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27.26. Allah - es gibt keinen Gott außer Ihm, dem Herrn des gewaltigen Thrones."

[ anNaml:26 ]

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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alRahman (55)  Ayah: 9


Medina-Musshaf Seite 531

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

55.9. Waaqiimuu alwazna bialqisti walatukhsiruu almiizana

55.9. But observe the measure strictly, nor fall short thereof. (Pickthall)

55.9. Und ihr das Gewicht einrichtet mit Richtigkeit und nicht Schaden zufügt mit der Waage, (Ahmad v. Denffer)

55.9. Und meßt das Gewicht in Gerechtigkeit und gebt beim Wägen nicht weniger. (Bubenheim)

55.9. Bei allem sollt ihr gerecht, genau auf Gewicht und Maß achten und nichts vermindern. (Azhar)

55.9. Und haltet das (mit Al-mizan) Festgestellte nach Gerechtigkeit ein und mindert Al-mizan nicht!“ (Zaidan)

55.9. vielmehr das Gewicht setzt, so wie es recht ist (bil-qisti), und Waage nicht fälscht (so daß der Kunde zu wenig Ware erhält). (Paret)

55.9. so setzt das Gewicht in gerechter Weise und betrügt nicht beim Wiegen. (Rasul)

55.9. Wiegt also in gerechter Weise und betrügt nicht beim Wiegen. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 5 bis 9

The sun and the moon adhere to a schedule, ( 4 ) and the stars ( 5 ) and the trees, all bow down in worship. ( 6 ) He raised the heaven high and set the balance. ( 7 ) Therefore, do not upset the balance: weigh with equity and do not give short weight. ( 8 )

Desc No: 4
That is, "It is a powerful law and unalterable system that binds the great planets together. Man is able to calculate and measure time, days, dates, and crops and seasons only because no change takes place in the rule that Has been laid down for the rising and setting of the sun and of its passing through different stages. The innumerable creatures found on the earth are staying alive only because the sun and the moon have been accurately and precisely placed at particular distances from the earth and any increase or decrease in this distance is made in the right measure, in a particular order; otherwise if their distance from the earth increased or decreased haphazardly, no one, could possibly survive here. Likewise, the perfect relationship and harmony that has been established between the movements of the moon round the earth and the sun, has made the moon a universal calendar, which announces the lunar date every night to the whole world with perfect regularity.  

Desc No: 5
The word used in the original is an-najm, the well-known meaning of which is the star; but in the Arabic lexicon this word is also used for the plants and creepers which do not have a stem, e.g. vegetable, melons, water melons, etc. The commentators have disputed the sense in which this word has been used here. Ibn 'Abbas, Sa'id bin Jubair, Suddi, and Sufyan Thauri have taken it in the meaning of stemless vegetation, for just after it the word ash-shajar (the tree) has been used and this meaning is more relevant to it. On the contrary, Mujahid, Qatadah and Hasan Basri have expressed the opinion that an-najm here does not imply the plants of the earth, but the stars of the sky, for this is its well-known meaning. On hearing this word, the mind first turns to this very meaning, and the mention of the sun and the moon has been followed by the stars very naturally and relevantly. Though the majority of the commentators and translators have preferred the first meaning, and it cannot be held wrong either, we hold Hafiz Ibn Kathir's this opinion as sound that in view of both the language and the subject-matter the second meaning seems to be preferable. At another place in the Qur'an (AI-Hajj: 18) also mention has been made of the stars and the trees prostrating themselves, and there the word nujum (pl. of najm) cannot be taken in any other meaning than of the stars. The words of the verse are: Alam fara annallaha yasjudu lahu man fis sma wat-i wa man fil ardi wash-shamsu wal-qamaru walnujumu wal jibalu wash-shajaru wad-da wabbu wa kathir-um-min-annasi. . . . (AI-Hajj: 18). In this verse nujum (stars) have been mentioned along with shams (sun) and qamar (moon), and shajar (trees) along with mountains and animals and it has been said that they all bow down to Allah.  

Desc No: 6
That is, "The stars of the heavens and the trees of the earth, all are subject to Allah's Command and obedient to His Law. They cannot exceed the rule that has been set for them." What is meant to be impressed in these two verses is that the whole system of the Universe has been created by Allah and is fimctioning in His obedience. Nothing front the earth to the heavens is independent, nor functioning under another's godhead, nor has anyone any share in God's Kingdom, nor has anyone the position that it should be made a deity. AII are servants and slaves: the Master is One Almighty Lord alone. Hence, Tauhid alone is the Truth which is being taught by this Qur'an. Apart from this, any one who is involved in polytheism and denial of God is, in fact, at war with the whole system of the Universe.  

Desc No: 7
Almost all the commentators have interpreted mizan (balance) to mean justice, and '...set the balance" to imply that Allah has established the entire system of the Universe on justice. Had there been no harmony and balance and justice established among the countless stars and planets moving in space, and the mighty forces working in this Universe, and the innumerable creatures and things found here, this life on earth would not have functioned even for a moment. Look at the creatures existing in the air and water and on land for millions and millions of years on this earth. They continue to exist only because full justice and balance has been established in the means and factors conducive to life; in case there occurs a slight imbalance of any kind, every tract of lift would become extinct. 

Desc No: 8
That is, "As you are living in a balanced Universe, whose entire system has been established on justice, you also should adhere to justice. For if you act unjustly within the sphere in which you have been given authority, and fail to render the rights of others, you would indeed be rebelling against the nature of the Universe; for the nature of this Universe does not admit of injustice and perversion and violation of the rights. Not to speak of a major injustice, even if a person fraudulently deprives another of an ounce of something, by giving him short measure, he disturbs the balance of the entire Universe.-This is the second important part of the Qur'anic teaching that has been presented in these three verses. The first teaching is Tauhid and the second is justice. Thus, in a few brief sentences the people have been told what teaching has been brought by the Qur'an which the Merciful God has sent for the guidance of man." 

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