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14.13. Diejenigen, die ungläubig waren, sagten zu ihren Gesandten: "Wir werden euch ganz gewiß aus unserem Land vertreiben, oder aber ihr kehrt zu unserem Glaubensbekenntnis zurück!" Da gab ihnen ihr Herr (als Offenbarung) ein: "Ganz gewiß werden Wir die Ungerechten vernichten.

[ Ibrahim:13 ]

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Suche im englischen Tafsir von Maududi
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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alMu'minun (23)  Ayah: 20


Medina-Musshaf Seite 343

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

23.20. Waschadscharatan takhrudschu min tuuri saynaatanbutu bialdduhni wasibghin lilakiliina

23.20. And a tree that springeth forth from Mount Sinai that groweth oil and relish for the eaters. (Pickthall)

23.20. Und einen Baum, der vom Berg Sinai hervorkommt, er gibt das Öl und eine Tunke für die Essenden, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

23.20. und einen Baum, der aus dem Berg Saina herauskommt, der Öl hervorbringt und auch Tunke für diejenigen, die essen. (Bubenheim)

23.20. Einen Baum (den Olivenbaum) ließen Wir in der Gegend von Tûr im Sinai wachsen, der ?l und Nahrung hervorbringt. (Azhar)

23.20. Und (WIR ließen damit entstehen) einen Baum, der am Tur-Berg von Sainaa heraußprießt, er bringt das Öl und Soße für die Essenden hervor. (Zaidan)

23.20. Und einen Baum (haben wir entstehen lassen), der auf dem Berg Sinai (Tuur Sainaa') wächst und das Öl (zum Einreiben) (ad-duhn) und Tunke (sibgh) für die Essenden liefert. (Paret)

23.20. Und (Wir haben) einen Baum (hervorgebracht), der aus dem Berge Sinai emporwächst; er gibt Öl und Würze für die Essenden. (Rasul)

23.20. Und Wir lassen einen Baum auf dem Berg Sinai emporwachsen, der Öl hervorbringt und als Tunke für die Essenden dient. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 17 bis 20

And We have made seven paths above you ( 15 ) We were not novice in the art of creation. ( 16 ) And We sent down rain from the sky in due measure and lodged it in the earth : ( 17 ) and We are able to take it away as We will. ( 18 ) Then with that rain We caused vine-yards and palm-groves to spring up. In those gardens there are delicious fruits ( 19 ) from which you obtain sustenance. ( 20 ) And We created the tree which grows on Mount Sinai: ( 21 ) ' it gives oil and is used as food also by those who like to eat it.

Desc No: 15
The original Arabic word tara `iq has more than one meaning. It may refer to the paths of the seven planets, with which the man of the time of the revelation of the Qur'an was familiar, or to the seven heavens. it should be noted that this word has not been used as a modern scientific term, but as a common word according to the Arabic usage of the period in order to invite the people's attention to the wonders of the heavens, whose creation is certainly a greater thing than the creation of men. (XL: 57). 

Desc No: 16
This may also be translated as: "We were not nor are heedless of Our creation." According to the first translation, it will mean that the whole of the creation has been brought about in a perfect manner with a definite design and purpose, for Allah-their Creator-is perfect in every respect. The creation itself a proof that it is not the work of a novice or an inexpert. All the physical laws of the entire system of the universe are so closely interconnected as to prove that it is the creation of the All-Wise Allah. If we take the second translation, it will mean that Allah has not been heedless in making provisions for every thing according to its nature from the most insignificant to the greatest of all. 

Desc No: 17
The "rain" may refer to the rainfall, which comes down every now and then. It may also refer to the great store of water which Allah sent down at the time of the creation of the earth to fulfil its various needs till the Last Day, and which still exists in the shape of seas, lakes, sub-soil water, etc. It is the same water which evaporates in summer and freezes in winter and is carried by winds from place to place and spread over the earth by rivers, springs and wells to cause the growth of multitudes of things, and then is again restored to the seas, lakes, etc. Neither has this store of water been decreased by a drop nor was there any need to increase it by a drop since its creation. Today it is too well known how water comes about by the combination of oxygen and hydrogen in a certain ratio. The question is why can't more water be produced when oxygen and hydrogen still exist in abundance in the world? Who caused them to combine in the proper ratio in the beginning to produce oceans of water and who now stops them from coming together to produce an extra drop? Then when water evaporates, who causes oxygen and hydrogen to remain combined .n water vapours even in the gaseous state. Have the atheists and polytheists, who believe in independent deities for water, air, summer and ! winter, any answer to this question? 

Desc No: 18
This is to warn that Allah is able to take away the water if He so wills, and deprive the world of its most important means of life. Thus, this verse is more comprehensive in meaning than verse 30 of Surah Al-hulk (LXVII):
"Ask them: Have you ever considered that if the water of your wells should sink down into the earth, who would then restore to you running springs of water?"  

Desc No: 19
That is, other kinds of fruits than dates and grapes. 

Desc No: 20
That is, you sustain yourselves by the produce that you get from these gardens in the shape of fruit, corn, wood, etc. 

Desc No: 21
That is, the olive-tree, which is the most important product of the lands around the Mediterranean Sea. The olive-tree can last for 2,000 years or so, so much so that some trees in Palestine are said to be existing since the time of Prophet Jesus. It has been attributed to Mount Sinai probably for the reason that the area whose well known and prominent place is Mount Sinai is its original habitat.   "

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