6.16. Man yusraf AAanhu yawma-idhinfaqad rahimahu wadhalika alfawzu almubiinu
6.16. He from whom (such retribution) is averted on that day (Allah) hath in truth had mercy on him. That will be the signal triumph. (Pickthall)
6.16. Von wem sie an diesem Tag weggewendet wird, so ist Er ihm schon barmherzig, und dies ist die klare Glückseligkeit. (Ahmad v. Denffer)
6.16. Von wem sie an jenem Tag abgewendet wird, dessen hat Er sich wirklich erbarmt; und das ist der deutliche Erfolg. (Bubenheim)
6.16. Von wem diese qualvolle Strafe am Jüngsten Tag abgewendet wird, dessen hat sich Gott erbarmt. Das ist gewiss der einleuchtende Erfolg. (Azhar)
6.16. Wer davon an diesem Tag verschont wird, dem hat ER bereits Gnade erwiesen. Und dies ist der überragende Gewinn. (Zaidan)
6.16. Wer an jenem Tag damit verschont wird, dessen hat Allah sich erbarmt. Das ist (dann) das offenkundige Glück (fauz). (Paret)
6.16. Wer an jenem Tage davor bewahrt bleibt, dem hat Er Barmherzigkeit erwiesen. Das ist ein offenbarer Erfolg. (Rasul)
6.16. Von wem an jenem Tag die Strafe abgewendet wird, dem hat Er Sich erbarmt. Das ist der immense Erfolg. (Périsset)
Tafsir von Maududi für die Ayaat 13 bis 16
All that lies in the darkness of the night and in the light of the day belongs to Allah, and He hears and knows everything. Say, "Should I take as my guardian any other than Allah? Should I forsake that Allah Who is the Creator of the earth and the heavens and Who nourishes all and does not stand in need of nourishment from anyone?" ( 10 ) Say, "I have been enjoined to be the first of those who surrender to Him, (and I have been urged) not to be of those who commit shirk" Say, "I do fear the torment of a (dreadful) Day, if I should disobey my Lord." He, who will be delivered from the torment of that Day, will have received Allah's mercy, and this is a great success.
Desc No: 10 This contains a subtle argument: all those, whom the mushrikin have made their gods besides Allah, stand in need of nourishment from their devotees, not to speak of giving nourishment to them. No Pharaoh can set up his grandeur unless his subjects pay taxes and make offerings to him; no saint becomes worthy of worship, unless his worshippers build a grand mausoleum for him; no god becomes a god unless his devotees make his idol and set it up in a grand temple and decorate it with ornamentation. Thus, all the artificial gods stand in need of their servants. It is the Lord of the universe alone, Who does not stand in need of anyone's help but all others stand in need of Him, and it is His Godhead alone that does not stand in need of any prop from anyone whatsoever, but supports itself.