15.66. Waqadayna ilayhi dhalikaal-amra anna dabira haola-i maqtuuAAunmusbihiina
15.66. And We made plain the case to him, that the root of them (who did wrong) was to be cut at early morn. (Pickthall)
15.66. Und Wir haben für ihn diese Angelegenheit entschieden, daß der letzte von diesen am Morgen abgeschnitten sein würde. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
15.66. Und Wir haben ihm diese Angelegenheit mitgeteilt, daß der letzte Rest dieser Leute bei Tagesanbruch ausgetilgt werde. (Bubenheim)
15.66. Wir gaben Lot ein: "Wir haben die Entscheidung getroffen, dass diese Frevler am Morgen vernichtet werden." (Azhar)
15.66. Und WIR haben ihm diese Bestimmung erteilt: ‚Diese werden doch beim Morgengrauen bis auf den Letzten vernichtet.‘ (Zaidan)
15.66. Wir hatten diese Angelegenheit für ihn entschieden: Am (nächsten) Morgen sollten jene (Sünder) ausgerottet sein. (Paret)
15.66. Und Wir verkündeten ihm in dieser Angelegenheit, daß die Wurzel jener (Leute) am Morgen ausgerottet werden sollte. (Rasul)
15.66. Und Wir verkündeten ihm, dass die Wurzel (der Ungläubigen) am (nächsten) Morgen abgeschnitten sein würde. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 61 bis 66
Afterwards when these envoys came to the house of Lot, ( 35 ) he said, "You appear to be strangers. " ( 36 ) They answered, "Nay, but we have come to you with that concerning which these people had doubts. We tell you the truth that we have come to you with the truth. You should, therefore, depart with your people in the last hours of the night and you yourself should follow them in their rear"; ( 37 ) let none of you turn round to look behind; ( 38 ) go straight where you are being bidden." And We informed him of Our decree that they shall be utterly destroyed by the next morning.
Desc No: 35 Please compare this with VII: 80-84 and XI: 77-83.
Desc No: 36 Here the story has been related in brief. But we learn from XI: 77-83 that Prophet Lot was greatly perturbed and distressed at the visit of the angels. He said to himself, "This is a day of woe." The reason why he was distressed, as implied in the Qur'an and explicitly expressed in the Traditions, was that the angels had come to Prophet Lot in the shape of beautiful boys, and he knew how perverse and wicked his people were. He was distressed for he could not send them away because they were his guests, and because he did not know how to protect them from those villains.
Desc No: 37 That is, "You should walk behind your people lest anyone of them should stay behind" .
Desc No: 38 It did not mean: "look not behind thee... .lest thou be consumed. . . "as stated in the Bible. But it merely meant to warn them: "None of you should turn round to see what was happening behind them lest you should stop to see the fun, when you heard the cries of the smitten people. For it is neither the time of enjoying "fun", nor of shedding tears of regret. If you stop even for a minute in the territory of the smitten people you also might get hurt from the rain of stones."