6.129. Thus We let some of the wrong-doers have power over others because of what they are wont to earn. (Pickthall)
6.129. Und derart machen Wir manche der Unrechthandelnden anderen nahe, wegen dem, was sie erworben haben. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
6.129. So machen Wir die einen Ungerechten zu Beschützern der anderen für das, was sie erworben haben. (Bubenheim)
6.129. So lassen Wir die Ungerechten sich einander zuwenden als Vergeltung für die bösen Taten, die sie sich aufgebürdet haben. (Azhar)
6.129. Und solcherart lassen WIR die Übertretenden einander Wali sein wegen dem, was sie sich zu erwerben pflegten. (Zaidan)
6.129. So setzen wir (dereinst) die einen Frevler über die anderen. (Dies zum Lohn) für das, was sie (in ihrem Erdenleben) begangen haben. (Paret)
6.129. Und so setzen Wir einige der Frevler über die anderen um dessentwillen, was sie sich erwarben. (Rasul)
6.129. Und so werden Wir (auch in der Hölle) einige Ungerechte über andere setzen wegen dem, was sie erworben haben. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 128 bis 129
On the Day when He will encircle and muster them all together, addressing the jinn, ( 94 ) He will say, "O race of jinn, you have exploited fully the human race." And their associates from among the human race will answer, "Our Lord, we both have exploited each other fully, ( 95 ) and now we have reached the end of our term which You had fixed for us." Then Allah will say, "Well! now the Fire is your abode wherein you shall abide for ever." Only those, whom Allah will deliver, shall escape from it. No doubt your Lord is AllWise, All-Knowing. ( 96 ) Behold, in this way We will make (in the Hereafter) the wrongdoers the comrades of one another because of what they earned (in the world with mutual co-operation). ( 97 )
Desc No: 94 Here by the "jinn" are meant the "satans of jinn."
Desc No: 95 That is, "Every one of us made an unfair use of the other and cheated tutu for selfish ends."
Desc No: 96 As Allah is All-Wise and All-Knowing, both punishment and tot giveness will be based on wisdom and knowledge and, therefore, will be reasonable and just. He will forgive only that wrongdoer, whom He knows not to be personally responsible for his crime and liable to punishment.
Desc No: 97 That is, just as they were accomplices in their sins and crimes in the world, so they shall also share the punishment in the Hereafter.