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Alle Suren anzeigen | Ansicht von Surah alHadid (57)  Ayah: 24


Medina-Musshaf Seite 540

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Tafsir auf arabisch:
Ibn Kathir Tabari Jalalain Qurtubi

Tafsir auf englisch:
Ibn Kathir (NEU!) Jalalain ibn Abbas

57.24. Alladhiina yabkhaluuna waya/muruuna alnnasabialbukhli waman yatawalla fa-inna Allaha huwaalghaniyyu alhamiidu

57.24. Who hoard and who enjoin upon the people avarice. And whosoever turneth away, still Allah is the Absolute, the Owner of Praise. (Pickthall)

57.24. Diejenigen, die geizig sind und den Menschen den Geiz auftragen, - und wer sich abkehrt, so ist ja Allah, Er, ist der Reiche, der Gelobte. (Ahmad v. Denffer)

57.24. diejenigen, die geizen und den Menschen befehlen, geizig zu sein. Und wenn einer sich abkehrt, gewiß, so ist Allah der Unbedürftige und Lobenswürdige. (Bubenheim)

57.24. Diejenigen, die geizen und die Menschen dazu anhalten zu geizen, liebt Gott nicht. Wer sich von Gott abwendet, der möge wissen, dass Gott der Reiche, der Preiswürdige ist. (Azhar)

57.24. diejenigen, die geizen und den Menschen Geiz gebieten. Und wer sich abwendet, so ist gewiss ALLAH Der absolut Autarke, Der Alllobenswürdige. (Zaidan)

57.24. (Er liebt) diejenigen (nicht), die geizig sind und den Leuten gebieten, geizig zu sein. Wer sich jedoch abwendet (und nichts spendet, hat selber den Schaden davon). Allah ist der, der reich und des Lobes würdig ist. (Paret)

57.24. die geizig sind und die Menschen zum Geiz anhalten. Und wer da den Rücken wendet - siehe, Allah ist dann gewiß Der, Der auf keinen angewiesen, des Lobes Würdig ist. (Rasul)

57.24. die geizig sind und die Menschen zum Geiz anstiften. Und wer sich (von der Wahrheit) abwendet, so ist Allah der Unbedürftige, der Lobenswerte. (Périsset)

Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 22 bis 24

No affliction befalls in the earth or in your own selves, which We have not recorded in a Book ( 39 ) before bringing it into being. ( 40 ) This is an easy thing for Allah, ( 41 ) (This' is done so that) you are not disheartened over what you may lose nor feel exultant over what Allah may give you. ( 42 ) Allah does not love those who are arrogant and boastful, who are themselves stingy and also urge others to be stingy. ( 43 ) Now whosoever turns away (should know that) Allah is All-Sufficient and All-Praiseworthy ( 44 )

Desc No: 39
"A Book": the Writ of destiny, 

Desc No: 40
Here, "it" may be referring to the affliction as well as to the earth, or the self of man, or in view of the context, to all the creatures. 

Desc No: 41
That is, it is not at all difficult for Allah to pre-ordain the destiny of each and every one of His creatures.  

Desc No: 42
In order to understand why this has been said in that context, one should keep in mind the conditions through which the Muslims were passing at the time this Surah was revealed. 'An ever present danger of attack by the enemy, battles in quick succession, a state of constant siege, hardships caused by economic boycott by the disbelievers, persecution of the converts to Islam everywhere in Arabia, these were the conditions that the Muslims were confronted with at that time. The disbelievers looked upon these as a proof of the Muslims having been forsaken and rejected, and the hypocrites took these as a confirmation of their own suspicions and doubts. As for the sincere Muslims, they were facing these bravely and resolutely, yet the excess of hardship and suffering would sometimes become trying even for them. So, the Muslims are being consoled, as if to say: "No affliction, God forbid, has befallen you without the knowledge of your Lord. Whatever you are experiencing is according to the pre-ordained scheme of Allah, which is already recorded in the Writ of destiny. And you are being made to pass through these trials and tribulations for the sake of your own training for the great service that Allah wills to take from you. If you are made to attain to success without passing through these hardships, weaknesses will remain in your character due to which you will neither be able to digest power and authority nor withstand the tempests and furies of falsehood."  

Desc No: 43
The allusion is to the trait of character that everyone could experience among the hypocrites in the Muslim society itself. As regards the outward affirmation of the Faith, they could not be distinguished from the true Muslims. But owing to lack of sincerity they were not receiving the sort of training that was being given to the sincere Muslims. Therefore, the little prosperity and leadership that they were enjoying in an ordinary town of Arabia, was causing them to be swollen with pride. As for their stinginess, not only were they fhcmsc1vee unwilling to give away a penny in the cause of God Whom they professed to believe in and the Messenger whom they professed to follow and the Faith which they professed to have accepted, but tried to prevent others also from making any contribution, for, they thought, it was a useless cause. Obviously, if there had been no trials and tribulations, these worthless people, who were of no use to Allah, could not be separated from the sincere and worthy believers, and without weeding them out a mixed crowd of sincere and insincere Muslims could not be entrusted with the high office of leadership of the world, the great blessings of which the world subsequently witnessed in the rightly-guided Caliphate. 

Desc No: 44
That is, "Even if after hearing these words of admonition a person does not adopt the way of sincerity, faithfulness and sacrifice for the sake of Allah and His Religion, and wishes to persist in his stubbornness, which Allah disapproves, then Allah has no use for him, for Allah is AII-Sufficient and Independent of His creatures: He does not stand in need of their help in any way. And He is All-Praiseworthy: people of good qualities only arc acceptable to Him; people of evil character cannot be entitled to receive any favour from Him. " 

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