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12.10. Einer von ihnen sagte: "Tötet Yusuf nicht, sondern werft ihn in die verborgene Tiefe des Brunnenlochs, so werden ihn schon einige der Reisenden auflesen, wenn ihr doch etwas tun wollt."
20.55. Thereof We created you, and thereunto we return you and thence We bring you forth a second time. (Pickthall)
20.55. Aus ihr haben Wir euch erschaffen, und in sie bringen Wir euch zurück, und aus ihr bringen Wir euch ein andermal heraus." (Ahmad v. Denffer)
20.55. Aus ihr haben Wir euch erschaffen, und in sie bringen Wir euch zurück, und aus ihr bringen Wir euch ein anderes Mal hervor. (Bubenheim)
20.55. Aus dieser Erde haben Wir euch erschaffen, und in diese Erde legen Wir euch, wenn ihr gestorben seid, und daraus holen Wir euch bei der Auferstehung wieder hervor. (Azhar)
20.55. Aus ihr erschufen WIR euch und in sie bringen WIR euch zurück und aus ihr bringen WIR euch noch einmal hervor. (Zaidan)
20.55. Aus ihr haben wir euch geschaffen, in sie bringen wir euch (beim Tod) zurück und aus ihr (dereinst) ein anderes Mal (nämlich bei der Auferstehung) hervor. (Paret)
20.55. Aus ihr (der Erde) haben Wir euch erschaffen, und in sie werden Wir euch zurückkehren lassen, und aus ihr bringen Wir euch abermals hervor. (Rasul)
20.55. Aus ihr [der Erde selbst] haben Wir euch (ursprünglich) erschaffen, und in sie werden Wir euch zurückkehren lassen, und aus ihr werden Wir euch (bei der Auferstehung) wieder hervorbringen.'" (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 52 bis 55
Moses replied, "The knowledge of that is with my Lord, secure in a writing; my Lord neither errs nor forgets. " ( 25 ) He ( 26 ) it is Who has spread the earth as a bed for you, and made paths for you to move about (from place to place); He sent down rain water from above and produced different kinds of vegetation: eat of these and graze your cattle. Surely there is many a Sign in this for those who possess common sense. ( 27 ) We have created you from this earth and We will return you into it and then will bring you forth out of it once again. ( 28 )
Desc No: 25 This answer is full of wisdom. If Prophet Moses had said, "Yes, they all lacked common sense and had gone astray and would become the fuel of Hell", this answer, though true, would have served the very purpose Pharaoh had in mind in putting the question. But the answer given by the Prophet was true and it frustrated the trick of Pharaoh as well. His answer was to this effect: "Well, those people have now gone before their Lord, and I have no means of judging their deeds and intentions. However, their whole record is safe and secure with Allah, and nothing can escape Him. Allah alone knows how to deal with them. What concerns you and me is our own position and attitude to life. We should be more concerned about our own end than of those who have already passed away into Allah's presence."
Desc No: 26 It is quite obvious that vv, 53-55 are an addition by Allah to the foregoing answer by Prophet Moses. There are other instances of this in the Qur'an that Allah added a few sentences to the speech of someone by way of admonition. Moreover, it is connected not only with the preceding verse but also with the whole reply of Prophet Moses (vv. 50-52).
Desc No: 27 That is, "Those, who use their common sense in their search for the Truth, find a way to the Reality by the help of these Signs, which clearly show that the universe has One Lord Who alone is sustaining it, and there is no room here for any other lord."
Desc No: 28 That is, "Every man has to pass through three stages: (1) from birth to death, (2) from death to Resurrection, and (3) from the Day of Resurrection to Eternity. According to this verse, all the three stages will take place on this Earth. "