6.123. And thus have We made in every city great ones of its wicked ones, that they should plot therein. They do but plot against themselves, though they perceive not. (Pickthall)
6.123. Und derart haben Wir in jeder Ansiedlung die Größten ihre Verbrecher gemacht, damit sie dort falsches Spiel treiben, und sie treiben kein falsches Spiel außer mit sich selber, und sie sind es nicht gewahr. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
6.123. Und so haben Wir in jeder Stadt ihre größten Übeltäter bestimmt, damit sie darin Ränke schmieden. Sie schmieden aber Ränke nur gegen sich selbst, ohne zu merken. (Bubenheim)
6.123. So haben Wir entschieden, dass in jeder Stadt die größten Verbrecher Ränke schmieden. In Wirklichkeit schmieden sie sie gegen sich selbst, aber sie sind sich dessen nicht bewusst. (Azhar)
6.123. Und solcherart ließen WIR in jedem Ort dessen größten Schwer-Verfehlenden darin (andere) täuschen. Doch sie täuschen nur sich selbst, ohne es zu merken. (Zaidan)
6.123. Und so (wie hier in Mekka) haben wir in jeder Stadt die größten Sünder (dazu) bestimmt, in ihr Ränke zu schmieden. Aber sie schmieden (in Wirklichkeit) nur gegen sich selber Ränke, ohne es zu merken. (Paret)
6.123. Und so haben Wir es in jeder Stadt mit den Großen ihrer Sünder gemacht: damit sie darin Ränke schmieden. Und sie schmieden nur Ränke gegen sich selbst, ohne daß sie es merken. (Rasul)
6.123. Und in jede Stadt setzen Wir bedeutende Kriminelle (unter den angesehenen Persönlichkeiten), die Ränke schmieden. Doch (letztendlich) schmieden sie nur Ränke gegen sich selbst, ohne es zu bemerken. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 122 bis 123
Can that person, who was first dead, then We gave him life ( 88 ) and bestowed upon him the light by which he is able to walk on the right way among the people, be regarded like the one who is blundering about in deep darkness ( 89 ) and will not come out of it? Thus have been made seem fair ( 90 ) to the disbelievers their deeds and thus have We placed in every habitation the ringleaders of the wicked people to spread the snare of their vile schemes; in fact, they themselves get entangled in the snare of their vile devices but they do not perceive it.
Desc No: 88 Here ".... who was first dead" means, "..... who was first in a state of ignorance and lacked understanding;" likewise, ".... then (he) was given life" means "then he was given knowledge and understanding and was restored to that mental state which can recognize the Truth." And the fact is that one who cannot distinguish between right and wrong and does not know the Right Way, might be regarded as alive from the physical point of view, but he does not enjoy that life which makes him a real human being. He is no doubt a living animal, but he is not a living man. A living man is only he who can distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad, righteous and unrighteous.
Desc No: 89 That is, "How can you expect that a man, who has got real understanding of life and recognizes clearly, by the light of Knowledge, the Straight Way from among the countless crooked ways, would live a life like those who lack understanding and blunder blindly into the darkness of ignorance and folly?"
Desc No: 90 It is the Law of Allah that He makes their deeds seem fair to those who refuse to be guided by the Light which is offered to them and who prefer to tread the crooked paths, even though they are invited to the Right Way. Then they begin to love darkness and like groping their way through it like the blind and to be knocked about throughout their lives. Accordingly, every vice appears to them worth enjoying and every piece of folly a gem of wisdom. After the failure of such an experiment that produces mischief, they get ready for another in the hope that the tirst failure was due to some "accidental" mistake that will be avoided in future experiments.