39.66. Bali Allaha faoAAbud wakunmina alschschakiriina
39.66. Nay, but Allah must thou serve, and be among the thankful! (Pickthall)
39.66. Vielmehr Allah also diene, und sei einer von den Dankenden. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
39.66. Nein! Vielmehr Allah (allein) sollst du dienen und zu den Dankbaren sollst du gehören." (Bubenheim)
39.66. Nur Gott allein sollst du dienen, und Ihm dankbar sein. (Azhar)
39.66. Nein, sondern diene ALLAH, und sei von den Dankenden! (Zaidan)
39.66. Nein, Allah mußt du dienen. Und du mußt (ihm immer) dankbar sein. (Paret)
39.66. Nein, diene denn Allah und sei einer der Dankbaren. (Rasul)
39.66. (Also) diene nur Allah und sei einer der Dankbaren." (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 62 bis 66
Allah is the Creator of everything and over every thing He is the Guardian. ( 73 ) To Him belong the keys of the treasures of the heavens and the earth; and the losers are only those who disbelieve His Revelations. (O Prophet,) say to them, "Ignorant people! Do you bid me worship others than Allah?" (Tell them plainly this because) the Revelation sent to you and to all the Prophets before you has been this: `If you commit shirk, all your works will be rendered vain ( 74 ) and you will be among the losers." Therefore, (O Prophet), you should worship only Allah and be among His grateful servants.
Desc No: 73 That is, "He did not just create the world and then left it alone, but He is constantly guarding and watching over everything. Just as everything in the world came into being by His act of creation so everything is living and surviving by His leave, and flourishing and functioning only under His protection and care."
Desc No: 74 That is, "No act which is performed along with shirk will be adjudged as a righteous act, and no one who, being a mushrik, performs many acts as good acts in his personal judgement, will deserve any reward for them, and his whole life work will be deemed to have gone waste."