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63.10. Und gebt aus von dem, womit Wir euch versorgt haben, bevor zu einem von euch der Tod kommt und er dann sagt: "Mein Herr, würdest Du mich doch auf eine kurze Frist zurückstellen! Dann würde ich Almosen geben und zu den Rechtschaffenen gehören."

[ alMunafiqun:10 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah asSu'ara (26)  Ayah: 127


Medina-Musshaf Seite 372

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

26.127. Wama as-alukum AAalayhi min adschrin inadschriya illa AAala rabbi alAAalamiina

26.127. And I ask of you no wage therefor; my wage is the concern only of the Lord of the Worlds. (Pickthall)

26.127. Und ich verlange von euch dafür keine Belohnung, meine Belohnung obliegt nur dem Herrn der Welten. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

26.127. Ich verlange von euch keinen Lohn dafür. Mein Lohn obliegt nur dem Herrn der Weltenbewohner. (Bubenheim)

26.127. Ich fordere von euch keinen Lohn dafür. Für meinen Lohn kommt allein der Herr der Welten auf. (Azhar)

26.127. Und ich bitte euch dafür um keinen Lohn. Mein Lohn obliegt nur Dem HERRN aller Schöpfung. (Zaidan)

26.127. Ich verlange von euch keinen Lohn dafür (daß ich euch die Offenbarung verkünde). Der Herr der Menschen in aller Welt (al-`aalamuun) kommt allein für meinen Lohn auf. (Paret)

26.127. Und ich verlange von euch keinen Lohn dafür; mein Lohn ist allein beim Herrn der Welten. (Rasul)

26.127. Ich verlange von euch keinen Lohn hierfür. Mein Lohn liegt allein beim Herrn der Welten. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 123 bis 127

`Ad rejected the Messengers. ( 88 ) Remember the time when their brother Hud said to them, ( 89 ) "Do you not fear? I am a Messenger to you worthy of full trust: so fear AIlah and obey me. I do not ask of you any reward for this duty, for my reward is with the Lord of the worlds.

Desc No: 88
For comparison, see Al-A'raf: 65-72, Hud: 50-60; and for further details of this story, see Ha Mim Sajdah: 13-16, AI-Ahqaf: 21-26, Az-Zariyat: 4145, AI-Qamar :18-22, Al-Haqqah: 4-8, and AI-Fajr: 6-8.  

Desc No: 89
In order to understand this discourse of Prophet Hud fully, we should keep in mind the various details about the people of `Ad which the Qur'an has given at different places: For instance, it says:
(1) After the destruction of the people of Noah, the `Ad were given power and prominence in the world: "Do not forget that after Noah's people your Lord made you the successors." (Al-A`raf: 69).
(2) Physically they were very robust and powerful people: " .... and made you very robust." (Al-A`raf: 69).
(3)They had no parallel as a nation in the world: "The like of which was not created in the lands." (A1-Fajr: 8).
(4) They were civilized and were well-known in the world for their great skill and art in erecting lofty buildings with tall columns: "Have you not seen what your Lord did with `Ad lram, of lofty columns?" (Al-Fajr: 6, 7).
(5) This material progress and physical power had made them arrogant and vain: "As for `Ad, they deviated from the right path and adopted an arrogant attitude in the land and said, `who is mightier than we in power'?" (Ha Mim Sajdah: 15) .
(6) Their political power was in the hands of a few tyrants before whom none could dare raise his voice: "....and they followed and obeyed every tyrannous enemy of the Truth." (Hud: 59) .
(7) They were not disbelievers in the existence of Allah, but were involved in shirk; they only denied that Allah alone should be worshipped and none else: "They said (to Hud), `Have you come to us (with the demand) that we should worship Allah alone and discard those whom our elders have been worshipping?" (Al-A`raf: 70).  "

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