21.54. Qala laqad kuntum antum waabaokumfiidalalin mubiinin
21.54. He said: Verily ye and your fathers were in plain error. (Pickthall)
21.54. Er sagte: Bestimmt seid ihr schon, ihr und eure Väter, in klarem Fehlgehen." (Ahmad v. Denffer)
21.54. Er sagte: "Ihr und eure Väter befindet euch ja in einem deutlichen Irrtum." (Bubenheim)
21.54. Er sagte: "Ihr und eure Väter seid in eindeutigem Irrtum." (Azhar)
21.54. Er sagte: „Gewiß, bereits wart ihr und eure Ahnen in einem eindeutigen Irregehen.“ (Zaidan)
21.54. Er sagte: "Dann befindet ihr euch mitsamt euren Vätern offensichtlich im Irrtum." (Paret)
21.54. Er sagte: "Wahrlich, ihr selbst wie auch eure Väter seid im deutlichen Irrtum gewesen." (Rasul)
21.54. Er sagte: "Wahrlich, ihr und eure Väter befindet euch in deutlichem Irrtum." (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 51 bis 54
Even before that, We had blessed Abraham with the discretion he displayed, for We knew him well. ( 53 ) Recall to mind the occasion ( 54 ) when he said to his father and his people, "What are these images to which you are so devoted"? They replied, "We found our forefathers worshipping them". He said, "You have gone astray and so had your forefathers manifestly deviated from the Right Way."
Desc No: 53 The Arabic word (rushd) is very comprehensive and means righteousness as well. "We had blessed Abraham with discretion;" "The discretion he showed in discriminating between the right and the wrong etc. was not of his own acquirement but had been bestowed on him by Us." AI-Anbiyaa' "We knew him well": "We knew that he was worthy of Prophethood; therefore We appointed him as such". According to VI:124: " .... Allah knows best whom to entrust with His Mission ...."It contains a subtle answer to the objection raised by the chiefs of the Quraish: "Why has Allah appointed this man (the Holy Prophet) to the office of Prophethood, when he is in no way superior to us?" This objection has been answered, as if to say, "The same objection might even have been raised against Prophet Abraham by his people, but We knew his capabilities. Therefore We selected him for Prophethood." In this connection, please also see II: 124141, 258-260; VI: 74-84; IX: 114; XI: 69-76; XIV: 35-41; XV: 51-58 and XVI: 120-122 and the E.N's thereof.
Desc No: 54 Before proceeding further it should be kept in mind that the incident from the history of Prophet Abraham has been cited here to refute the erroneous creeds of the Quraish. This was meant to hit them hard for they were the descendants of Prophet Abraham and were proud of their relationship with him. It was he who had built the Ka`abah which had become the centre of the whole of Arabia and they, being its keepers, were its most important clan. Therefore, they could not remain indifferent to this answer. "