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4.108. Sie verbergen sich vor den Menschen; verbergen sich jedoch nicht vor Allah, wo Er doch bei ihnen ist, wenn sie an Worten aushecken, womit Er nicht zufrieden ist. Allah umfaßt, was sie tun.
36.32. But all, without exception, will be brought before Us. (Pickthall)
36.32. Und daß alle insgesamt unbedingt vor Uns gegenwärtig gemacht werden? (Ahmad v. Denffer)
36.32. Und sie werden alle insgesamt bei Uns vorgeführt werden. (Bubenheim)
36.32. Alle Menschen werden samt und sonders vor Uns gebracht werden. (Azhar)
36.32. Und ausnahmslos gewiss werden allesamt Uns vorgeführt. (Zaidan)
36.32. Sie werden unweigerlich alle zusammen bei mir (zum Gericht) vorgeführt werden. (Paret)
36.32. Jedoch sie alle, allesamt versammelt, werden sicher vor Uns gebracht werden. (Rasul)
36.32. (Am Tag des Gerichts) werden sie (jedoch) alle vor Uns gebracht werden. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 28 bis 32
After him We did not send any army against his people from heaven nor was it needful for Us to send one. There only occurred a single blast and they all became extinct. ( 24 ) Alas for the servants! There came no Messenger to them but they scoffed at him. Have they not seen 110W many nations We have destroyed before them, and they never returned to them? ( 25 ) One day they will all be presented before Us!
Desc No: 24 These words contain a subtle satire. In their arrogance and pride of power and their strong antagonism towards the true faith, they thought they would annihilate the three Prophets and their followers, but, contrary to their plot, they were themselves annihilated by only one stroke of the Divine punishment.
Desc No: 25 That is, they were annihilated so completely that not a trace of them was left behind them. No one in the world even remembers them today. Their civilization as well as their race has become extinct.