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5.78. Verflucht wurden diejenigen von den Kindern Isra´ils, die ungläubig waren, durch den Mund Dawuds und ´Isas, des Sohnes Maryams. Dies dafür, daß sie sich widersetzten und stets übertraten.
55.45. Which is it, of the favors of your Lord, that ye deny? (Pickthall)
55.45. Und welche der Wohltaten eures Herrn leugnet ihr beiden? (Ahmad v. Denffer)
55.45. Welche der Wohltaten eures Herrn wollt ihr beide denn leugnen? (Bubenheim)
55.45. Welche der Wohltaten eures Herrn wollt ihr beide da leugnen? (Azhar)
55.45. Also welche von den Wohltaten eures HERRN leugnet ihr beide ab?! (Zaidan)
55.45. Welche von den Wohltaten eures Herrn wollt ihr denn leugnen? (Paret)
55.45. Welche der Wohltaten eures Herrn wollt ihr beide da leugnen? (Rasul)
55.45. Welche der Wohltaten eures Herrn wollt ihr beide denn leugnen? (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 39 bis 45
On that Day no man and no jinn will need be asked concerning his sin. ( 36 ) Then (it will be seen) which of your Lord's favours you deny. ( 37 ) The culprits there shall be recognized by their faces and they shall be seized by their forelock and by their feet and dragged. (Then) which of your Lord's powers will you deny? (At that time it will be said:) This is the same Hell which the culprits were wont to deny." They will wander to and fro between the same Hell and the hot boiling water. ( 38 ) Then, which of your Lord's powers will you deny? ( 39 )
Desc No: 36 This is being explained by the subsequent sentence: "The culprits there shall be recognized by their faces." It means that in that great assembly where all the former and the latter generations will have gathered together, there will be no need to ask as to who are the culprits, nor will any man or jinn need be asked whether he is a culprit or not. The dejected faces of the culprits, their terror-stricken eyes, their disturbed and alarmed countenances will themselves be enough to expose the secret that they are the culprits. When a crowd comprising both the guilty and the innocent people, is encircled by the police, the calm and tranquil of the innocent people and the bewildered and disturbed state of the guilty ones tell at one glance as to who in the crowd is the culprit and who is innocent. This general rule is in most cases belied in the world, because the worldly police do not enjoy the reputation of being fair and just, rather on many an occasion they have turned out to be more bothersome for the gentle and innocent people than for the culprits. Therefore, here it is possible that when encircled by the police the gentle and innocent people might become even more terror-stricken than the criminals, but in the Hereafter, when every noble person will have complete faith in the justice of Allah, bewilderment will afflict only those whose conscience will be conscious of their being the culprits themselves, and who on their very arrival in the Court of God will become certain of their doom, which they had regarded as impossible or doubtful in the world and so had been committing every heinous sin and crime.
Desc No: 37 The real basis of the crime according to the Qur'an is that the servant who is benefiting by the Blessings of his Sustainer; should harbour the misunderstanding that the blessings have been bestowed by no one, but have reached him of their own accord, or that the blessings are not the gift of God but the fruit of his own ability or good fortune, or that they are the gift of God, but God has no right on His servants, or that God Himself has not done him those favours but some other being has got these done him. These are the wrong concepts on account of which man becomes independent of God and being free from His obedience and service performs acts which He has forbidden. and avoids acts which He has enjoined. Seen in this light every crime and every sin Is, in reality. o disavowal of the favours of Allah whether a person denies them by the word of (mouth or not. But the person who, in fact, has no intention of the denial. but acknowledges the favours in the depths of his heart, commits an error occasionally because of human weakness, he shows repentance on it and tries to ovoid it. This saves him from being included among the deniers. Apart from this. all other culprits are, in fact, beliers of Allah's blessings and deniers of His favours. That is why it has been said: "When you will have been seized as culprits, then We shall see as to which of Our favours you deny." In Surah Takathur: 8 the same thing has been put thus: "On that Day you will certainly be culled to account for the blessings you had been granted." That is, it will be asked: Had We granted you these blessings or not ? Then, what attitude did you adopt towards your Benefactor, and in what ways did you use His Blessings?"
Desc No: 38 That is, "In Hell they will feel oppressed with thirst again and again. and will rush towards the springs of water, but will find only boiling water, which will not satisfy their thirst, and they will thus continue to wander to and fro between Hell and the springs for ever and ever. "
Desc No: 39 That is, "Will you even at that time be able to deny that God can bring about Resurrection, can give you another life after death, can call you to account, and can also make this Hell in which you are suffering punisment today?"