sends His angels to you."
Desc No: 20 That is, "If you still insist that you are a Prophet, bring a tangible proof of your appointment so as to convince us that you have really been sent by God and your Message is from Him."
Desc No: 21 That is, "No doubt we are human beings like you but it is Allah's will that He has chosen us from among you and blessed us with the knowledge of the Truth and keen discernment. And this is Allah's will and He has full powers to bestow anything on anyone He wills. We are not in a position to ask Him to send that blessing to you or to anyone else: nor can we deny the realities which have been shown to us."