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21.82. und auch unter den Satanen manche, die für ihn tauchten und (auch noch andere) Arbeiten außer dieser verrichteten; und Wir bewachten sie.

[ alAmbiya':82 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alMa'ida (5)  Ayah: 34


Medina-Musshaf Seite 113

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

5.34. Illa alladhiina tabuumin qabli an taqdiruu AAalayhim faiAAlamuu anna Allahaghafuurun rahiimun

5.34. Save those who repent before ye overpower them. For know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Pickthall)

5.34. Außer denjenigen, die reuig umkehren, bevor ihr Gewalt über sie habt, so wißt, daß Allah verzeihend, barmherzig ist. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

5.34. - außer denjenigen, die bereuen, bevor ihr Macht über sie habt. So wisset, daß Allah Allvergebend und Barmherzig ist. (Bubenheim)

5.34. Ausgenommen sind diejenigen unter ihnen, die ihre Tat bereuen, bevor ihr euch ihrer bemächtigt. Ihr sollt wissen, dass Gott unendlich barmherzig und vergebend ist. (Azhar)

5.34. Ausgenommen sind diejenigen, die bereut haben, bevor ihr ihrer habhaft geworden seid. Also wißt, dass ALLAH gewiss allvergebend, allgnädig ist. (Zaidan)

5.34. - Ausgenommen diejenigen, die umkehren, (noch) bevor ihr Gewalt über sie habt. lhr müßt wissen, daß Allah barmherzig ist und bereit zu vergeben. (Paret)

5.34. Ausgenommen davon sind jene, die bereuen, noch ehe ihr sie in eurer Gewalt habt. So wisset, daß Allah Allvergebend, Barmherzig ist. (Rasul)

5.34. Ausgenommen (davon) sind diejenigen, die in Reue umkehren, bevor ihr euch ihrer ermächtigt, denn Allah ist der Allvergebende, der Barmherzige. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 33 bis 34

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and run about to spread mischief in the land ( 55 ) is this; they should be put to death or crucified or their alternate hands and feet should be cut off, or they should be banished from the land. ( 56 ) This is the disgrace and ignominy for them in this world and there is in store for them a harsher torment in the Hereafter, except those, who repent before you have power over them for you should know that Allah is Forgiving and Compassionate. ( 57 )

Desc No: 55
Here "the land" refers to that country or. territory in which the maintenance of law and order is the responsibility of the Islamic State and "to wage war against Allah and His Messenger" is to wage war against the righteous system of government established by the Islamic State. As Allah likes that such a system of government should be established, He sent His Messenger to establish an equitable system of government, which should guarantee peace and justice to human beings, animals, trees, vegetation and everything in the earth, which may enable human beings to develop to -the fullest their natural capabilities; which should exploit natural resources of the earth for the true progress and improvement of humanity and not for its destruction. It is obvious that any attempt, big or small, to undermine or overthrow such an established system, is in reality a war against Allah and His Messenger. It does not make any difference whether that mischief is created by criminals and murderers who cause disorder in the settled and peaceful society, or by armed forces who attempt to overthrow the Islamic State and establish some corrupt un-lslamic system instead. And every sovereign treats such a violation directed against his authority or against any of his officials as war against himself.  

Desc No: 56
An abstract of these alternative punishments has been given so That the judge or the ruler may exercise his discretion and award punishment according to the nature and extent of the crime. The real object is to show that any attempt by any person residing in the Islamic State, to overthrow its government is high treason and a most heinous crime, and that the offender is liable to be awarded any of these capital punishments according to the circumstance. 

Desc No: 57
This implies that if they have refrained from creating mischief and from making any attempt at overthrowing the righteous system, and have shown by their conduct that they are peace-loving and law-abiding good citizens, none of the above mentioned punishments will be inflicted upon them, even if they might have committed any of the crimes before their repentance. They would, however, be liable to be called to account in a court of law for any offence against any individual, such as murder, theft, etc., but they will not be tried for any previous offence of treason or rebellion or war against Allah and His Messenger.  

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