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16.54. Doch wenn Er hierauf das Unheil von euch hinweggenommen hat, ist da gleich eine Gruppe von euch dabei, ihrem Herrn (andere) beizugesellen,

[ anNahl:54 ]

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Medina-Musshaf Seite 277

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

16.88. Alladhiina kafaruu wasadduuAAan sabiili Allahi zidnahum AAadhaban fawqaalAAadhabi bima kanuu yufsiduuna

16.88. For those who disbelieve and debar (men) from the way of Allah, We add doom to doom because they wrought corruption. (Pickthall)

16.88. Denjenigen, die den Glauben verweigert und abgehalten haben vom Weg Allahs - hinzugefügt haben Wir ihnen Strafe über die Strafe, weil sie immer Verderben gestiftet haben. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

16.88. Denjenigen, die ungläubig sind und von Allahs Weg abhalten, fügen Wir noch Strafe zu über ihre Strafe hinaus dafür, daß sie Unheil zu stiften pflegten. (Bubenheim)

16.88. Den Ungläubigen, die Gott verleugnet und die Menschen von Seinem Wege abgehalten haben, erhöhen Wir die peinvolle Strafe, weil sie - über den Unglauben hinaus - Unheil gestiftet haben. (Azhar)

16.88. Denjenigen, die Kufr betrieben und von ALLAHs Weg abhielten, ihnen werden WIR noch zusätzliche Peinigung über die (eigentliche) Peinigung zufügen für das, was sie an Verderben anzurichten pflegten. 1 (Zaidan)

16.88. Denen, die ungläubig sind und (ihre Mitmenschen) vom Wege Allahs abhalten, erhöhen wir (dereinst) die Strafe (indem wir) über das (an sich fällige) Strafmaß (hinausgehen) (zur Vergeltung) dafür, daß sie (in ihrem Erdenleben auf diese Weise) Unheil angerichtet haben. (Paret)

16.88. Die ungläubig sind und von Allahs Weg abhalten - zu (deren) Strafe werden Wir noch eine Strafe hinzufügen, weil sie Unheil anrichteten. (Rasul)

16.88. Denjenigen, die ungläubig sind und andere von Allahs Weg abhalten, werden Wir die Strafe mit einer zusätzlichen Strafe erschweren, weil sie (durch die Irreführung) Verderben stifteten. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 84 bis 88

(Do they realize what will happen) on the Day when We shall raise up a witness ( 80 ) from every community? Then the disbelievers shall not be given any opportunity to put forward any excuses ( 81 ) nor shall they be asked to show penitence. ( 82 ) When once the transgressors will see the torment, their punishment shall neither be lightened for them after this nor shall any respite be given to them. When the people, who had committed shirk in this world, will see those whom they had made associates with Allah, they will say, "Our Lord! here are those associate-deities whom we used to invoke beside Thee". At this their deities will retort, "You are liars. " ( 83 ) At that time all of them will proffer submission before Allah and all they used to forge in this world shall vanish from them. ( 84 ) We will inflict double torment ( 85 ) on those who followed the way of disbelief and hindered others from the Way of Allah on account of the chaos they spread in this world.

Desc No: 80
The witness will be the Prophet of that community or his follower who invited that community to Tauhid and God-worship and warned it of the consequences of shirk and superstitious rites and customs and cautioned it against the accountability on the Day of Resurrection. He will bear witness of the fact that he had conveyed the true Message to those people, and that they committed evils deliberately and not in ignorance. 

Desc No: 81
This does not mean that the criminals will not be given any opportunity to clear themselves but it means that their crimes will be proved to the hilt by means of irrefutable evidence which will leave no room for excuses. 

Desc No: 82
That is, "They will not be given the opportunity to beg pardon of their Lord for their crimes. For that will be the time of judgment as the time of begging pardon would have ended long before this." The Qur'an and the Traditions are explicit on this point that the place for penitence is this world and not the Next World. Even in this world the opportunity is lost as soon as signs of death begin to appear, for the penitence at that time will be of no avail when a person knows that the time of his death has come. Respite for deeds expires as soon as one enters into the boundary of death, and the only thing that remains after that is the award of reward and punishment. 

Desc No: 83
It does not mean that they would deny the fact that the mushriks used to invoke their help. They will call them liars in the sense that they had made them deities without their knowledge, information and permission, as if to say, "We never told you to leave Allah aside and pray to us for help. As a matter of fact, we never approved of this, nay, we were utterly unaware of this that you were invoking us. It was an utter lie that you considered us to be able to hear your prayers, answer them and help you out of your difficulties. As you yourselves were responsible for this shirk, why arc you involving us in its consequences ?" 

Desc No: 84
That is, "All those things on which they had relied will prove to be false, for they will not fmd anyone to hear their supplication nor anyone to remove their hardships. Nay, there will be none who will come forward and say, "These. are my dependents: so no action should be taken against them". 

Desc No: 85
Double torment: one for their own disbelief and the other for hindering others from the Way of Allah. 

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