40.56. Inna alladhiina yudschadiluunafiiayati Allahi bighayri sultanin atahumin fiisuduurihim illa kibrun ma hum bibalighiihifaistaAAidh biAllahi innahu huwa alssamiiAAualbasiiru
40.56. Lo! those who wrangle concerning the revelations of Allah without a warrant having come unto them, there is naught else in their breasts save pride which they will never attain. So take thou refuge in Allah. Lo! He, only He, is the Hearer, the Seer. (Pickthall)
40.56. Diejenigen, die über die Zeichen Allahs streiten, ohne Ermächtigung, die zu ihnen kam, nichts ist in ihren Gemütern außer Stolz, den sie nicht erreichen, also nimm Zuflucht bei Allah, Er ist ja, Er, der Hörende, der im Blick hat. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
40.56. Gewiß, diejenigen, die über Allahs Zeichen streiten, ohne daß sie eine Ermächtigung erhalten hätten, haben in ihren Brüsten nur Neid (auf das), was sie nicht erreichen werden können. So suche Zuflucht bei Allah, denn Er ist der Allhörende und Allsehende. (Bubenheim)
40.56. Diejenigen, die Gottes Zeichen ohne bereits erhaltene Beweise bestreiten, hegen im Herzen nur Hochmut. Sie erreichen damit nichts. Bitte Gott um Seinen Beistand! Er ist es, Der alles genau hört und sieht. (Azhar)
40.56. Gewiß, diejenigen, die über ALLAHs Ayat disputieren ohne Beweis, der ihnen zuteil wurde, in ihren Brüsten gibt es nichts außer Stolz, den sie nicht erlangen werden. So richte Isti'adha an ALLAH! Gewiß, ER ist Der Allhörende, Der Allsehende. (Zaidan)
40.56. Diejenigen, die über die Zeichen Allahs streiten, ohne daß sie Vollmacht (dazu) erhalten hätten - nichts ist in ihren Herzen als Großmannssucht -, sie werden es nicht erreichen. Such (vor ihnen) Zuflucht bei Allah! Er ist der, der (alles) hört und durchschaut. (Paret)
40.56. Wahrlich, diejenigen, die über die Zeichen Allahs streiten, ohne daß irgendeine Ermächtigung (dazu) zu ihnen (gekommen wäre) - nichts ist in ihren Herzen als Großmannssucht -, sie werden diese (Größe) nicht erreichen. So nimm Zuflucht bei Allah. Wahrlich, Er ist der Allhörende, der Allsehende. (Rasul)
40.56. Diejenigen, die ohne Ermächtigung über Allahs Zeichen streiten, hegen Hochmut in ihren Herzen gegenüber dem, was sie (selbst) nicht erreichen können. Also suche Zuflucht bei Allah, dem Allhörenden, dem Allsehenden. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 51 bis 56
Believe it that We do help Our Messengers and the Believers in the life of this world, ( 67 ) and so shall We help them on that Day also when the witnesses shall stand up, ( 68 ) and the excuses of the wrongdoers shall not avail them anything. They shall have the curse on them and the worst abode. Just consider this: We showed Moses guidance ( 69 ) and trade the children of Israel to inherit the Book, which was guidance and admonition for the men of understanding. ( 70 ) So, be patient, ( 71 ) O Prophet: Allah's promise is true. ( 72 ) Ask forgiveness of your errors, ( 73 ) and glorify your Lord morning and evening with His praise. ( 74 ) The fact is that the hearts of those who are disputing concerning the Revelations of Allah without any authority having come to them, are filled with pride, ( 75 ) but they shall never attain to their ambitions. ( 76 ) So, seek Allah's refuge. ( 77 ) He hears everything and sees everything.
Desc No: 67 For explanation, see E.N. 93 of As-Saaffat.
Desc No: 68 That is, when Allah's Court will be established and the witnesses will be produced before Him.
Desc No: 69 That is, "We did not just leave Moses alone when We sent him against Pharaoh, but We gave him guidance at every step till success." This contains a subtle allusion to the effect: "O Muhammad, We shall help you too in the same manner. We have neither left you alone after raising you as a Prophet in the city of Makkah and the tribe of Quraish so that these wicked people may treat you as they like, but We Ourselves are at your back and are giving you guidance at every step."
Desc No: 70 That is "Just as those who disbelieved Moses were deprived of this blessing and the Israelites who believed in bite were made heirs to the Book, so will also those who deny you be deprived and only those who blieve in you will have the good fortune to inherit the Qur'an and rise in the world as the standardbearers of guidance."
Desc No: 71 "Be patient"; "Bear up with a cool mind against these hardships through which you are passing."
Desc No: 72 The allusion is to the promise made above in the sentence: "We do help Our Messengers and the Believers in the life of this world."
Desc No: 73 A study of the context shows that here "error" implies the state of impatience that was being caused to the Holy Prophet on account of the severe antagonism, especially the persecution of his followers. He earnestly desired that either some miracle should be shown, which should convince the disbelievers, or something else should soon come down from Allah, which should quell the storm of opposition. Though this desire in itself was not a sin, which should have called for repentance, the high rank with which Allah had blessed the Holy Prophet demanded great grit and will power; so the little impatience shown by him was regarded as inconsistent with his high rank. Therefore, he was required to ask Allah's forgiveness for showing the weakness and was told to stand his ground like a rock as a man of a high rank like him should.
Desc No: 74 That is, `Glorification of Allah with His praises is the only means by which those who work for the sake of Allah can get the strength to resist and overcome the hardships faced in the way of Allah. ¦ Glorifying the Lord morning and evening can have two meanings: (1) `Remembering Allah constantly and perpetually:" and 12) `performing the Prayers at the specific times." And in this second case, the allusion is to the five times of the Prayers, which were enjoined on all the believers as a duty some time after the revelation of this Surah. For the word 'ashiyy in Arabic is used for the time from the declining of the sun till the early part of nigh, which covers the times of the four Prayers from Zuhr to 'Isha': and ibkar is the time from dawn to the rising of the sun, which is the time of the Fajar Prayer. (For further details, see AI-Baqarah: 3, 43, 45, 238; Hud: 114; AI-Hijr: 98-99; Introduction to Bani Isra'il and vv. 78-79; Ta Ha: 130; AnNur: 56-58; AI-'Ankabut: 45; Ar-Rum: 17-18, 31 and the E.N.'s thereof).
Desc No: 75 That is, `The real cause for their opposition without any argument and Their irrational, crooked argumentation is not that they do not understand the myths and the themes of goodness and reform being presented before there in the form of the Revelations of Allah; therefore, they dispute about them in good faith in order to understand them; but the actual reason for their wrong attitude is that Their self-conceit dces not permit them tolerate that while they are living in Arabia the guidance and leadership of Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) be accepted and acknowledged and ultimately one day they themselves should have to accept the leadership of the person as against whom they think they have a greater right to be the chiefs and leaders. That is why they are straining every nerve not to let Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) have his way, and they do not hesitate to use any mean device whatever for the purpose.
Desc No: 76 In other words it means: `He whom Allah has made great, will remain great, and the efforts of the small people who are trying to establish their superiority, will ultimately end in failure."
Desc No: 77 That is, `Just as Moses had become free from fear and anxiety after invoking Allah Almighty's help and refuge against Pharaoh's threats, so should you also seek His help and refuge against the threats and conspiracies of the chiefs of the Quraish, and then should busy yourself in raising His word being free from every anxiety."