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[ alMursalat:23 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alQamar (54)  Ayah: 48


Medina-Musshaf Seite 530

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

54.48. Yawma yushabuuna fii alnnariAAala wudschuuhihim dhuuquu massa saqara

54.48. On the day when they are dragged into the Fire upon their faces (it is said unto them): Feel the touch of hell. (Pickthall)

54.48. An dem Tag, an dem sie ins Feuer gezerrt werden, auf ihren Gesichtern: Schmeckt die Berührung eines Höllenbrandes! (Ahmad v. Denffer)

54.48. Am Tag, da sie auf ihren Gesichtern ins (Höllen)feuer gezerrt werden: "Kostet die Berührung der Sengenden." (Bubenheim)

54.48. Am Jüngsten Tag werden sie kopfüber in die Hölle geschleift. "Kostet also das Feuer der Hölle!" (Azhar)

54.48. an dem Tag, wenn sie im Feuer auf ihren Gesichtern geschleift werden. Kostet die Berührung von Saqar . (Zaidan)

54.48. Am Tag (des Gerichts), da sie kopfüber zu Boden geworfen ins Höllenfeuer gezerrt werden (und zu ihnen gesagt wird): "Jetzt bekommt ihr die Hitze (der Hölle) leibhaftig zu fühlen"! (Paret)

54.48. Am Tage, wo sie auf ihren Gesichtern ins Feuer geschleift werden (, heißt es): "Fühlt die Berührung der Saqar." (Rasul)

54.48. Am Tag, da sie auf ihren Gesichtern ins Feuer gezerrt werden, (wird man ihnen sagen): "Fühlt die Berührung von Saqar." (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 43 bis 48

Are your disbelievers any better? ( 23 ) Or, is there any exemption for you in the Divine Books? Or, do they say, "We are a strong host: We shall defend ourselves?" Soon shall this host be put to rout and they will all show their backs. ( 24 ) But the promised time to deal with them is the Hour of Resurrection, a most grievous and bitter Hour! These wicked people are in fact involved in misunderstanding and folly. The Day they are dragged into the Fire, on their faces, it will be said to them, "Taste now the flame of Hell."

Desc No: 23
The address here is directed to the Quraish, as if to say; "When the other nation have been punished for adopting disbelief and showing stubbornness and denying the Truth, why would you not be punished if you adopted the same attitude and conduct ? For you arc not a special people in any way." 

Desc No: 24
This is a specific prophecy that was made five years before the hijrah, saying that the hosts of the Quraish who waxed proud of their strength would soon be put to rout by the Muslims. At that time no one could imagine how such a revolution would take place in the near future. Such was the helplessness of the Muslims that a group of them had already left the country and taken refuge in Habash and the rest of the believers lay besieged in Shi'b Abi Talib, and were being starved by the Quraish boycott and siege. Under such conditions no one could imagine that within only the ncxt seven years the tables were going to tnrn. _~nmah. the pupil of Hadrat 'Ahdullah bin 'Abbas, has related that Hadrat 'Umar used to say : "When this verse of Surah Al-Qamar was sent down. I wondered what hosts it is that would be routed. But when in the Battle of Badr the pagan Quraish were routed and they were fleeing from the battlefieled, I saw the Messenger of Allah in his armour rushing forward and reciting this verse: Sa-yuhzam-al -jam'u yuwallun-ad-dubur Then only did I realize that this was the defeat that had been foretold." (Ibn Jarir, Ibn Abi Hatim).  

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