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2.129. Unser Herr, schicke zu ihnen einen Gesandten von ihnen, der ihnen Deine Worte verliest und sie das Buch und die Weisheit lehrt und sie läutert. Du bist ja der Allmächtige und Allweise."
34.14. Falamma qadaynaAAalayhi almawta ma dallahum AAala mawtihi illadabbatu al-ardi ta/kulu minsaatahu falammakharra tabayyanati aldschinnu an law kanuu yaAAlamuunaalghayba ma labithuu fii alAAadhabi almuhiini
34.14. And when We decreed death for him, nothing showed his death to them save a creeping creature of the earth which gnawed away his staff. And when he fell the jinn saw clearly how, if they had known the unseen, they would not have continued in despised toil. (Pickthall)
34.14. Und als Wir für ihn das Sterben bestimmt hatten, wies sie nichts zu seinem Gestorbensein außer ein Tier der Erde - es fraß seinen Stecken, und als er niederfiel, wurde es den Dschinn klargemacht, daß, wenn sie das Verborgene gewußt hätten, sie nicht in der erniedrigenden Strafe verweilt hätten. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
34.14. Und als Wir für ihn den Tod bestimmt hatten, wies sie auf sein Ableben nur das Tier der Erde hin, das seinen Stab fraß. Als er dann niederstürzte, wurde den Ginn klar, daß sie, wenn sie das Verborgene gewußt, nicht (weiter) in der schmachvollen Strafe verweilt hätten. (Bubenheim)
34.14. Als Wir ihn abberiefen, war es das Ungeziefer der Erde, das sie auf seinen Tod aufmerksam machte, da es seinen Stock zerfraß. Als er hinfiel, erkannten die Dschinn, dass sie nicht so lange in der entehrenden peinvollen Strafe geblieben wären, wenn sie um das Verborgene gewusst hätten. (Azhar)
34.14. Und alsWIR für ihn den Tod bestimmten, hat sie niemand auf seinen Tod hingewiesen außer dem Holzwurm, der aus seinem Stock fraß. Und nachdem er niedergefallen war, wussten die Dschinn, dass - wenn sie das Verborgene kennen würden - sie gewiss nicht unter der erniedrigenden Peinigung blieben. (Zaidan)
34.14. Als wir dann seinen Tod beschlossen (und bewirkt) hatten, wurden sie erst durch das Tier der Erde, das seinen Stock (minsa'a) zerfraß (und so dem sich darauf stützenden Leichnam den Halt entzog), darauf aufmerksam, daß er gestorben war. Als er dann zu Boden fiel, wurde es den Dschinn klar, daß sie, wenn sie das Verborgene gewußt hätten, (damit auch von seinem Tod Kenntnis gehabt hätten und) nicht (so lange) in der erniedrigenden Strafe (der Dienstverpfichtung) geblieben wären. (Paret)
34.14. Und als Wir über ihn den Tod verhängt hatten, da zeigte ihnen nichts seinen Tod an außer einem Tier aus der Erde, das seinen Stock zerfraß; so gewahrten die Dschinn deutlich, wie er fiel, so daß sie, hätten sie das Verborgene gekannt, nicht in schmählicher Pein hätten bleiben müssen. (Rasul)
34.14. Und als Wir seinen Tod herbeiführten, gab es keinen Hinweis auf sein Ableben, ausser dem Tier der Erde, das an seinem Stock nagte. Als er dann umfiel, erkannten die Dschinn, dass sie, wenn sie das Verborgene gekannt hätten, nicht in der erniedrigenden Strafe (des Dienstes an Salomo) weitergearbeitet hätten. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 14 bis 14
Then, when we decreed death for Solomon, there was nothing to inform the jinns of his death except the wood louse which was eating away his staff. So, when Solomon fell down, it became clear to the Jinns ( 23 ) that if they had known the unseen, they would not have continued in the humiliating torment. ( 24 )
Desc No: 23 Another meaning of the sentence can be: "The true state and condition of the jinns became clear and exposed. " According to the first meaning, it will mean: "The jinns realized that their claim to havc the knowledge of the unseen was wrong. " According to the second, it will mean: "The people who thought that the jinns possessed the knowledge of the unseen, came to know that they had no such knowledge. "
Desc No: 24 Some modern commentators havc interpreted it as follows: As the Prophet Solomon's son, Rehoboam, was unworthy and given to luxurious living and surrounded by flatterers, he could not sustain the heavy burden of responsibility that fell on his shoulders after the death of his great father. A short time after his succession, the kingdom collapsed, and the frontier` tribes (i. e. , of the jinns) whom the Prophet Solomon had subdued by his mighty power, rebelled and broke away. But this interpretation does not at all conform to the words of the Qur'an. The scene depicted by the words of the Qur'an is somewhat like this: Death came to the Prophet Solomon in a state when he was standing or sitting with-the support of a staff. His body stood in place due to the staff, and the jinns continued to perform their duties and services, thinking that he was living. At last, when the wood-louse started eating away the staff and it became hollow from within, the Prophet Solomon's body fell down; then the jinns realized that he had died. After all, why should this clear and unambiguous description of the event be construed to mean that the wood-louse implied the unworthiness of the Prophet Solomon's son, and the staff implied his power and authority and the falling down of his body implied the disintegration of his kingdom? Had Allah meant to say all this, there was no dearth of the words in the vast Arabic language. The Qur'an, in fact, has nowhere used such enigmatic language. How could the common Arabs, who were its first addressees, have solved this riddle? Then, the most absurd part of this interpretation is that according to it the jinns imply the people of the frontier tribes whom the Prophet Solomon had subdued to perform certain services under him. The question is, which of these tribes had claimed to have the knowledge of the unseen, and whom did the mushriks regard as the knower of the unseen? A person who reads the last words of the verse with open eyes can himself see that jinn here necessarily implies a group of beings who either had themselves made a claim to have the knowledge of the unseen, or who, the people believed, had the knowledge of the unseen; and the secret of this group's being ignorant and unaware of the unseen became disclosed when they continued to serve the Prophet Solomon under the impression that he was living, whereas he had died. This statement of the Qur'an was enough to induce an honest person to revise his this opinion that the jinn imply the frontier tribes, but the people who feel shy of admitting the existence of the hidden creation called the jinn before the materialistic world stilt insist on this interpretation of theirs in spite of the plain meaning of the Qur'an. At several places in the Qur'an Allah tells that the mushriks of Arabia regarded the jinns as the associates of Allah, and as His children, and used to seek their refuge: "They set up the jinns as partners with Allah. whereas He has created them. " (Al-An'am:100). "And they have invented a blood-relationship between Allah and the jinns." (As-Saffat: 1S8). "And that, some people from among the men used to seek refuge with some people from among the jinns." (AI-Jinn: 6). One of their beliefs was that they regarded the jinns as the knowers of the unseen and hidden. and used to turn to them to obtain knowledge of the hidden things. Allah has related this event here in order to repudiate this belief and to make the Arabs realize that they are following the false creeds of ignorance without any valid reason, whereas the fact is that chest beliefs are absolutely baseless. (For further explanation, see E.N. 63 below).