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15.9. Gewiß, Wir sind es, die Wir die Ermahnung offenbart haben, und Wir werden wahrlich ihr Hüter sein.

[ alHigr:9 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alIsra' (17)  Ayah: 65


Medina-Musshaf Seite 288

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

17.65. Inna AAibadii laysa laka AAalayhimsultanun wakafa birabbika wakiilan

17.65. Lo! My (faithful) bondmen over them thou hast no power, and thy Lord sufficeth as (their) guardian. (Pickthall)

17.65. Ja, Meine Knechte, - über sie hast du keine Ermächtigung, und dein Herr genügt als Sachwalter. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

17.65. "Gewiß, über Meine Diener hast du keine Macht." Und dein Herr genügt als Sachwalter. (Bubenheim)

17.65. "?ber Meine Diener hast du keine Macht." Sie verlassen sich auf Gott allein. Dein Herr genügt ihnen als Beschützer. (Azhar)

17.65. Gewiß, über Meine Diener hast du allerdings keinerlei Verfügung. Und dein HERR genügt als Wakil.“ (Zaidan)

17.65. "Über meine (eigentlichen) Diener hast du aber keine Vollmacht." Und dein Herr genügt als Sachwalter. (Paret)

17.65. "Über Meine Diener aber wirst du gewiß keine Macht haben." Und dein Herr genügt als Beschützer. (Rasul)

17.65. – "Über Meine Diener wirst du aber keine Macht haben." Wahrlich, dein Herr genügt als Sachwalter (aller Dinge). (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 61 bis 65

And remember: when We commanded the angels, ( 73 ) "Bow yourselves before Adam," all bowed down but Iblis. ( 74 ) He replied, "Should I bow before the one whom you have created of clay?" Then he added, "Just consider this: Was he worthy of this that you have exalted him over me ? If you give me respite up to the Day of Resurrection, I will uproot the whole of his progeny; ( 75 ) there shall be only a few of them who will be able to save themselves from me." Allah replied, "Well, get away. Hell is your ample reward and the reward of those who follow you. You may try to allure with your invitation whomsoever you can. ( 76 ) Rally against them your horsemen and your footmen: ( 77 ) set a partner with them in their wealth and children ( 78 ) and entice them with your false promises And Star's promises are nothing but deception ( 79 ) . Indeed you will have no power over my servants. " ( 80 ) And your Lord suffices for you as a guardian. ( 81 )

Desc No: 73
That is, We showed you such things during the Mi'raj so that they should have the first hand knowledge of the Reality from a truthful and honest man like you and be warned by it to the Right Way. They, however, began to make fun of you, though We had already warned them through you that their evil ways would force them to eat of the Az-Zaqqum. Instead of this they began to scoff at you, saying, Just consider the logic of this man: on the one hand, he says that there an awful fire burning in Hell and, on the other, he says that trees are growing in it' . " 

Desc No: 74
Please also refer to II: 30-39, IV: 117-122, VII: 11-25, XIV: 22, XV:26-43
This story has been cited here to impress upon the disbelievers that their attitude of arrogance and indifference towards Allah is exactly the same as was adopted by Satan; As a matter of fact, they were following Satan who is the avowed enemy of man, and were being entangled in the snare spread by him who had challenged the progeny of Adam at the very beginning of human history that he would allure and ruin them. 

Desc No: 75
That is, "I will uproot them from the high position of Divine Vicegerency which demands steadfastness in obedience. Their removal from that high position is just like the tearing of a tree from its roots." 

Desc No: 76
The literal meaning of the Arabic Text is, "You may sweep away those whom you fmd superficial and weak-minded. " 

Desc No: 77
Here, Satan has been likened to that robber who assaults a habitation with horsemen and footmen, and orders one to rob this thing add the other to plunder that thing and so on-The horsemen and the footmen of Satan are those jinns and human beings who are engaged in numerous forms and positions in carrying out his mission. 

Desc No: 78
This is a very meaningful sentence which depicts a true and perfect picture of the relationship between Satan and his followers. On the one hand, Satan becomes a partner with the one who follows him in the earning and spending of his money without putting in any labour in it; on the other, he dces not become a partner in bearing the consequences of his error, crime and sin. But his foolish dupe follows his instructions as if he were a partner, nay, a stronger party. Again in regard to the children of such a man, the father himself bears the whole burden of bringing them up, but under the misguidance of Satan he trains them in wrong and unmoral ways as if he alone was not their father but Satan as well was a partner in it. 

Desc No: 79
Satan entices them with false promises of success and entangles them in the snare of false expectations. 

Desc No: 80
It has two meanings: (1) "You will have no power over human beings to force them to follow your way. What you are allowed to do is that you may delude them by false counsel and entice them by false promises, but they will have the option to follow or not to follow your counsel. You will not have the power over them to force them to follow your way against their will. " (2) "You will not succeed in 'alluring My righteous people. Though the weak-minded will be enticed by you, My righteous people who are steadfast in My obedience will not succumb to you. " 

Desc No: 81
That is, "Those who will trust in Allah and believe in His guidance and help, will not stand in need of any other support in their trial by Satan for Allah will guide them, protect them and help them to be safe from his allurements. On the other hand, those people, who will place their trust in their own power or that of any other than Allah, will not come out successful in their trial by Satan. "  

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