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33.3. Und verlasse dich auf Allah. Allah genügt als Sachwalter.

[ alAhzab:3 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah arRum (30)  Ayah: 6


Medina-Musshaf Seite 405

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

30.6. WaAAda Allahi la yukhlifu AllahuwaAAdahu walakinna akthara alnnasi layaAAlamuuna

30.6. It is a promise of Allah. Allah faileth not His promise, but most of mankind know not. (Pickthall)

30.6. Das Versprechen Allahs, - Allah geht nicht von Seinem Versprechen ab, aber die meisten Menschen wissen es nicht. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

30.6. Das (ist) Allahs Versprechen. Allah bricht Sein Versprechen nicht, aber die meisten Menschen wissen nicht. (Bubenheim)

30.6. Das ist Gottes Verheißung. Gott bricht Sein Wort nicht, aber die meisten Menschen wissen es nicht. (Azhar)

30.6. Dies ist ein Versprechen von ALLAH. ALLAH verletzt nie Sein Versprechen. Doch die meisten Menschen wissen es nicht. (Zaidan)

30.6. (Das ist) das Versprechen Allahs. Allah bricht sein Versprechen nicht. Aber die meisten Menschen wissen (es) nicht. (Paret)

30.6. (Das ist) die Verheißung Allahs - Allah bricht Seine Verheißung nicht -; allein die meisten Menschen wissen es nicht. (Rasul)

30.6. (Dies ist) Allahs Versprechen, und Allah bricht Sein Versprechen nicht, doch die meisten Menschen wissen (es) nicht. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 1 bis 6

Alif. Lam. Mim. The Romans have been overcome in the neighboring ( 1 ) and and within a few years after their defeat, they shall be victorious1. Allah's is the authority before as well as afterwards. ( 2 ) And it will be the day when the believers will rejoice in the victory granted by , Allah. ( 3 ) Allah helps whomsoever He wills: He is the All-Mighty, the All-Merciful. This is Allah's promise: Allah never breaks His promise; but most people do not know.

Desc No: 1
from what lbn `Abbas and the other Companions and their followers have said, it appears that the Muslims' sympathies in this war between Byzantium and Iran were with Byzantium and of the disbelievers of Makkah with Iran. This had several reasons. First, the Iranians had given it the colour of a crusade between Magianism and Christianity, and, apart from the object of political conquest, they were making it a means of spreading Magianism. In the letter that Khusrau Parvez wrote to the Emperor Heraclius after the conquest of Jerusalem, he had clearly mentioned his victory as a proof of the truth of Magianism. In principle, the Magian creed resembled the polytheistic creed of the people of Makkah, because the Magis too, were disbelievers of Tauhid they believed in two gods and worshipped the fire. That is why the mushriks of Makkah were in sympathy with them. Contrary to them, the Christians, however corrupted their monotheism might be, still regarded belief in One God as the basis of religion, believed in the Hereafter and admitted Revelation and Prophethood as the source of guidance. Thus, their religion in principle resembled Islam, and therefore, the Muslims were naturally in sympathy with them, and could not like that a polytheistic people should dominate them. Secondly, the people who believe in a previous Prophet before the advent of a new Prophet are naturally regarded and counted as Muslims until the message of the new Prophet reaches them and they clearly discard it. (Please see E.N. 73 of Surah AI-Qasas also). At that time only five to six years had passed since the Holy Prophet's advent as a Prophet and his message had not yet reached outside Arabia. Therefore, the Muslims did not look upon the Christians as disbelievers, but they certainly regarded the Jews as disbelievers because they had rejected the Prophet Jesus (may peace be upon him) to be a Prophet. Thirdly, the Christians from the very beginning had been treating the Muslims with sympathy as already mentioned above in Al-Qasas: 52-55, and in AI-Ma'idah: 82-85, and many of them were even accepting the message of the Truth with an open heart. Then, the way the Christian king of Habash had given refuge to the Muslims on their migration there and turned down the demand of the disbelievers of Makkah to return them, also required that the Muslims should wish the Christians well as against the Magians.  

Desc No: 2
That is, "When the Iranians became victorious first, it did not mean that the Lord of the worlds, God forbid, had been humbled and when the Romans will gain victory afterwards, it will not mean that Allah's lost kingdom will be restored to Him. Sovereignty in any case belongs to Allah. Allah gave victory to the side that became victorious first, and Allah will give victory to the side that will gain victory after wards. For no one in his Kingdom can achieve domination solely by his own power. He whom He raises, rises and he whom He causes to fall, falls." 

Desc No: 3
Ibn 'Abbas, Abu Said Khudri, Sufyan Thauri;, Suddi and others have stated that the Romans' victory against the Iranians and the Muslims' victory at Badr against the polytheists took place almost at the same time. The Muslims, therefore, were doubly pleased. The same is supported by the histories of Byzantium and Iran. 624 A.D. is the year in which the Battle of Badr was fought and the same is the year in which the Byzantine Emperor destroyed the birth-place of Zoroaster and ravaged the principal fire-temple of Iran. 

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