17.75. Then had We made thee taste a double (punishment) of living and a double (punishment) of dying, then hadst thou found no helper against Us. (Pickthall)
17.75. So hätten Wir dich bestimmt das Doppelte des Lebens und das Doppelte des Sterbens kosten lassen, dann findest du für dich gegen Uns keinen Helfer. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
17.75. Dann hätten Wir dich fürwahr ein Mehrfaches (an Strafe) im Leben und ein Mehrfaches (an Strafe) im Tod kosten lassen, und hierauf würdest du für dich keinen Helfer gegen Uns finden. (Bubenheim)
17.75. Hättest du es getan, hättest du dir die doppelte Dießeitsstrafe und die doppelte Jenseitsstrafe zugezogen, und du hättest keinen gehabt, der sich für dich vor Uns einsetzt. (Azhar)
17.75. Dann hätten WIR dich doch das Zweifache (an Peinigung) im Leben und das Zweifache nach dem Tod erfahren lassen. Dann wirst du für dich gegen Uns keinen Beistehenden finden. (Zaidan)
17.75. (Aber) dann hätten wir dich sowohl im Leben als auch im Tod das Doppelte (an Strafe) fühlen lassen. Und dereinst fändest du keinen, der dir gegen uns helfen würde. (Paret)
17.75. Doch dann hätten Wir dich das Doppelte im Leben kosten lassen und das Doppelte im Tode; und du hättest keinen Helfer Uns gegenüber gefunden. (Rasul)
17.75. (Wenn du gegen Uns etwas erfunden hättest,) dann hätten Wir dir das Doppelte (an Strafe) im Leben und das Doppelte (an Strafe) im Tod auferlegt; und du hättest keinen Helfer gegen Uns gefunden. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 73 bis 75
O Muhammad these people have left no stone unturned to tempt you away from that which We have revealed to you so that you might fabricate something in Our name. ( 87 ) Had you done that, they would have made you their friend. It was just possible that you might have inclined a little towards them, if We had not given you strength. But if you had done so, We would have made you taste double chastisement in this world as well as in the Hereafter: then you would have found no helper against Us. ( 88 )
Desc No: 87 In order to understand the significance of this verse. we should keep in view the circumstances through which the Holy Prophet had been passing at Makkah during the preceding decade or so. The disbelievers of Makkah were exerting their utmost to turn the Holy Prophet awry, somehow or other, from his Message of Tauhid, which he was presenting, and to force him to make a compromise with shirk and the customs of ignorance. In order to achieve this end, they tempted him in several ways. They practised deception upon him, and tempted him with greed, held out threats, and raised a storm of false propaganda against him, and persecuted him and applied economic pressure and social boycott against him. In short, they did all that could be done to defeat his resolve.
Desc No: 88 This review implies two things: (1) "If you had compromised with falsehood after recognizing the Truth, you might have pleased your degenerate people but would have incurred the wrath of Allah and would have received double chastisement both in this world and in the Hereafter." (2) "No man, not even a Messenger of Allah, can fight single-handed against the deceitful methods of falsehood, unless he receives the succour of Allah." It was the fortitude which Allah had bestowed upon the Holy Prophet, which helped him to retrain steadfast on the right position he had taken, so that no persecution, howsoever great, could turn him away in the least from that position.