5.81. If they believed in Allah and the Prophet and that which is revealed unto him, they would not choose them for their friends. But many of them are of evil conduct. (Pickthall)
5.81. Und wenn sie an Allah geglaubt hätten und den Propheten und was auf ihn herabgesandt wurde, würden sie sich nicht sie zu Schutzfreunden nehmen, aber viele von ihnen sind Frevler. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
5.81. Wenn sie an Allah und den Propheten und das, was zu ihm (als Offenbarung) herabgesandt worden ist, glauben würden, hätten sie sie nicht zu Schutzherren genommen. Aber viele von ihnen sind Frevler. (Bubenheim)
5.81. Wenn sie an Gott, den Propheten und die ihm herabgesandte Offenbarung geglaubt hätten, hätten sie sie nicht zu Vertrauten genommen. Aber die meisten von ihnen sind ?beltäter. (Azhar)
5.81. Und hätten sie den Iman verinnerlicht an ALLAH, an den Propheten und an das, was ihm hinabgesandt wurde, würden sie diese (die Kafir) nicht als Wali nehmen. Doch viele von ihnen sind Fasiq. (Zaidan)
5.81. Und wenn sie an Allah und den Propheten und das, was (als Offenbarung) zu ihm herabgesandt worden ist, glauben würden, würden sie sie nicht zu Freunden nehmen. Aber viele von ihnen sind Frevler. (Paret)
5.81. Und hätten sie an Allah geglaubt und an den Propheten und an das, was zu ihm herabgesandt wurde, hätten sie sich jene nicht zu Beschützern genommen; aber viele von ihnen sind Frevler. (Rasul)
5.81. Wenn sie an Allah, den Propheten und an das glauben würden, was zu ihm herabgesandt wurde, würden sie sie nicht zu Verbündeten nehmen. Aber viele von ihnen sind Abtrünnige. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 78 bis 81
Those who adopted the way of disbelief from among the children of Israel were cursed by the tongue of David and of Jesus. Mary's son, because they had grown rebellious and become transgressors: they would not forbid one another to do the wrong deeds they committed; ( 102 ) evil was the way they had adopted. Today you see many of them who take the side of the disbelievers (against the Believers). Indeed it is an evil end to which their souls have prompted them: for they have incurred the wrath of Allah and they are going to suffer eternal torment. Had they believed in Allah and the Prophet and in what was revealed to him, they would never have made friends with the disbelievers” ( 103 ) (against the Believers), but many of them have become disobedient to Allah.
Desc No: 102 The corruption of the children of Israel took place according to the universal process. At first some individuals of a community become corrupt, and if the collective conscience of the community is alive, the public opinion keeps them suppressed, and the community, as a whole, is saved from corruption. But, on the other hand, if the community connives at their evil ways, and leaves them free to do as they like, by and by, that corruption which was at first confined only to some individuals, spreads in the whole community. The same thing happened in the case of the children of Israel. As to the curse by the tongue of the Prophets David and Jesus, please refer to Psalms 10 and 50 and Matthew 23.
Desc No: 103 If the Jews had been sincere believers in God, Prophethood and Revelation, they would naturally have taken the side of the Muslims, who were believers in these teachings. But the Jews were a strange sort of believers in the Book: they sided with the mushriks against the Believers in the battle between the Unity of God and shirk Moreover, they professed to believe in Prophethood, but took the side of those who did not believe in it. Still they shame-facedly declared that they were believers in God, Prophets and the Books. "