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61.8. Sie wollen gern Allahs Licht mit ihren Mündern auslöschen. Aber Allah wird Sein Licht vollenden, auch wenn es den Ungläubigen zuwider ist.

[ asSaff:8 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah anNahl (16)  Ayah: 37


Medina-Musshaf Seite 271

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

16.37. In tahris AAala hudahumfa-inna Allaha la yahdii man yudillu wamalahum min nasiriina

16.37. Even if thou (O Muhammad) desirest their right guidance, still Allah assuredly will not guide him who misleadeth. Such have no helpers. (Pickthall)

16.37. Auch wenn du wirklich ihre Rechtleitung willst, so leitet Allah nicht recht, Er irregehen läßt, und für sie gibt es keine Helfer. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

16.37. Selbst wenn du noch so (danach) trachtest, sie rechtzuleiten, so leitet Allah nicht recht, wen Er (nun einmal) in die Irre gehen läßt; und sie werden keine Helfer haben. (Bubenheim)

16.37. Du bemühst dich eifrig, sie rechzuleiten, aber Gott leitet diejenigen nicht recht, die sich für den Irrtum entschieden haben. Ihnen kann keiner beistehen. (Azhar)

16.37. Selbst wenn du dich sorgfältig um ihre Rechtleitung bemühst, so leitet ALLAH doch keinen recht, den ER abirren lässt. Und für sie gibt es keine Beistehenden. (Zaidan)

16.37. Du magst noch so sehr darauf aus sein, sie rechtzuleiten. Allah leitet diejenigen, die er (nun einmal) irreführt, nicht recht. Und sie haben (dereinst) keine Helfer. (Paret)

16.37. Wenn du für sie den rechten Weg begehrst, dann (wisse, daß) Allah nicht jenen den Weg weist, die (andere) irreführen; noch gibt es für sie Helfer. (Rasul)

16.37. Selbst wenn du dich noch so sehr darum bemühst, sie auf den rechten Weg zu bringen, so leitet Allah diejenigen nicht recht, die sich für den Irrtum entscheiden. Und sie werden (dereinst) keine Helfer haben. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 35 bis 37

The mushriks say, "Had Allah willed, neither we nor our forefathers would have worshipped any other than Allah nor made anything unlawful without His will . " ( 30 ) Such excuses were put forward also by those who went before them. ( 31 ) Have the Messengers any more responsibility than to convey the Message clearly? Accordingly, we sent to every community a Messenger, saying, "Worship Allah and keep away from the taghut. " ( 32 ) After that Allah showed guidance to some of them, while deviation took hold of others. ( 33 ) So, roam about in the earth and behold what has been the end of the rejectors of the Messengers. ( 34 ) 0 Muhammad! howsoever desirous you may be of their guidance, (know) that Allah does not show guidance to those whom He lets go astray, and such people have no helpers.

Desc No: 30
In order to understand the significance of this argument the reader should keep in view vv. 148-150 and E.N.'s 124-126 of Chapter VI, for this has been cited and answered there. 

Desc No: 31
That is, "Your argument" is not a new one but the same old one which had always been offered by erroneous people who went before you. Today you arc, like them, excusing yourselves for your deviation and evil conduct, saying that it is the will of God. You know that this is a lame excuse that has been invented to delude yourselves, and to escape from admonition."
This answer also contains a subtle retort to the objection of the disbelievers that the Qur'an consisted merely of old stories of the ancients (v. 24). They meant to imply that the Prophet had nothing new to offer. So he was repeating the same old stories that had been repeated over and over again since the time of Prophet Noah. The retort is this: "If the Holy Prophet was not presenting anything new but was reciting the old stories of the ancients, you yourselves are not putting forward any new excuse in defence of your evil deeds, but the same old excuse that was put forward by the people who went before you. " 

Desc No: 32
That is, "You are not justified in excusing yourselves for these sins, saying that it is the will of God for We sent Messengers to every ummat, who told the people in plain words that they should worship Us and none else, and should not follow and obey taghut. Besides this, We have already warned you that We do not approve of your deviations. Why should you then put forward this excuse for your deviations ? Do you mean to say that We ought to have sent such Messengers as would have forced you to follow the Right Way instead of bringing you to it by preaching?" (Please refer to E.N. 80 of Al-A am VI for the distinction between God's "will" and God's "approval. ") 

Desc No: 33
That is, "Whenever a Messenger came to a people, they were divided into two groups:
(1) Those who accepted the Message (and that, too, could not have been possible except with the will of Allah. )
(2) Those who rejected it and stuck to their deviation". (For fuller explanation, please consult E.N. 28 of A/-An am VI. 

Desc No: 34
That is, "You can see for yourselves the lesson of human history. It is this that the people, who rejected the Message, incurred the scourge of Allah like Pharaoh and the people of Pharaoh, while Prophet Moses received the blessings of Allah" .  "

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