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35.30. damit Er ihnen ihren Lohn in vollem Maß zukommen lasse und ihnen von Seiner Huld noch mehr gebe. Gewiß, Er ist Allvergebend und stets zu Dank bereit.
2.34. Wa-idh qulna lilmala-ikatiosdschuduu li-adama fasadschaduu illa ibliisa abawaistakbara wakana mina alkafiriina
2.34. And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis He demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever. (Pickthall)
2.34. Und als Wir zu den Engeln sprachen: Werft euch nieder vor Adam!, da haben sie sich niedergeworfen außer Iblis. Er weigerte sich, und er wähnte sich groß, und er wurde einer von den Glaubensverweigerern. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
2.34. Und als Wir zu den Engeln sagten: "Werft euch vor Adam nieder!" Da warfen sie sich nieder, außer Iblis. Er weigerte sich und verhielt sich hochmütig und gehörte zu den Ungläubigen. (Bubenheim)
2.34. Einst sprachen Wir zu den Engeln: "Werft euch vor Adam nieder (um ihn - seines Wissens wegen - zu ehren)!" Alle warfen sich nieder, außer Iblîs, der das ablehnte und sich überheblich verhielt. Er ging den Weg der Ungläubigen.
2.34. Und (erinnere daran), als WIR zu den Engeln sagten: „Vollzieht Sudschud vor Adam!“ Sogleich vollzogen sie Sudschud; außer Iblis lehnte es ab, erhob sich in erheblicher Arroganz und war von den Kafir. (Zaidan)
2.34. Und (damals) als wir zu den Engeln sagten: "Werft euch vor Adam nieder!" Da warfen sie sich (alle) nieder, außer lblies. Der weigerte sich und war hochmütig. Er gehörte nämlich zu den Ungläubigen. (Paret)
2.34. Und als Wir zu den Engeln sprachen: "Werft euch vor Adam nieder", da warfen sie sich nieder bis auf Iblis; er weigerte sich und war hochmütig. Und damit wurde er einer der Ungläubigen. (Rasul)
2.34. Und (erinnere daran,) als Wir zu den Engeln sagten: "Werft euch vor Adam nieder", da warfen sich alle nieder, ausser Iblis. Er weigerte sich, verhielt sich hochmütig und wurde (dadurch zu einem) der Ungläubigen. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 34 bis 34
Then We commanded the angels, "Bow yourselves to Adam. "All bowed ( 45 ) but Iblis ( 46 ) refused to do so; he waxed proud and joined the defiers. ( 47 )
Desc No: 45 This was symbolic of the submission and subjugation to Man of all the angels appointed to manage the Earth and that part of the Universe which is connected with it in any way. As Man was being appointed vicegerent in this part by Allah's command, it was ordained that all the angels, who worked in it must, as tar and as long as Allah willed, cooperate with him in their respective spheres whether he wanted to use the powers given to him rightly or wrongly. This implied: "You must help him in whatever he wants to do, irrespective of whether it is right or wrong. If he wants to commit theft or offer the Prayer, or intends to do another good or evil, you must cooperate with him in both cases as long as We allow him to act according to his will and choice." This may be illustrated by the example of a government officer. He is obeyed within his jurisdiction by every official but no sooner is he deposed by the government than those very officials, who carried out his orders promptly cease to obey him. They even handcuff him and take him to prison, if the government so orders. The command given to the angels to bow down before Adam was in the same nature. Possibly the word sajdah (bowing down) here is symbolic of only submission, but this also is possible that the angels were ordered to perform some such act actually to signify their subordination, and this seems to be more correct.
Desc No: 46 Iblis dejected and desperate. As a term it is the name of the Jinn who disobeyed Allah and refused to bow down to Adam as a symbol of subordination to him and his offspring and asked Allah to grant him the opportunity of tempting mankind up to the Last Day. He is also called "ash-Shaitan" (Satan). He is not merely an abstract power of evil but is a being with his own personality like that of man. He was not an angel as is commonly understood but was one of the jinn who form a distinct species of their own separate from the angels. (Refer to Al-Kahf, XVIII: 50).
Desc No: 47 From the words of the Text it so appears that probably Iblis was not alone in refusing to bow down before Adam, but a group of the jinn also was bent upon disobedience. Iblis has been particularly mentioned because he was their chief who led the rebellion. But this verse can also be translated as: "He was of the disbelievers." In this case, it would mean that there already existed a group of rebellious and disobedient jinn and Iblis belonged to it. The word "shayatin" in the Qur'an has generally been used for these jinn and their species, and wherever there is no basis for taking shayatin to imply men, this same jinn satans are implied. "