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70.11. obwohl sie ihrem Anblick ausgesetzt sein werden. Der Übeltäter hätte es gern, wenn er sich von der Strafe jenes Tages loskaufte mit seinen Söhne

[ alMa'arig:11 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alAmbiya' (21)  Ayah: 50


Medina-Musshaf Seite 326

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

21.50. Wahatha dhikrun mubarakunanzalnahu afaantum lahu munkiruuna

21.50. This is a blessed Reminder that We have revealed: Will ye then reject it? (Pickthall)

21.50. Und dies ist eine gesegnete Erinnerung, Wir haben sie herabgesandt, und ihr verleugnet sie? (Ahmad v. Denffer)

21.50. Und dies ist eine gesegnete Ermahnung, die Wir hinabgesandt haben. Wollt ihr sie denn verwerfen? (Bubenheim)

21.50. Dieser Koran ist eine segensreiche Ermahnung, die Wir herabgesandt haben. Warum verleugnet ihr sie? (Azhar)

21.50. Und dies (der Quran) ist eine mit Baraka erfüllte Ermahnung, die WIR hinabsandten. Wollt ihr ihn etwa ableugnen?! (Zaidan)

21.50. Und dies ist eine von uns hinabgesandte, gesegnete Mahnung. Ihr aber wollt sie nun verwerfen (a-fa'antum lahuu munkiruuna)? (Paret)

21.50. Und dieser (Qur'an) ist eine segensreiche Ermahnung, die Wir herabgesandt haben. Wollt ihr sie nun verwerfen? (Rasul)

21.50. Und dies(er Koran) ist eine gesegnete Erinnerung, die Wir (nunmehr) herabgesandt haben. Wollt ihr sie denn leugnen? (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 48 bis 50

Before ( 49 ) this We bestowed on Moses and Aaron the Criterionand Light and "Admonition" ( 50 ) for the betterment of those righteous ( 51 ) people, who fear their Lord though they have not seen Him, and dread the Hours ( 52 ) (of Reckoning). And now We have sent down this blessed "Admonition" (for you). Do you, then, reject this?

Desc No: 49
From here begin the stories of the Prophets. If we consider these stories in the context in which they occur, it becomes plain that these have been related to impress the following themes:
(1) All the former Prophets were human beings: therefore there is nothing strange or unusual that a human being like Muhammad has been sent as a Messenger (Allah's peace be upon him).
(2) The Mission and teachings of this Prophet are the same as of those who were sent before him.
(3) All the Prophets had been granted a privileged position by Allah, Who blessed them with special favours. For instance, though they were made to suffer from hardships and persecutions for years, ultimately Allah heard their prayers and helped them in miraculous ways against their enemies and persecutors.
(4) In spite of Allah's special favours on them they were no more than His humble servants and human beings and had no share whatever in Godhead; so much so that sometimes they committed errors of judgment, fell ill, were put to trials and even committed faults, for which they were called to account by Allah.  

Desc No: 50
All the three words have been used in praise of the Torah: (1) A Criterion which distinguished the Truth from falsehood. (2) A Light which showed the Right Way of life, and (3) An Admonition, which reminded the erring descendants of Adam to remember the lesson they had forgotten. 

Desc No: 51
Though it was sent for the good of all human beings, only the pious people, having these characteristics, could benefit from it. 

Desc No: 52
The Hour of "Resurrection".  "

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