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6.131. Das (ist so), weil dein Herr die Städte nicht zu Unrecht vernichtet´, während ihre Bewohner unachtsam sind.

[ alAn'am:131 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alIsra' (17)  Ayah: 84


Medina-Musshaf Seite 029

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

17.84. Qul kullun yaAAmalu AAala schakilatihifarabbukum aAAlamu biman huwa ahda sabiilan

17.84. Say: Each one doth according to his rule of conduct, and thy Lord is best aware of him whose way is right. (Pickthall)

17.84. Sag: Jeder handelt nach seiner Weise, und euer Herr weiß genau, wer mehr rechtgeleiteten Weges ist. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

17.84. Sag: Jeder handelt nach seiner Weise. Euer Herr weiß sehr wohl, wessen Weg der Rechtleitung eher entspricht. (Bubenheim)

17.84. Sage den Ungläubigen: "Jeder handelt auf seine Art. Euer Herr weiss genau, wer den rechten Weg wirklich geht." (Azhar)

17.84. Sag: ‚Jeder handelt nach seiner Art. Denn euer HERR weiss besser Bescheid über jeden, der den besseren Weg geht.‘ (Zaidan)

17.84. Sag: Ein jeder handelt nach seiner Weise (`alaa schaakilatihie). Und euer Herr weiß sehr wohl, wer eher auf dem rechten Wege ist. (Paret)

17.84. Sprich: "Ein jeder handelt gemäß seiner eigenen Art, und euer Herr weiß am besten, wer den rechten Weg geht." (Rasul)

17.84. Sprich: "Jeder handelt nach seiner Weise, aber euer Herr weiss am besten, wer den rechten Weg geht." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 82 bis 84

We are sending down to you through the revelation of the Qur'an what is a healing and mercy to the Believers, though it adds nothing but loss to the workers of iniquity. ( 102 ) Man is a (strange) creature: when We bestow favour on him, he behaves arrogantly and turns his back, but when misfortune befalls him, he begins to despair. O rophet, say to them, "Everyone is following his own way but your Lord alone knows best who is on the right way."

Desc No: 102
That is, "Those people who make the Qur'an their guide and their book of law, arc favoured with the blessing of Allah and arc cured of all their mental, psychological, moral. and cultural diseases. On the other hand, those wicked people who reject this and turn their back on its guidance, in fact, are unjust to themselves. Therefore, the Qur'an dces not allow them to remain even in that bad condition in which they were before its revelation or its knowledge but involves them in a greater loss than before. This is because before the revelation of the Qur'an or their acquaintance with it, they suffered from ignorance alone but when the Qur'an came before them and made distinct the difference between Truth and falsehood, no excuse was left with them to remain in their previous condition of. ignorance. After this, if they reject its guidance and persist in their deviation, it is a clear proof that they are not ignorant but workers of iniquity and worshippers of falsehood, which arc averse to the Truth. For then their position is of the one who, when presented both poison and elixir, makes a choice of poison. Therefore, they themselves are in that cast fully responsible for their deviation and whatever crimes they commit after that, shall incur their full punishment. It is obvious that the consequent loss of wickedness must be far greater than the loss of ignorance. The Holy Prophet has summed this up in this concise and comprehensive sentence: "The Qur'an is either an argument in your favour or against you. "  "

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