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78.37. dem Herrn der Himmel und der Erde und dessen, was dazwischen ist, dem Allerbarmer. Sie verfügen nicht darüber, vor Ihm zu reden,

[ anNaba':37 ]

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Suche im englischen Tafsir von Maududi
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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah anNahl (16)  Ayah: 117


Medina-Musshaf Seite 028

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

16.117. MataAAun qaliilun walahum AAadhabunaliimun

16.117. A brief enjoyment (will be theirs); and theirs a gainful doom. (Pickthall)

16.117. Eine kleine Nutznießung, und für sie gibt es schmerzende Strafe. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

16.117. (Es ist nur) ein geringer Genuß, und für sie wird es schmerzhafte Strafe geben. (Bubenheim)

16.117. Sie erfreuen sich geringen Genusses im irdischen Leben, und auf sie wartet eine peinvolle Strafe im Jenseits. (Azhar)

16.117. Es ist ein winziges Genussgut und für sie ist eine qualvolle Peinigung bestimmt. (Zaidan)

16.117. (Es ist nur) eine geringfügige Nutznießung (die ihnen gewährt wird). Und sie haben (dereinst) eine schmerzhafte Strafe zu erwarten. (Paret)

16.117. Wenig Genuß (haben sie), (dann) aber wird ihnen eine schmerzliche Strafe zuteil sein. (Rasul)

16.117. (Für sie gibt es) ein kurzweiliges Vergnügen (auf Erden), und (dann) werden sie eine schmerzhafte Strafe erleiden. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 114 bis 117

So, O people, eat of the lawful and pure provisions with which Allah has blessed you and show gratitude ( 113 ) to Allah for His favours, if you are sincerely obedient to Him. ( 114 ) Allah has forbidden only these things: do not eat what dies of itself nor blood nor swine flesh nor what has been slaughtered in any name other than Allah. But if forced by hunger one eats of any of these forbidden things, provided he has no intention of breaking the Divine Law or of transgressing the limits by taking more than what is absolutely indispensable, one may expect mercy, for Allah is very Forgiving and very Compassionate. ( 115 ) Do not ascribe lies to Allah by decreeing with your tongues, "This is lawful and that is unlawful" ( 116 ) for those people who ascribe lies to Allah can never come to any good. (They should remember that) the pleasures of this world are transitory and in the end there is a painful torment for them.

Desc No: 113
This shows that the above mentioned famine had come to an end at the time of the revelation of this Surah. 

Desc No: 114
Here the observation of the lawful and the unlawful has been made the test of worship of Allah. Those who claim to be the servants of Allah will eat what is lawful and pure and show gratitude to Him and will scrupulously refrain from what is forbidden and impure. 

Desc No: 115
Please refer also to II: 173, V: 3 and VI: 145. 

Desc No: 116
This verse clearly shows that none but Allah has the right to declare a thing to be lawful or unlawful. Or, in other words, the right of making laws exclusively rests with Allah. Therefore, any person, who will dare to decide about the lawful and the unlawful, will transgress his powers. Of course, a person, who acknowledges the Divine law as the final authority, may deduce from it whether a certain thing or action is lawful or unlawful.
The arrogation of the right of determining the lawful and the unlawful has been declared to be a falsehood on Allah for two reasons: (1) Such a person, so to say, claims that what he declares to be lawful or unlawful disregarding the authority of the Divine Book, has been made lawful or unlawful by God or (2) he means to claim that Allah has given up the authority of making lawful and unlawful and has thus left man free to make his own laws for the conduct of life. It is obvious that each of these claims will be a "falsehood" and a false imputation to Allah. 

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