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17.86. Und wenn Wir wollten, würden Wir ganz gewiß wegnehmen, was Wir dir (als Offenbarung) eingegeben haben. Hierauf würdest du für dich in dieser (Sache) keinen Sachwalter gegen Uns finden,

[ alIsra':86 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah Fussilat (41)  Ayah: 45


Medina-Musshaf Seite 481

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

41.45. Walaqad atayna muusaalkitaba faikhtulifa fiihi walawla kalimatunsabaqat min rabbika laqudiya baynahum wa-innahum lafiischakkin minhu muriibin

41.45. And We verily gave Moses the Scripture, but there hath been dispute concerning it; and but for a Word that had already gone forth from thy Lord, it would ere now have been judged between them; but lo! they are in hopeless doubt concerning it. (Pickthall)

41.45. Und bestimmt haben Wir schon Musa die Schrift gegeben, und es gab Uneinigkeit darüber, und wenn nicht ein Wort vorausgegangen wäre von deinem Herrn, bestimmt wäre zwischen ihnen entschieden, und sie sind bestimmt in zweifelndem Zwiespalt darüber. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

41.45. Und Wir gaben bereits Musa die Schrift, doch wurde man darüber uneinig. Und wenn es nicht ein früher ergangenes Wort von deinem Herrn gegeben hätte, so wäre zwischen ihnen wahrlich entschieden worden. Und sie sind darüber fürwahr in starkem Zweifel. (Bubenheim)

41.45. Wir haben Moses das Buch (die Thora) gegeben. Da haben sie darüber gestritten. Wenn nicht ein Wort Gottes bereits gefallen wäre, wäre gewiss zwischen ihnen entschieden worden. Sie sind in beunruhigendem Zweifel darüber. (Azhar)

41.45. Und gewiß, bereits ließen WIR Musa die Schrift zuteil werden, dann wurde über sie gestritten. Und gäbe es kein von deinem HERRN bereits gefälltes Wort, würde unter ihnen bestimmt gerichtet. Und gewiss sie haben über sie Verdacht schleichenden Zweifel. (Zaidan)

41.45. Wir haben doch (seinerzeit) dem Moses die Schrift gegeben. Dann wurde man darüber uneins. Und wenn es nicht ein Wort von deinem Herrn gäbe, das bereits vorliegt (und das ihnen Aufschub gewährt), wäre zwischen ihnen (schon) entschieden worden. Sie hegen darüber bedenklichen Zweifel. (Paret)

41.45. Und wahrlich, Wir gaben Moses die Schrift, doch dann entstand Uneinigkeit über sie. Wäre nicht zuvor ein Wort von deinem Herrn ergangen, wäre gewiß zwischen ihnen entschieden worden; aber wahrhaftig, sie befinden sich in beunruhigendem Zweifel über ihn (den Qur'an). (Rasul)

41.45. Und wahrlich, Wir gaben Moses die Schrift, doch dann wurden sie darüber uneins. Und wenn nicht das (entscheidende) Wort deines Herrn vorausgegangen wäre, so wäre (bereits jetzt) zwischen ihnen entschieden worden. Wahrlich, sie befinden sich (weiterhin) in bedenklichem Zweifel darüber. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 44 bis 45

Had We sent this Qur'an in a foreign tongue, the people would have said, "Why have not its verses been well expounded? What! The scripture in a foreign language and the listeners are Arabs? ( 54 ) Say to them, 'This Qur'an is a guidance and a healing for the believers, but to those who do not believe, it is a plug in their ears and a covering over their eyes. It is as though they are being summoned from afar. ( 55 ) Before this We had given to Moses the Book, and it was similarly disputed. ( 56 ) If your Lord had not already decreed a thing, the judgement would have been passed between the disputants; ( 57 ) and the fact is that they are involved in an anxious doubt about it. ( 58 )

Desc No: 54
This is the kind of the stubbornness that the Holy Prophet was confronting. The disbelievers said, "Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) is an Arab. Arabic is his mother tongue. How can one believe that the Arabic Qur'an that he presents has not been forged by himself but has been revealed to him by God? The Qur'an could be believed to be the Revelation of God if he had started speaking fluently in a foreign language unknown to him, like Persian, Latin, or Greek. " This argument of theirs has been refuted by Allah, saying, "Now when the Qur'an has been sent down in their own tongue so that they may understand it, they raise the objection: Why has it been sent down to an Arab in Arabic? But if it had been sent down in a foreign tongue, these very people would have said, `How strange! An Arab Messenger has been sent to the Arabs, but the Revelations being sent to him are in a tongue which is neither understood by him nor by his people. " 

Desc No: 55
When a person is summoned from afar, he hears a voice but dces not understand what is being said to him. This is a wonderful simile which filly depicts the psychology of the stubborn opponents. Naturally when you talk to a person who is free from prejudice, he will listen to you, will try to understand what you say, will accept it if it is reasonable, with an open mind. On the contrary, the person who is not only prejudiced against you but is also malicious and spiteful, will not at all listen to you however hard you may try to make him understand your viewpoint. In spite of hearing you all the time he will not understand at all what you had been saying. 

Desc No: 56
That is, some people had believed in it and some others had made up their minds to oppose it. 

Desc No: 57
It has two meanings' (1) If Allah had not already decreed that the people would be given enough respite for consideration the disputants would have long been destroyed; (2) if Allah had not already decreed that the disputes would finally be decided on the Day of Judgement, the reality would have been made plain as to who is in the right and who is in the wrong. 

Desc No: 58
In this brief sentence the spiritual disease of the disbelievers of Makkah has been clearly diagnosed. It says that they are involved in doubt about the Qur'an and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace ), and this doubt has caused them great anguish and confusion. That is, although apparently they deny the Qur'an's being Allah's Word and the Holy Prophet's being His Messenger very vehemently, yet this denial is not based on any conviction, but their minds arc afflicted with great vacillation, and doubt. On the one hand, their selfish motives, their interests and their prejudices demand that they should belie the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) and oppose them strongly; on the other, their hearts are convened from within, that the Qur'an is, in fact, a unique and un-paralleled Word the like of which has never been heard from any literary man or poet. Neither can the insane utter such things in their madness, nor can devils come to teach God-worship, piety and righteousness to the people. Likewise, when they say that Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) is a liar, their heaps from within put them to shame, and ask: Can such a person ever be a liar? When they brand him a madman, their hearts cry out from within and ask: Do you really think that he is mad? When they accuse that Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace) is not interested in the truth but is working for selfish motives, their hearts from within curse them and ask: Do you call this virtuous man selfish, whom you have never seen striving for the sake of wealth and power and fame, whose life has been free from every tract of self-interest, who has always been working to bring about goodness and piety, but has never acted from any selfish motives. 

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