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[ Hud:11 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah Ta Ha (20)  Ayah: 64


Medina-Musshaf Seite 315

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

20.64. FaadschmiAAuu kaydakum thumma i/tuu saffanwaqad aflaha alyawma mani istaAAla

20.64. So arrange your plan, and come in battle line. Whoso is uppermost this day will be indeed successful. (Pickthall)

20.64. Also sammelt eure List zusammen, dann kommt in einer Reihe, und es ist heute schon dem wohlergangen, der Überiegen ist." (Ahmad v. Denffer)

20.64. So einigt euch auf eure List, hierauf kommt in Reihen. Und wohl ergehen wird es ja heute demjenigen, der die Oberhand gewinnt." (Bubenheim)

20.64. Stellt euer listiges Zauberwerk zusammen, und tretet in Reihen vor! Heute hat der Sieger die Oberhand." (Azhar)

20.64. Also kommt in eurer List überein, dann kommt in Reihe. Und bereits ist erfolgreich an diesem Tag, wer die Oberhand gewinnt.“ (Zaidan)

20.64. Nehmt darum alle eure List zusammen (adschmi`uu kaidakum)! Hierauf kommt in einer Reihe (einer hinter dem andern)! Heute ergeht es (nur) dem wohl, der (im Wettkampf) die Oberhand gewinnt." (Paret)

20.64. So zeigt, was ihr an Macht habt und kommt dann wohlgereiht nach vorn. Und wer heute die Oberhand gewinnt, der wird Erfolg haben." (Rasul)

20.64. Einigt euch also in eurer List und tretet dann geschlossen auf. Erfolgreich ist heute, wer überlegen ist." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 62 bis 64

Hearing this, a difference of opinion arose among them concerning the issue, and they began to hold secret consultations. ( 35 ) At last some of them decided the issue, saying, ( 36 ) "These two are no more than sorcerers. Their object is to drive you out of your homeland by the power of their sorcery, and bring to an end your ideal way of life. ( 37 ) Therefore muster up all your devices and come into the field zwith a united front. ( 38 ) You should realize that whoso comes out victorious today, he will win (the battle of ideology)."

Desc No: 35
This shows that those people felt in their hearts that their position was weak and knew that the miracle shown by Prophet Moses was not a piece of magic. Therefore, they had come for the encounter with hesitation and fear. But when the timely, sudden warning of Prophet Moses shook them to the core, they began to debate the wisdom of holding the encounter on the Feast Day in an open place in the broad day light. For they thought that if they were defeated in the presence of the common people, all would come to know of the difference between magic and a miracle and they would lose the battle once for all.  

Desc No: 36
Those who were of this view must have been a few fanatics of Pharaoh's party-who were prepared to go to any extent to oppose Prophet Moses. Those hot-headed people must have been preparing the public for a determined encounter, while the saner and experienced among them must have been advising caution and restraint.  

Desc No: 37
Probably those people based their argument on two things:
(1) If their magicians were also able to turn their staffs into serpents, it would be a clear proof that Moses too was a sorcerer.
(2) If, on the other hand, Moses won, the rulers would lose their country, and their ideal way of life, which reflected their culture, their arts, their civilization, their recreations, etc. would automatically come to an end. Therefore they should do all they could to defeat Moses. 

Desc No: 38
They also urged them to present a united front and not to show their differences on the very occasion of the encounter. For, they argued, any hesitation and secret consultation before the very eyes of the public would show that they did not consider themselves to be in the right.  "

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