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28.85. Derjenige, Der dir den Qur´an verpflichtend gemacht hat, wird dich sicher zu einem Ort der Wiederkehr zurückkehren lassen. Sag: Mein Herr weiß besser, wer die Rechtleitung bringt und wer sich in deutlichem Irrtum befindet.
4.147. Ma yafAAalu Allahu biAAadhabikumin schakartum waamantum wakana Allahu schakiranAAaliiman
4.147. What concern hath Allah for your punishment if ye are thankful (for His mercies) and believe (in Him) ? Allah was ever Responsive, Aware. (Pickthall)
4.147. Was macht Allah mit eurer Strafe, wenn ihr dankbar seid und glaubt? Und Allah ist immer dankend, wissend. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
4.147. Warum sollte Allah euch strafen, wenn ihr dankbar und gläubig seid? Allah ist Dankbar und Allwissend. (Bubenheim)
4.147. Wie sollte Gott euch bestrafen, wenn ihr Ihm dankt und an Ihn glaubt? Gott weiss alles genau und ist der Dankbare schlechthin. (Azhar)
4.147. Was hat ALLAH an eurer Peinigung, wenn ihr euch dankbar erweist und den Iman verinnerlicht habt?! Und ALLAH bleibt immer allbelohnend, allwissend. (Zaidan)
4.147. Was wird Allah aus eurer Bestrafung machen, wenn ihr dankbar und gläubig seid? Allah ist (seinerseits) dankbar und (über alles) unterrichtet. (Paret)
4.147. Was wird Allah aus eurer Bestrafung machen, wenn ihr dankbar seid und glaubt? Und Allah ist Dankend, Allwissend. (Rasul)
4.147. Warum sollte Allah euch (dereinst) einer Strafe aussetzen, wenn ihr dankbar und gläubig seid? Und Allah ist der Dankbare, der Allwissende. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 146 bis 147
As regards those of them, who repent and mend them ways and then hold fast to Allah and dedicate their religion sincerely to Allah, ( 174 ) such people are with the Believers, and Allah will most surely bestow a great reward on the Believers. And why should Allah punish you, if you are grateful ( 175 ) and behave like true Believers? For Allah fully appreciates worth ( 176 ) and knows everything about everyone.
Desc No: 174 That person, who dedicates his Faith to Allah, devotes his whole life earnestly and faithfully for Him and reserves all his loyalties, interests, and affections for Him alone. In short, his attachment to Allah becomes so intense that he is ready to sacrifice anything for Him.
Desc No: 175 That is, "If you show your sincere gratitude to Allah and do not adopt an attitude of ingratitude and treachery towards Him in regard to the benefits and blessings you have received from Him, there is no reason why He should punish you for nothing." The right attitude of gratitude is that one should sincerely appreciate the kindness of the benefactor, acknowledge it with his tongue and show his gratitude by his conduct. This implies three things: First, the grateful person should attribute the kindness to the real benefactor and should not associate anyone else with him in gratitude and acknowledgement. Second, he should be full of the feelings of love and loyalty for his benefactor and should not cherish any such feelings for the opponents of the benefactor. Third, he should be obedient to his benefactor, and should not in any way use or employ the benefits conferred on him against the will of the benefactor.
Desc No: 176 The word shakir, when applied to Allah, means that He appreciates the worth of the services of His servant; and when applied to the servant, it means that he expresses his gratitude to his Lord for His blessings. Allah appreciates fully the quantity and the quality of the services that are rendered by His servants for His cause and deprives none of them of the due rewards: nay, He rewards their services most generously and gives much more than they deserve. Of course, His treatment of His servants is quite different from their own treatment of their fellow-men. They under-estimate the worth of the services rendered by a fellow- man and take him to task severely for an omission. Allah in His bounty rewards much more generously than His servant deserves for any service rendered by him in His cause, but is very lenient and forgiving for any omission or neglect of duty shown by His servants.