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19.49. Als er sich nun von ihnen und von dem, dem sie anstatt Allahs dienten, fernhielt, schenkten Wir ihm Ishaq und Ya´qub; und alle (beide) machten Wir zu Propheten.
56.40. And a multitude of those of later time. (Pickthall)
56.40. Und eine Partie der Späteren. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
56.40. und eine Menge von den Späteren. (Bubenheim)
56.40. und viele der Späteren. (Azhar)
56.40. und eine Gruppe von den Letzten. (Zaidan)
56.40. und (ebenso) eine ganze Schar den späteren. (Paret)
56.40. und eine große Schar der Späteren. (Rasul)
56.40. und eine Vielzahl der letzten Generationen. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 27 bis 40
And the people of the right hand: -Oh, how fortunate will be the people of the right hand ! They shall be among thornless lote-trees, ( 15 ) and piled up bananas, one upon the other, and outspread shade and ever flowing waters and abundant fruits ( 16 ) neither failing in supply nor forbidden, and in upraised couches. We shall create their wives anew and make them virgins, ( 17 ) lovers of their husbands ( 18 ) and of equal age. ( 19 ) All this is for the people of the right hand. A good number of them will be from among the former people and a good number also from among those of latter day.
Desc No: 15 That is, lote-trees without thorns on them. This will be a superior kind of the lote-tree to be only found in Paradise, and its fruit likewise will be much superior to that found in the world.
Desc No: 16 The word !a maqtu ah of the Text means: This fruit will neither be seasonal that its supply may fail when the season is over, nor its production will cease as it happens in a garden after its fruits has been picked. But in Paradise every kind of fruit will remain available in abundance in every season and will continue to be produced and supplied no matter how much of it is consumed. And la mamnu'ah means that there will be no prohibition or hindrance in obtaining fruit as it is in the gardens of the world, nor will it be out of reach because of thorns or height.
Desc No: 17 This signifies the virtuous women of the world, who will enter Paradise on the basis of their faith and good works. Allah will make them young no matter how aged they might have died in the world; will make them beautiful whether or not they were beautiful in the world; and will make them virgins whether they died virgins in the world or after bearing children. If their husbands also entered Paradise with them, they would be joined with them, otherwise Allah will wed them to another dweller in Paradise. This very explanation of this verse has been reported from the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) in several Ahadith. According to Shama il Tirmidhi, an old woman requested the Holy Prophet to pray for her admission to Paradise. The Holy Prophet replied: "No old woman will enter Paradise." Hearing this the woman went back crying. Thereupon the Holy Prophet said to the people: "Tell her that she will not enter Paradise as an old woman, for Allah says: `We shall create them anew and make them virgins'." Ibn Abi Hatim has related, on the authority of Hadrat Salamah bin Yazid, that he heard the Holy Prophet ( upon whom be peace) explain this verse, thus: "This implies the women of the world; whether they died virgins or married." Tabarani contains a lengthy tradition related from Hadrat Umm Salamah according to which she asked the Holy Prophet the meaning of the several references in the Qur'an to the women of Paradise. In answer, he explained this very verse and said: "These are the women who died as aged and decayed women, with sticky eyes and gray hair; alter this old age Allah will again make them young and virgins." Hadrat Umm Salamah asked: "If a woman had several husbands in the world, one after the other, to whom will she belong in Paradise ?'' The Holy Prophet replied "She will he asked to make her own choice, and she will choose the one who had the best moral character. She will say: O my Lord, make me his wife, for he was the best in his conduct and dealings with me. O Umm Salamah, good moral conduct has carried off all the good of this world and the Hereafter." (For further explanation, see E.N. 51 of Surah Ar-Rahman).
Desc No: 18 The word 'uruban is used for the best feminine qualities of the woman in Arabic. This signifies a woman who is graceful and elegant, well-mannered and eloquent, and brimful of feminine feelings, who loves her husband with all her heart, and whose husband also loves her with all his heart.
Desc No: 19 This can have two meanings: (1) That they will be of equal age with their husbands; and (2) that they will be of equal age among themselves; i.e. all the women in Paradise will be of the same age and will eternally stay young. Both these meanings may be correct at one and the same time, i.e. these women may be of equal age among themselves and their husbands also may be made of equal age with them. .According to a ,Hadith, "When the dwellers of Paradise enter it, their bodies will be without hair, their moustaches will be just appearing, but will yet he beardless, they will be handsome and fair-complexioned, with sturdy bodies and collyrium- stained eyes; they will all be 33 years of age." (Musnad Ahmad: Marwiyat Abi Hurairah). Almost the same theme has been related in Tirmidhi by Hadrat Mu'adh bin Jabal and Hadrat Abu Sa`id Khudri also.