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22.3. Und unter den Menschen gibt es manch einen, der über Allah ohne Wissen streitet und jedem rebellischen Satan folgt,

[ alHagg:3 ]

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Suche im englischen Tafsir von Maududi
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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah anNahl (16)  Ayah: 19


Medina-Musshaf Seite 269

Mehr Übersetzungen

Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

16.19. WaAllahu yaAAlamu matusirruuna wama tuAAlinuuna

16.19. And Allah knoweth that which ye keep hidden and that which ye proclaim. (Pickthall)

16.19. Und Allah weiß, was ihr geheimhaltet und was ihr offenlegt, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

16.19. Und Allah weiß, was ihr geheimhaltet und was ihr offenlegt. (Bubenheim)

16.19. Gott weiß, was ihr verborgen haltet und was ihr öffentlich äußert. (Azhar)

16.19. Und ALLAH kennt das, was ihr verheimlicht und was ihr offenlegt. (Zaidan)

16.19. Und Allah weiß, was ihr geheimhaltet, und was ihr bekanntgebt. (Paret)

16.19. Und Allah weiß, was ihr verbergt und was ihr kundtut. (Rasul)

16.19. Allah weiss, was ihr verheimlicht und was ihr offenlegt. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 17 bis 19

Is, then, He, Who creates, like those who create nothing? ( 16 ) Do you not understand even this much? If you try to reckon up Allah's blessings, you cannot count them. Indeed, He is Forgiving and Compassionate, ( 17 ) though He knows all that you conceal and all that you reveal. ( 18 )

Desc No: 16
That is, "If you, people of Makkah, acknowledge (and they acknowledged this just as other mushriks did) that Allah alone is the Creator of all of you and everything, and no one of the partners, you have set up with Him, has created anything in the universe, how is it, then, that you ascribe to the created, a status equal to or like that of the Creator in the system of universe created by Him? How can it be possible that the powers and the rights of the created should be equal to the powers and the rights of the Creator in the universe created by Himself? How can it be believed that the Creator and the created possess the same qualities and characteristics, or can have such relationship as of father and son?" 

Desc No: 17
Here the connection of Allah's attributes, "Forgiving and Compassionate" , with the preceding verse is so obvious that it has been left unmentioned. It is this: "Though Allah goes on showering countless blessings upon people, they behave in an ungrateful, faithless and rebellious manner towards Him. He does not punish them immediately, but gives them respite, for He is Forgiving and Compassionate" . This is true of both individuals and communities. There are people, who deny even the existence of God, yet He goes on bestowing His favours on them for years on end. There are others who set up partners with Him in his attributes, powers and rights, and show their gratitude to others than Him for His blessings, yet He dces not withhold His favours from them; there are still others who profess to acknowledge Him as their Creator and Benefactor, yet rebel against Him and are disobedient to Him and consider freedom from Him w be their birth right, but in spite of all this He continues to shower His countless blessings on them as long as they live. 

Desc No: 18
A grave misunderstanding might arise as to why Allah's blessings should continue to be showered even on those who deny Him and set up partners with Him and are disobedient to Him. The foolish people are liable to conclude from this that He does not withhold His favours from such people because He has no knowledge of their wicked deeds, The Qur'an declares: "......Even though He has full knowledge of all the deeds of the people, whether these are done secretly or openly, He does not discontinue His blessings on the sinners, for He is Forgiving, Compassionate and Merciful. Therefore, O foolish people! , get rid of this misunderstanding, and reform yourselves." 

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