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33.13. Und als eine Gruppe von ihnen sagte: "O ihr Leute von Yatrib, ihr könnt euch (hier) nicht aufhalten. Kehrt zurück." Und ein Teil von ihnen bat den Propheten um Erlaubnis, (heimzukehren,) indem sie sagten: "Unsere Häuser sind ohne Schutz." Dabei waren sie nicht ohne Schutz, sie wollten nur fliehen.

[ alAhzab:13 ]

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Suche im englischen Tafsir von Maududi
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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah anNahl (16)  Ayah: 128


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Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

16.128. Inna Allaha maAAa alladhiinaittaqaw waalladhiina hum muhsinuuna

16.128. Lo! Allah is with those who keep their duty unto Him and those who are doers of good. (Pickthall)

16.128. Allah ist ja mit denjenigen, die gottesfürchtig sind und denjenigen, die Guthandelnde sind. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

16.128. Gewiß, Allah ist mit denjenigen, die gottesfürchtig sind und Gutes tun. (Bubenheim)

16.128. Gott steht den Frommen und Rechtschaffenen bei, die das Gute tun. (Azhar)

16.128. ALLAH ist gewiss mit denjenigen, die Taqwa gemäß handelten, und mit denjenigen, die Muhsin sind. 1 (Zaidan)

16.128. Allah ist mit denen, die (ihn) fürchten und rechtschaffen (muhsinuun) sind. (Paret)

16.128. Wahrlich, Allah ist mit denen, die gottesfürchtig sind und Gutes tun. . (Rasul)

16.128. Wahrlich, Allah steht denen bei, die fromm sind und Gutes tun. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 125 bis 128

O Prophet invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and excellent admonition ( 122 ) and discuss things with people in the best manner. ( 123 ) Your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Way and He knows best who is rightly guided. And if you retaliate, let your retaliation be to the extent that you were wronged, but if you endure it with patience, it is indeed best for those who endure with patience. O Muhammad, go on performing your mission with fortitude-and you can practise fortitude only with the help of Allah-do not be grieved at their doings and do not distress yourself at their intrigues, for Allah is with those people who fear Him and adopt the righteous attitude. ( 124 )

Desc No: 122
This instruction is very important for those who are engaged in the propagation of Islam. They should always keep in view two things- "wisdom" and "excellent admonition". "Wisdom" implies that one should use discretion in the work of propagation and should not do this blindly like foolish people. Wisdom demands that one should keep in view the intelligence, capability and circumstances of the addressees and convey the Message in accordance with the requirements of the occasion. Moreover, one should refrain from applying one and the same method to each and every person or group but should first diagnose the real disease of the addressee and then cure it by appealing to his head and heart.
"Excellent admonition" implies two things: (1) One should not be content with convincing the addressee with arguments alone but should also appeal to his feelings. Likewise one should not confine oneself merely to arguments in condemning evils and deviations but should try to convince the other of their repugnance that lies embedded in the human nature. One should also warn of the worst consequences of those evils. Besides, one should not only try to convince the addressee rationally of the soundness and excellence of guidance and righteous deeds but should also create in him interest and love for them. (2) Admonition should be administered in such a manner as to show sincere concern for and the welfare of the addressee. Nothing should be said or done to create the impression that the admonisher is looking down upon him and taking pleasure in his own feeling of superiority. On the contrary, he should feel that the admonisher is filled with the strong desire for his reform and welfare. 

Desc No: 123
"Best manner" implies that one should have a sweet tongue, show noble character and give reasonable and appealing arguments, and refrain from indulging in polemics, argumentation and controversies. The one who discusses things with people in the best manner, does not resort to accusations, crooked arguments, taunts, nor makes fun of the opponent in order to defeat him and to win applause for his own superiority in argument. For these things will produce obduracy and obstinacy. In contrast to this, he will try to convince the other in a simple and humble way, and when he feels that the other person has come down to crooked arguments, he will leave him alone lest the other should go further and further astray in his deviation. 

Desc No: 124
"Allah is with those who fear Him" because they scrupulously refrain from evil ways and always adopt the righteous attitude, for they know that their actions and deeds arc not determined by the evils others do to them but by their own sense of righteousness; so they return good for evil.  "

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